The ice blue Angry Eagle King, fifth-level advanced!

Purple Crystal Double-winged Bird King, fifth-level advanced!

Double Spirit Wet Blood Bat King, fifth-level advanced!

Three huge flying monsters flew quickly, and the leading Ice Blue Angry Eagle King flapped its wings, and the ice-blue cold air instantly turned into countless ice spikes and shot down!


The seemingly ordinary ice spikes, after hitting something, quickly shattered into a piece of cold air, freezing the surroundings into a piece of frost.

Jiang Lei and the other two were fighting, under great pressure, and had almost no extra thoughts and energy to pay attention to other movements.

Facing the attack of the Ice Blue Angry Eagle King, they were even more caught off guard.

Seeing that they were about to be attacked, Jiang Ping hurried forward quickly,

"Wind escape·Fierce wind palm!"


The wind was in chaos, rolling down large pieces of ice spikes.

But the wind escape was still too strenuous, and could only barely block a part of the ice spikes.

"Wall of divine wind!"

At the critical moment, Xi Congqing on the side also hurried to help, summoning a huge wind wall.

"Shield of divine water!"

"Earth element·Heavy load!"


Other executors also helped, releasing defensive abilities one after another to completely block the ice spike rain of the Ice Blue Angry Eagle King.


With the joint efforts of everyone, they finally stopped the attack with all their strength.

But this was only one attack from the opponent, and they had to all of them attack at the same time to stop it.

And the opponent was three fifth-level high-level monsters!

Seeing that the attack just now failed, the three fifth-level high-level flying monsters did not choose to encircle Jiang Lei and his three companions.

Instead, they flew towards the Four Symbols Formation!

"They want to destroy the Four Symbols Formation!"

Xi Congqing's face changed.

Now Jiang Lei and Wang Daochuan are tied up, and these three fifth-level high-level flying monsters are enough to destroy the entire Huaihai City!

Along the way, many people saw the three huge flying monsters flying, and their faces changed.

"There are actually three fifth-level monster kings?!"

"How can we stop it..."

"Where are the principal and the others?!"

The Four Symbols Formation can stop the beast tide because there are no fifth-level monsters in the beast tide.

The fourth and fifth levels are a huge watershed, like a natural moat.

Only the fifth level can deal with the fifth level. It is as difficult as ascending to heaven for the fourth level to cross the level to deal with the fifth level.


The Twin-Spirit Blood-soaked Bat King opened his mouth and sprayed a dark red blood mist full of corruption from his mouth, spraying it on the golden barrier of the Four Symbols Formation.


The corrupt breath was extremely corrosive, and it immediately corroded a gap in the Four Symbols Formation.

The people guarding the center of the formation hurriedly replenished their energy in time to repair the gap.

But this was just a casual attack from the Twin-Spirit Blood-soaked Bat King, and they had to repair it with all their strength.

If the opponent attacked with all his strength... the consequences would be disastrous!

Jiang Ping quickly assessed the situation.

On Jiang Lei's side, the three of them would have a hard time determining the winner in a short period of time against the five veteran demon kings of the Corruption Forest.

The three of them naturally knew about the appearance of demon kings such as the Purple Crystal Double-Winged Bird King.

But now they couldn't get out of the situation and had no time to stop it.

"Jiang Ping, stop those three demon beasts!" Jiang Lei shouted loudly.

The three demon kings who came from nowhere, perhaps along with the beast tide from the North District, had a clear goal, which was to break the Four Symbols Formation and destroy Huaihai City.

Without Jiang Lei and the other two, they could not be stopped by the people in the executive department and a Four Symbols Formation.


"You stay here to meet the principal and the others, I'll go back to help!"

Jiang Ping responded quickly.

"Jiang Ping, I'll go with you!"

Xi Congqing hurried to his side and explained, "The other party is a flying demon beast, you can't fly, I can help you."


Nodding, Jiang Ping did not hesitate too much, pulled Xi Congqing, and formed a seal with one hand,

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"


In the sky, the purple crystal double-winged bird king in the middle was seen flapping his wings quickly, blowing up a ball of fire and a ball of wind, merging into a huge fire tornado, sweeping towards the Four Symbols Formation.

The temperature between heaven and earth also suddenly rose a lot.

"Defend with all your strength!"

Ming Yun was in charge of commanding the defense of the Four Symbols Formation. Seeing the huge fire tornado that stood tall and straight, he immediately felt a depressing force.

He had a hunch that they might not be able to withstand this blow.

But they had to withstand it even if they couldn't!


The executors at the center of the formation formed seals with their hands and sent their own spirits

The Qi was also continuously transported to the Four Symbols Formation, trying to block the attack.

"Boom boom!"

The fire tornado carried a frenzied breath, and before it touched the Four Symbols Formation, a huge roar sounded.

The fire tornado was about to hit.

Suddenly, two figures appeared in front of the barrier,

"Flying Thunder God·Space-Time Barrier!"

Jiang Ping held the Flying Thunder God Kunai, and the black rune marks twisted the space and absorbed the huge fire tornado.

The dangerous attack was resolved, but it was not over yet.

The next moment, the huge fire tornado appeared in the beast tide far ahead, and a large number of monsters were affected and burned to ashes in the flames.

"Jiang Ping, Xiaoqing?!"

Mingyun was very surprised to see that it was Jiang Ping and Xi Congqing who stopped the attack.

At this time, a pair of dark green wind wings condensed behind Jiang Ping and Xi Congqing.

This is Xi Congqing's ability, and it is also a rare ability that allows people to fly in the air.

After all, the opponent is a three-headed flying monster. If you can't fly, you will be at a disadvantage.

After blocking the attack of the Purple Crystal Double-Winged Bird King, Jiang Ping quickly formed a seal and slapped his left and right hands in the air.

"Spirit Summoning Technique!"

"Bang Bang!"

Two clouds of white smoke filled the air, and two huge figures appeared out of thin air on the battlefield.

One-tailed Shukaku!

Three-tailed Isobu!

Jiang Ping's two summoned beasts are both at the fifth-level advanced level!

"This is... a fifth-level advanced monster?!"

Looking at the two tailed beasts, many people were stunned.

Isn't Jiang Ping a wood-type and spirit-eye-type?

Why is he trying to steal the job of the beast-taming department now? ?

Moreover, the monsters he summoned are stronger than those summoned by the beast-taming department.

For a time, many students in the beast-taming department lost hope on the spot.

"Is this what you got from your escape in the past six months?" Xi Congqing was also a little surprised.

She knew that Jiang Ping had many tricks, otherwise he would not have survived the many pursuits of Jinghai College.

Multiple intelligence also showed that Jiang Ping had a huge, raccoon-like fifth-level high-level monster.

But this time Jiang Ping summoned two fifth-level high-level monsters, which surprised Xi Congqing.

"Yes, I originally wanted to keep some cards, but in the current situation, if I keep hiding them, I won't be able to defend Huaihai."

Jiang Ping landed on the head of Yiwei, and his eyes had already turned into a six-pointed star-shaped Mangekyō Sharingan.

They must win this battle!

"Yiwei, Sanwei, go, crush them!"


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