The car was full of people, and the car was full of people.

"We're here."

The convoy stopped in front of a spacious manor.

Jiang Ping got off the car and looked up at the manor in front of him. It was very grand, with a huge marble facade, hard bluestone floors, and flowers and plants on both sides. In such a harsh environment, it seemed precious.

On the gate, the two big characters "Yu Family" were very eye-catching.

"You two, please follow me."

Yu Hao and Yu Xuening walked in front to lead the way, and Jiang Ping and Yan Yue followed behind.

Passing through the corridor of Yu's house, many maids saw Yu Hao and Yu Xuening and hurriedly saluted and greeted:

"Miss, Deacon Yu."

"Is my father here?" Yu Xuening caught a maid and asked.

"The master is in the study."

"Go and call him out, and tell him I'm back." Yu Xue Ning said.


The maid hurried to the study.

The reception room was very spacious, with various leather sofas on both sides, which looked very luxurious.

This didn't look like a good thing that could be produced in a place like the West District.

To be precise, if the premise of the West District is put aside, Jiang Ping doesn't think this kind of place belongs to the West District at all.

"You sit down first, I'll go see if the master has come out."

After the maid went in, she didn't come out for a few minutes.

Yu Hao couldn't sit still, so he asked the maid to pour tea for Jiang Ping and the others, and then he got up and went into the study.

After a few minutes, Yu Hao and another middle-aged man came out.

The middle-aged man wore a leather coat, had thick short hair, a dignified face, and dark skin. His face was 50% similar to Yu Xue Ning, and you could tell at a glance that they were father and daughter.

"Haha, I guess you two are Miss Yan Yue and Mr. Jiang Ping." The middle-aged man came over with a smile,

"Let me introduce myself. I am Yu Menghua, the current Lord of Beitian City."

"Hello, Lord Yu." Yan Yue and Jiang Ping greeted politely.

"I heard from Yu Hao that you are not from Beitian City, but got lost and came here. I wonder where you are from?" Yu Menghua sat down in the seat of the Lord of the City and asked with a smile.

"We are indeed not from Beitian City, not even from the West District, but from the East District. For some reasons, we got lost and came here." Yan Yue said.

"You are from the East District."

Hearing Yan Yue's words, Yu Menghua and others were a little surprised.

After all, the East District and the West District are not close to each other, and there is a Central District in between.

The East and West Districts are also separated by the entire Holy Empire.

"Yes, for some reason, we got lost and came here. Fortunately, we met you and walked out of the desert."

"You got lost from the East District and came to the West District. It seems that you have also encountered many changes."

Although this set of rhetoric is a bit exaggerated, Yu Menghua chose to believe them.

Whether it is true or false, it has nothing to do with them in essence, so why bother asking?

"So you are going back to the East District now, right? I can ask someone to draw a route map for you." Yu Menghua said.

The other party saved his daughter.

Now they just need a route, and this request is not excessive.

Yan Yue shook her head: "Not back to the East District, we want a route to the North District, preferably to the Holy King City."

"Holy King City? Aren't you going back to the East District?" Yu Menghua narrowed his eyes slightly,

"What are you going to do in the Holy King City? Are you also going to support the Holy King City and open the blocked city gate?" Obviously, even the North District knows that all the major cities in the Holy Empire are now supporting the Holy King City.

Facing the increasingly rampant monsters, before someone who can truly change the current situation comes out, the Holy King City is the last hope of mankind.

Except for the Holy King City, they can't see any hope at present.

"Now the monsters are rampant, and the Holy Empire is in danger. Only by investigating the reasons for the blockade of the Holy King City and unlocking the seal can we have a chance to confront the monsters head-on."

"Otherwise, one day, we will be completely devoured by the monsters."

Yan Yue said.

"Erosion is erosion, isn't it better this way?" Yu Menghua suddenly laughed coldly.


Yan Yue was stunned for a moment, and Yu Menghua's words made her unable to react for a while.

This sentence should not come from Yu Menghua's mouth.

"The Holy Empire has long been lingering on. They were defeated three hundred years ago, and now they have persisted for three

A hundred years, it's already enough. If it's not destroyed yet, when will it be destroyed?" Yu Menghua sneered, his words full of malice towards the Holy Empire.

"What do you mean?" Yan Yue stood up with shock in her eyes and looked at Yu Menghua,

"The Holy Empire is the foundation of our survival, the foundation of this world. If the Holy Empire is destroyed, the monsters will rage, and we humans will eventually have nowhere to go."

"It's you humans, not us."

Yan Yue's reaction made Yu Menghua's sneer even colder,

"We have been waiting for the Holy Empire to be destroyed. What do you think we mean?"

Yu Menghua also stood up slowly and looked at Yan Yue,

"I can smell it... You are a Saint, and you are S-level. The Holy Empire hasn't produced an S-level Saint ability for many years."

"The first S-level Saint in your Holy Empire should still be that damned first-generation Holy King. "

When mentioning the first generation of the Holy King, Yu Menghua's tone became much colder, and he even gritted his teeth.

His words reminded Yan Yue of something, and her pretty face suddenly changed.

"Are you the descendants of the 'Luoyue Royal Family' that was conquered by the first Holy King? ! ”

The Luoyue Royal Family, one of the most powerful forces five hundred years ago, once occupied one-third of the entire world.

Later, with the rise of the Holy Empire, the sphere of influence of the Luoyue Royal Family was continuously reduced and compressed, until finally, the sphere of influence of the Luoyue Royal Family was only the current West District.

The last battle between the Holy Empire and the Luoyue Royal Family was called the "Broken War".

The first generation of the Holy King personally led the army and destroyed the Luoyue Royal Family with an almost crushing attitude.

Since then, the Holy Empire has owned such a large area now.

The Luoyue Royal Family should have been destroyed long ago, but Yan Yue did not expect that they still had remnants!

She should have thought that the West District, as the life forbidden zone of the Holy Empire, how could there be such a large city?

Normal people would definitely not choose to live in the West District, unless they were originally descendants of the Luoyue Royal Family living in the West District!

"Someone once told me that the fall of the Holy Empire was only a matter of time. The only change was the S-level superpowers, among which the S-level holy system was more important. As long as we kill all the S-level superpowers in the Holy Empire, there will be no possibility for the Holy Empire to revive. "

"Now, you have fallen into the trap, so don't blame us for being ruthless!"


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