The tiger was killed, and the tiger was killed.

"Violent pangolin?!"

Seeing the huge silver pangolin, everyone's face changed.

Especially the breath of the fourth-level primary, like the heaviness before the storm, which made Wei Lin and his friends' hearts suddenly covered with a thick haze.

Fourth-level primary... This is the highest-level monster they have ever seen!

The executors immediately drew their weapons, pulled away, and looked at the monster that came out of the mountain vigilantly.

Fourth-level primary, even they dare not be careless.



Here, the pangolin just emerged from the mountain. In the woods on the other side, the ground cracked and groups of beetles emerged from the ground. They were densely packed, at least forty or fifty in number, knocking down countless trees.

A group of third-level monsters, deadly beetles!

The faces of the crowd changed again, becoming very ugly.

More than thirty monsters can be defined as a small monster tide.

"Why are there so many monsters here?"

Wei Lin had already stopped the pickaxe in his hand, pulled out the short knife behind him, and looked closely at the group of monsters that were slowly surrounding him.

"The fourth-level monsters are leading the way. We don't have any fourth-level psychics here." Zhao Mei's face was a little pale with fear.

The fourth-level monsters are already upper-level monsters, very rare. They usually don't encounter many third-level monsters when they perform tasks.

This time, not only fourth-level monsters, but also so many third-level monsters appeared.

Neither of their two teams had a fourth-level mutant.

"No... This is the main source of iron ore for several large cities around. Logically, even if there are monsters around, they should have been cleared out. How could there be a fourth-level monster..." Yan Yue frowned,

"Unless... they are specifically coming for us!"

She had a bad feeling in her heart.

This kind of highly targeted monster tide also happened once last time - the Burning Fire Clan was behind it.

This time, she vaguely felt that it was probably the Burning Fire Clan who was secretly operating!

"Gather together and protect yourselves."

There were eight executors in the two teams, one of whom said in a deep voice. The eight people were scattered in different directions, closely watching the advance of the deadly beetle swarm.

"Crack, crack!"

The hard shell on the back of the deadly beetle rubbed rhythmically, making a sharp metal friction sound.

Then, the entire deadly beetle swarm accelerated its speed and rushed towards the entire crowd.


Several executors acted at the same time in tacit agreement, first using long-range supernatural powers to blast a round.

Colorful supernatural firepower fell on the deadly beetle group. Relying on the silver, steel-like hard shell on their backs, they ignored these attacks and moved forward quickly without slowing down.

"The hard shell on their backs has strong defensive power. Try to attack their weaknesses from below!"

A team leader quickly analyzed the strategy to deal with the deadly beetles.

The two earth-type executors decisively slapped their palms on the ground together.

"Earth Spirit Changes!"

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Sharp stone spikes suddenly broke out of the ground and hit the bottom of the deadly beetles hard.

A lot of deadly beetles were indeed knocked away.

But most of the remaining deadly beetles eventually rushed in, and the eight executors had to fight with them.

Of the remaining eight freshmen, many were first-level intermediates and first-level advanced, and only Yan Yue, Zhao Mei, and Wei Lin reached the second-level primary.

And the deadly beetle would not let them go just because they were freshmen.

Many beetles that were not stopped quickly rushed towards the three people.

"Sacred Water Shield!"

"Wood Entanglement!"

Wei Lin and Zhao Mei attacked at the same time, and several thick water chains and vines entangled the two deadly beetles that rushed to the front.


Undoubtedly, their defenses could not stop the deadly beetles at all, and the opponent easily broke through.

The gap between the third-level primary and the second-level primary is still too big.

"Breath of Divine Wind!"

"Earth Spirit Wall!"

"Wrath of Fire Spirit!"

"Thunder Power!"

"Sacred Water Strike!"

Others also quickly released their own superpowers, and superpowers of different systems bombarded several deadly beetles.

But even if they were many, the first-level and second-level superpowers, this level of attack was just a tickle for the deadly beetles.

The deadly beetle's defense is famous.

's hard shell, it was extremely difficult for the psychics of the same level to break it.

Not to mention them.

"Crack, crack!"

Several deadly beetles finally opened their hard shells, turned into two sharp blades, and stabbed quickly!

"Holy Light!"

At the critical moment, Yan Yue stepped forward decisively, and a brilliant golden light emerged from his body, gushing out from his palms, turning into a golden holy wall.


The deadly beetles hit the holy wall, but they couldn't knock it open at the first time.

Just as they were about to hit it for the second time, finally a wind-type executor pulled himself out, turned into a breeze, and shot out a five-meter-high green tornado, blowing away all the deadly beetles.

Their manpower was not as large as the deadly beetle group, but it was not much less. In addition, the executors of the execution department were all extremely experienced executors. One person dealing with three or four deadly beetles was enough to defeat the enemy in a short time.

Even one or two can be killed in return.

After escaping from the trap, Yan Yue and the others did not sit still and wait for death. They did their best to assist the executors in fighting the deadly beetle swarm.

The scene was once in chaos.

At this moment, the fourth-level primary violent pangolin that had been watching the show finally moved.

Its tail swept the ground, sweeping away more than a dozen stones, and rushed over with a whistling speed, extremely fast!


Two executors were unable to dodge and were hit by stones. They groaned and retreated, with their blood surging in their hearts.

"Crack, crack!"

The scales on the violent pangolin kept opening and closing, making a metal friction sound that made people's scalps numb.


A thick silver lightning bolt suddenly fell from the sky and landed on the violent pangolin.

The next moment, countless tiny arcs of electricity vented from the violent pangolin's body to the surroundings, turning into silver lightning snakes that suddenly jumped out!

"Be careful!"

Everyone quickly retreated.

But how could a person be faster than lightning?

The dense arcs of electricity instantly hit everyone, and the strong current spread throughout their bodies.


The pain at this moment was indescribable.


After a successful attack, the violent pangolin's body suddenly curled up into a ball, turning into a huge meat ball, with arcs flashing randomly on the surface.

Its target was Yan Yue!


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