The desert was like a hot iron pot under the fierce sunlight, with steam rising and the terrifying temperature even causing the air to distort slightly.

In such a harsh environment, no one was willing to set foot here, and even monsters could not survive.

But in such a harsh environment, a noisy dust suddenly rose in the calm desert.

It was a huge wooden dragon, moving quickly in the desert, which seemed out of tune with the surrounding environment.

On the back of the wooden dragon were Jiang Ping and Yan Yue.

Jiang Ping only now realized that the wooden dragon could also be used to travel.

Although the speed was a bit slower than that of a wooden car, it did not need a monster core as a power source.

Moreover, the wooden dragon can be used as a means of transportation and can be put into battle in the first time when encountering danger. Its comprehensive performance is completely different from that of a wooden car.

It feels completely different when you don’t have to travel by yourself.

Jiang Ping even grew a big tree with dense canopy on the back of the wooden dragon to block the sun.

Compared with the previous hard journey on foot, it is simply a world of difference.

"Jiang Ping, why didn't you use such a good method earlier? You have worked so hard for so long just now!"

Yan Yue loves and hates it.

Love because you finally don't have to travel by yourself.

Hate because why didn't Jiang Ping think of using the wooden dragon earlier? So that she has already traveled so hard for so long just now!

"It's not that my brain didn't turn around all of a sudden." Jiang Ping scratched his head embarrassedly.

Fortunately, it has been changed now.

There are trees above to provide shade, and wooden dragons below to drive the road.

Now they just need to sit on the wooden dragon's back, drink water when thirsty, and eat when hungry.

Even sleep when tired, no need to pay attention.

Jiang Ping feels more and more that wooden dragon is much more useful than wooden cart.

Except that the speed is a little slower, but it is not a big deal.

Just keep this speed and rush for several hours.

Still no one was encountered on the way.

There were a few monsters, but most of them were very alert. When they saw Jiang Ping's wooden dragon making such a big noise, they ran away early.

Until night fell.

The day and night in the desert are two extremes.

How hot it is during the day.

How cold it is at night.

Not long after the sun disappeared in the sky, Jiang Ping could clearly feel the temperature around him began to drop.

In less than an hour, the desert had become cooler and the wind was bleak.

"It's too cold in the desert at night, it's not suitable for traveling, let's stop and rest."

"Okay." Yan Yue nodded and put on her windbreaker again to resist the cold wind.

After the wooden dragon stopped, Jiang Ping made a seal on the spot,

"Wood escape·Lianzhu family technique!"


The exquisite wooden boards rose quickly, and a square wooden house was built in a few seconds.

"Earth escape·Multiple earth flow wall!"

Jiang Ping made a seal again, and raised a wall of earth around the wooden house to resist the cold wind blowing from all directions.

"Even a wooden house can be built?" Yan Yue opened her mouth in surprise, and her eyes flashed.

After seeing too much of Jiang Ping's wood-related abilities' unexpected attack and defense power, now it is this small function of life that makes her eyes light up.

"It seems that in the future, when I go on a mission, no matter where I go, as long as I take you with me, I won't be afraid of staying outside." Yan Yue smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

"Tsk, my Wood Release is so powerful, you actually want to use it like this? It's simply a waste of resources." Jiang Ping rolled his eyes at her, took the lead to walk into the wooden house, took out two moonstones and hung them on the wall for lighting,

"Come in, we'll rest here tonight and continue our journey tomorrow."

"With your wooden dragon to help us, we will probably be able to get out of the desert in a few days."

Yan Yue lay lazily on the wooden bed, her beautiful body exposed.

The wooden house is not completely enclosed. There is a small skylight on the roof, through which you can see the sky outside, which is dark and deep.

"It's a pity that I can't see the stars here. I haven't seen the starry sky for a long time." She looked at the deep night sky, trying to find a star in the endless darkness.

"If you can't see it, it means it's not the right time now, but there will always be a day when you can see the stars."

Jiang Ping also lay straight on another bed.

It's a pity that the wooden bed is still too hard, and it's not very comfortable to sleep.

"Is there still a chance to see it?"

Yan Yue raised her hand and looked at the deep night sky through the gap between her fingers.

The sky seemed to want to catch the stars that were nowhere to be seen.

Jiang Ping also turned around and looked out from the small skylight, looking at the quiet night sky,

"In fact, the stars are always there, but sometimes the clouds in the sky are too thick, so we can't see them. But whether you can see them or not, the stars are there watching you, never leaving."

Hearing this for the first time, Yan Yue blinked in surprise and turned to look at Jiang Ping,



"It turns out that the stars are always there, but we can't see them..."

She murmured softly, as if she had some enlightenment because of these words.

Jiang Ping smiled, turned sideways, and quietly looked at the girl's quiet cheek.

The soft light fell on her face, leaving a hazy phantom, sacred and beautiful.

As if she had sensed something, the girl turned around and just saw the pair of eyes looking at her.

"Why are you looking at me?" She blinked, her eyes bright and beautiful.

"Can't I even look at it?" Jiang Ping couldn't help but chuckled and asked back.

"Sure." Yan Yue didn't avoid Jiang Ping's eyes at all, "You look at me, and I look at you, it's fair, right?"

This was meant to be a joke, but when she said this, her eyes were very serious.

Neither of them spoke, but just looked at each other quietly, their eyes blended, and the atmosphere was very subtle.

"Xiao Yue..."

As soon as Jiang Ping opened his mouth, Yan Yue suddenly turned back and said,

"I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep."

Jiang Ping opened his mouth, took back the words that were about to come out of his mouth, and a helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying:

"Good night."


The days of traveling in the desert are very boring.

During the day, the two rode on the wooden dragon and traveled all the time.

At night, the two slept in the same room.

Every night, the two would look at each other face to face, without any extra communication, just a warm look, can tell everything.

Days passed like this.

Finally, after five days of traveling.

At noon on the sixth day, a little color other than yellow sand finally appeared in front of them, and Jiang Ping immediately asked the wooden dragon to move forward at full speed.

The scenery ahead became clearer and clearer - it was a city in the desert, with tall buildings standing in rows.

On this side of the city was endless yellow sand, and on the other side of the city was a wasteland that was gradually turning green.

This city separated the desert from the oasis!

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