The weather was very hot, and the weather was very hot.

West District

Polar dew, oasis.

In the sparse jungle, the monsters roared and flashed, and there were more than a dozen of them.

The team besieged by the monsters was a group of only five or six people.

"Damn, I didn't expect to be discovered." In the team, a serious-looking, bald young man looked at the dozen or so third-level desert lizards around him with a serious and solemn expression.

"Everyone, protect the young lady and prepare for battle!"

The bald man drew out a long spear, and the tip of the spear flashed with lightning.

Others also drew out their weapons and waited for battle.

They were besieged by more than a dozen brown desert lizards more than two meters long, third-level intermediate.

This is the most common monster in the desert.

In addition, this is the only oasis within a radius of dozens of miles. Whether it is a human or a monster passing by, they can only come here to replenish water.

Before they came, they had prepared themselves mentally for fighting monsters, but they did not expect to encounter so many desert lizards this time. The number was beyond their expectations.

"Brother Yu Hao, I am now a third-level superpower. I can fight with you. You don't need to protect me." A petite woman wearing a white sunscreen windbreaker whispered in the crowd.

Her skin is white and delicate like jade. Compared with the dark skin of others, she seems very out of place and does not look like someone who lives in the desert at all.

But when others intentionally protect her, she is not happy and takes the initiative to squeeze out of the crowd and walk out.

She is the kind of weak woman who needs protection at all times!

"Miss, this is not the time to joke. These desert lizards are not those tamed monsters. They are extremely fierce and you can't be careless. If you get hurt, we won't be able to explain to the head of the family when we go back." Yu Hao tried to persuade her.

But the girl didn't listen. She looked at the desert lizards with interest and took a long whip from her waist.

"This is perfect. I'm tired of playing with those tamed monsters in the city. I should have found some real wild monsters to practice with."

She was eager to try.

Others were a little helpless.

At this time, the desert lizards finally took action, spraying yellow sand from their mouths, shooting out like bullets, breaking through the air.

"Do it!"

Yu Hao and others also took action immediately, waving their weapons, and after resolving the first round of attacks from the desert lizards, they immediately rushed up and fought with them in close combat.

The girl also ignored everyone's opposition and whipped the long whip at the nearest desert lizard.


The whip swung loudly in the air, hitting the desert lizard's back fiercely.

But the desert lizard had thick skin and flesh, so the whip was just like a tickle to it, which could be almost ignored.

On the contrary, because of the whip, the desert lizard immediately stared at the girl, crawled quickly on all fours, and rushed up quickly. Its open mouth was filled with two rows of densely packed sharp teeth, which was very creepy.

"Stinky lizard, get out of here!"

The girl pulled back the long whip, swung it decisively, and then rotated the long whip, just tied up the desert lizard, and then threw it out violently.

The battle became more and more intense.


While the two sides were fighting fiercely, two people were also welcomed outside the oasis.

Jiang Ping and Yan Yue also took some time and finally arrived at this oasis.

But before they could appreciate the scenery here, they were attracted by the battle fluctuations coming from the oasis.

"Is there someone inside?"

The two quickly climbed over a small hill and saw a chaotic battle between humans and beasts in the jungle not far below.

As the only oasis within a radius of dozens of kilometers, both humans and monsters can only come here to replenish water.

So it is not surprising that there are disputes between people and monsters here.

"I didn't expect that there are people here. It seems that we can ask them to take us to their city." Yan Yue said.

In such an unfamiliar place, if someone leads the way, they can also go to the Holy King City in the North District faster.

"But it seems that their situation is not good."

Jiang Ping looked at the battle in front.

At the beginning, there were only a dozen desert lizards, and the group could still deal with it.

But in the outer periphery, Jiang Ping saw that there were more than a dozen desert lizards coming to support quickly. Once they joined together, those people would definitely not be opponents.

Seeing that the desert lizards coming from behind were about to surround them, Yan Yue was a little impatient.


"No, we have to help them."


"What? Hurry up!"

Yan Yue hurriedly pulled Jiang Ping down...



Yu Hao held a fine steel spear, with a sharp arc flashing on the tip of the spear, and pierced through the desert lizard that had been fighting for several rounds.

Although the others joined forces to resist, they failed to kill many monsters, but at least they suppressed the desert lizards as a whole and forced them to retreat step by step.

"Flame Whip Dance!"

The long whip in the girl's hand swung quickly, burning with flames, turning into a huge fire wind tornado, swallowing a desert lizard and burning it to ashes.

After that, she proudly showed off to others and said, "See, I told you, I am more than capable of dealing with these monsters!"

Yu Hao glanced at her, feeling helpless and relieved. In the end, he could only nod silently and said, "As expected of a lady, it is our small mindset."

Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise I would not know what to do.

But before he could relax, a "crackling" sound suddenly came.

That was the sound of hard and rough skin rubbing against sand!

Yu Hao immediately turned his head and saw that on the surrounding hills, there were dense desert lizards again, as many as 20 or 30!

Looking at the large number of desert lizards, everyone's face changed drastically.

"No, it's a group of desert lizards!"

A group of desert lizards and a group of desert lizards are two completely different concepts!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."

The desert lizards made strange and creepy sounds, and rushed down the hillside in groups, raising large pieces of yellow sand, covering Yu Hao and others, covering the sky and the sun!

"Protect the lady!"

Yu Hao shouted, and suddenly inserted the spear in his hand into the ground. The frenzied electric current turned into a dense electric current that rushed up into the sky, turning into thunder beasts, and slammed into the yellow sand.

At the same time, the other people in the team also joined forces to attack,

"Wind Envoy·Strong Wind!"

The three wind-type superpowers blew out a gust of wind from their mouths, and cooperated with Yu Hao's thunder beast to forcibly break a hole in the yellow sand, and then forcibly blew it away.

However, what greeted them next was the dense yellow sand that shot like bullets, covering the sky and the earth!


Many people were shot in the front, and their arms were directly shot through, and blood splattered.

Among them, a lot of yellow sand shot directly at the girl. At this moment, she was a little confused and couldn't even react.

At this moment, a cold shout sounded,

"Wind Style·Big Breakthrough!"


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