The last king of the Holy Empire? !

Jiang Ping and Yan Yue were shocked when they heard this.

The last king of the Holy Empire? ?

They had just seen the first king of the Holy Empire, and now they met the last king of the Holy Empire?

Moreover, it seemed that the last king of the Holy Empire was a real living person, not an illusion.

"The last king..."

Jiang Ping carefully observed the old man in front of him. In addition to his old face, the most eye-catching thing was his empty trouser legs - he had no legs!

If it weren't for the fact that he exuded the same sacred aura as the first king, no one would believe that he was also the Holy King.

"It's been a long time since we've had any guests here. Where are you from?" The last king smiled, but his face, as old as tree bark, was so...distorted that it was scarier when he smiled than when he didn't.

"Sacred King, we are from Huaihai City in the East District." Yan Yue stepped forward with a pious look,

"Now that monsters are rampant, cities can hardly protect themselves. We come here in the hope of rekindling the sacred king fire and activating the sacred king flag to protect cities on all sides."

"Ignite the sacred king fire? A good idea." The last king sat on the king's chair, holding his chin with his hands crossed, and said with a deep look,

"Two hundred years ago, the sacred king fire was officially extinguished. So far, three generations of sacred kings have gone through it. I am the fourth generation of sacred kings, but I have not been able to rekindle it. Do you think you have the ability to do this?"

Yan Yue's face turned pale.

She only knew that the sacred king fire was extinguished, but she didn't know that in the two hundred years since the sacred king city was closed, four generations of sacred kings had tried to rekindle the king fire, but none of them succeeded.

Even the Holy King couldn't ignite the King's Fire, how could they do it?

"Holy King, I have a question I want to know the answer to."

At this time, Jiang Ping spoke, "What is the reason for the closure of the Holy King City? Why did the Holy Empire suddenly decline to this extent?"

The Holy Empire used to be so prosperous that no one in the entire continent could defeat it.

But after the sudden closure of the Holy King City, the power of the Holy Empire plummeted until it became what it is now.

This question is not only curious to Jiang Ping, but everyone is curious.

If the Holy King City is not closed, the Holy Empire will not fall into what it is now.

The last king looked up at Jiang Ping, his eyes deep: "That's because... the sacred law collapsed."

"There are rebels in our lineage. The sacred law rejected us and we can no longer ignite the sacred king fire."

"If you want to rekindle the sacred king fire, in addition to finding the fire, you also need to become the sacred king."

"I see that both of you have good talents, S-level abilities, do you want to consider who will be the sacred king?"

Jiang Ping, Yan Yue: "..."

The last king said it so lightly that they didn't know whether it was true or false.

"If you were rejected by the sacred law, how could you become the sacred king? Moreover, isn't the sacred law the law created by the sacred king? How could it reject you?" Jiang Ping asked back.

This little old man looks a little unreliable.

"So we sealed off the Holy King City, and no outsiders came in. We are still the Holy Kings, but we can no longer establish a connection with the Holy Law."

"Because the Holy Law was not created by us, the Holy Law is the embodiment of the Holy Power. We are only the guardians and disseminators of the Holy Law, not the creators." The Last King said,

"If you can't reconnect with the Holy Law, you can't ignite the King's Fire. If you want to reignite the King's Fire, come and be the Holy King."


A shocking conclusion.

Jiang Ping and Yan Yue didn't even know what to say for a while.

And Jiang Ping seriously suspected that this guy just wanted to give up this position quickly, so no matter who came to him, he would say that the other party was very suitable to be the Holy King.

This old guy... is too irresponsible.

"It takes a fire to light the king's fire. Whether you are the Holy King or not, you need to get the fire to light the king's fire." The last king continued, "You are the only two humans who have come here in all these years. I can no longer save the Holy Empire. If you still want to save it, get the fire and sit on the position of the Holy King." "I don't think this guy can be trusted." Jiang Ping said. "No, I believe him." Yan Yue said

It was a completely different attitude, and then asked,

"Where is the fire of the king's fire?"

"Outside the city, east of the sacred mountain top three hundred miles away, in the dead volcano." The last king said.

"Dead volcano... I know."

Yan Yue looked solemn, and after getting the information he wanted, he turned and left the hall.

Jiang Ping could only follow.

"I hope you can get the fire." The voice of the last king came from behind.


"Do you really believe him?"

Following Yan Yue, Jiang Ping expressed doubt.

He did not doubt the authenticity of the identity of the last king, but was very skeptical of the words of the last king.

"I believe it." Yan Yue said.

"Why? This is not like you. As an executor, we must remain absolutely rational and vigilant about everything others say, and we cannot believe it easily, even if it is the sacred king." Jiang Ping said.

Yan Yue suddenly stopped.

She looked back at Jiang Ping, her bright eyes filled with a faint light, very beautiful,

"I awakened the 'prophecy'."

The short six words made Jiang Ping stunned for a moment, and then he immediately understood.

Prophecy, one of the supernatural powers of the Holy System, can predict the future.

Jiang Ping had been exposed to prophecy a long time ago, but Yan Yue had never awakened.

"When did it happen?"

"When we came to the Holy King City, it should be affected by the Holy Law." Yan Yue said softly.

"Then what did you predict?"

"We must obtain the fire to ignite the King's Fire, and you will become the Holy King." Yan Yue said.

She looked at Jiang Ping with a serious look.

Jiang Ping was surprised: "Really? I have no interest in the position of the Holy King now."

"This is my prophecy, I believe in the prophecy. The last king also said that we can all be the Holy King." The girl said so.

"Why can't you be you? You are a saint, shouldn't you be more suitable?"

Yan Yue rolled her eyes at him and complained: "The Holy King is working so hard, can you bear to see me sitting in this position?"

"Then can you bear to let me sit in this position?"

"Although I can't bear it, but for the sake of the people of the Holy Empire, I can only make you work hard~"

"Tsk, I don't know how to refute what you said."

The girl giggled, her smile was as beautiful as a flower.

"Okay, let's go to the Dead Sleep Volcano to get the fire."


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