The wind was blown away, and the sky was full of thunder.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of huge and thick wind blades slashed fiercely on Susanoo, and there were also wind ropes made entirely of wind blades, which were heavily wrapped around Susanoo in three layers inside and outside.

However, with just a short order, the wind elements between heaven and earth were mobilized with him.



A loud sword sounded, and the domineering sword energy turned into a dazzling flash, instantly illuminating the world.

Countless gusts of wind were cut into nothingness in an instant.

In front of the complete Susanoo, nothing could withstand his attack.

A sword broke through Zhu Li's wind, and the second sword of the complete Susanoo was slashed again.

However, this sword was not aimed at Zhu Li, but at the Storm Fortress behind him.

"Wind Comes Net!"

Zhu Li raised his hands, and the breeze around him rose again, immediately forming a huge wind net behind him, wrapping the falling sword energy.


The moment the sword energy fell, the huge wind net was like a ball of cotton being hit by a boulder, and it immediately sank deeply.


The wind net only lasted for less than three seconds, and then it broke inch by inch, and the fierce sword energy instantly slashed the Storm Fortress behind Zhu Li.


In the earth-shaking roar, the seventh Storm Fortress could not change its fate of destruction and was split into two.

This was also the last Storm Fortress.

Jiang Ping looked down at Zhu Li, with a cold look, as if saying that if he did not cooperate, this would be the end of Storm City.

Zhu Li's face was a little ugly.

I didn't expect that I would personally take action, but the other party would still destroy the Storm Fortress in front of me.

It was simply a slap in his face!

"Boy, you are very good. You have successfully angered me. After so many years, you are the second person who can break our seven Storm Fortresses."

"For this, I will use all my strength to kill you!"

Zhu Li's face was ferocious, and his sturdy body suddenly changed into a huge two-winged flying dragon!

Its whole body was dark red, but there were green wind patterns on its head, symbolizing the power of controlling the wind.


The dragon roared and roared in the sky.

Zhu Li's body size was enough to compete with Jiang Ping's complete Susanoo!

"Ancient Dragon Clan..." Jiang Ping narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Ancient Dragon Clan was born at the beginning of chaos. It was the first race that appeared after the revival of spiritual energy five hundred years ago and has been multiplying for hundreds of years.

Although the Ancient Dragon Clan is not human, it is not a monster.

To be precise, they do not classify themselves as monsters.

Because the ancient dragon clan is much stronger than monsters.

Whether it is physical strength or cultivation speed, it is far superior to ordinary monsters.

So they are self-righteous and split themselves from the monster race to become a separate "ancient dragon clan".

Jiang Ping has only seen it in history books, and it is the first time to see it with his own eyes.

"No wonder you are so arrogant, it turns out to be such a big insect."

"Arrogant! Today I will show you the power of my ancient dragon clan!"

Zhu Li flew in the air for several circles, and finally dived down. With only the powerful physical strength, it caused a burst of air explosions.

"Let's see."

Jiang Ping stood still, and the Susanoo double swords crossed and slashed out, and the cross sword energy was crisscrossed in all directions.


Zhu Li did not dodge at all, and used his own body to resist the attack, and he also resisted it!

The two sword energies fell on it, but only barely stopped its forward speed, and then they were dissolved.

Zhu Li's huge body was like a small mountain, slamming into Jiang Ping's perfect Susanoo.



For the first time, the perfect Susanoo was forced back several steps, and several tiny cracks appeared on the energy armor in front of it.

"Not bad..."

For the first time, Jiang Ping showed a little surprise in his eyes, and then the pupil power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan continued to surge, quickly repairing the cracks on Susanoo's body.

"Let's see who has more power!"

The two fought, without any fancy superpowers, only a simple physical collision.

The ancient dragon body of the ancient dragon clan faced Jiang Ping's perfect Susanoo, and the two sides could not tell the winner for a while.

The sword of the perfect Susanoo could not break the defense on the surface of Zhu Li's body, and Zhu Li's claws could not break the armor of Susanoo.

But every confrontation would set off a terrifying wave of air.

All the others, except the two of them, had long been forced to retreat by the aftermath of the battle, and even many orcs were blown away on the spot.

"What an amazing power... That human can fight Lord Zhuli on equal terms!"

"I have never seen such a scene."

"In all these years, the only person who can fight the Storm King to a draw, except for the first generation of the king, is this human in front of us."

The dragon people were surprised.

Although their Storm City has been suppressed by the Holy Empire for these years, it has been a long time since a human could fight their king to a draw like now.



Another strong collision, the two sides separated again.

"I didn't expect your power to be so strong. It seems that I really underestimated you." Zhuli's breath was slightly decadent, but he always raised his dragon head.

"Is this all your strength? If so, I am very disappointed." Jiang Ping looked at Zhuli calmly, with a hint of disappointment in his words.

Zhu Li snorted coldly: "Young man, don't be so arrogant. If I wasn't in peak condition now, you would have died long ago!"

"If nothing unexpected happens, you will be the next Holy King. In this case, I must kill you here!"

Zhu Li's huge dragon eyes exuded a dangerous brilliance, and then he suddenly opened his mouth, and a terrifying bright brilliance spurted out of his mouth, turning into a huge beam of light and bombarding Jiang Ping,

"Dragon Breath!"

Before the light column arrived, the terrifying pressure instantly pressed on Susanoo like a mountain weighing tens of millions of pounds.


The armor on the surface of Susanoo's body couldn't withstand such power, and cracks appeared and broke inch by inch.

"Go to hell!"

The dragon breath came with a bang, and almost at the moment of contact, Jiang Ping's complete Susanoo began to move away from the outside world inch by inch, and couldn't withstand this power at all.

Zhu Li sneered in his heart.

This is the strongest attack of their ancient dragon clan, and also the most deadly means.

All the previous confrontations were just preparations, only this one strike was absolutely fatal!

If hit by this strike, even the Holy King would be crippled if not dead!


The imagined explosion did not happen.

After the golden dragon breath light column disintegrated the complete form of Susanoo, there was no explosion.

On the contrary, the power of the dragon breath was rapidly weakening, as if... it was absorbed.

"It's still too weak..."

Under the dragon breath, Jiang Ping raised one hand, and his cold eyes turned into circles of purple ripples, emitting the ultimate mysterious pupil power...

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