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Being exposed so directly, Jiang Ping was quite embarrassed and let go of Xi Congqing's hand.

"Senior sister, don't get me wrong. I just had to do it in a hurry. I never meant to take advantage of you!"

Xi Congqing She leaned her pretty face slightly in front of Jiang Ping, with cunning in her bright eyes, and said:

"I didn't say anything. Are you so anxious to explain? Are you feeling guilty?"

"I'm not feeling guilty. How am I feeling guilty? I'm not feeling guilty at all. Not at all!"

Looking at him being at a loss because of his teasing, Xi Congqing smiled,

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, hurry up and meet up with your two classmates."

"Okay!" Jiang Pingru He breathed a sigh of relief at being pardoned.

They soon found Wei Lin and Zhao Mei.

Neither of them knew about Jiang Ping and Lin Yun.

Jiang Ping didn't tell them, and after walking around for a while, , and went back.

The next day.

Xi Yan and Sun Shuyu called them together and talked about the things to pay attention to in this college competition.

In the room.

"Let me first briefly talk about the things to pay attention to in this college competition." Xi Yan said,

"First , encirclement and suppression. This part is mainly about hunting monsters, and there are not many restrictions. But you must pay attention to your own safety and do what you can. As long as you are not the last few, it will be fine. In addition, you cannot compete with people from other colleges. If there is a conflict, you must not steal other people's monster cores, which is against the rules. "

"Second, both team battles and duels are mainly for learning. Just stop when you are done. Just do your best."

"Third, in the entire During the college competition, you must be friendly and show your demeanor, and not conflict with other colleges. Especially the colleges in the southern area, and Jinghai College, understand? "


Everyone nodded.

Only Jiang Ping and Xi Congqing Feeling a little guilty.

After all, they had a little trouble with someone from Jinghai College yesterday, and the other party was the son of the president of Jinghai College.

However, they did not tell Xi Yan or Sun Shuyu about this matter.

After all, this was not a glorious thing, so they should hide it if possible.

Jiang Ping also felt that Lin Yun would not be so stingy as to tell his father about this matter. Dad.

"Okay, you all go back, Jiang Ping and Xiao Qing stay." Xi Yan waved his hand and asked the others to go back.

Only Jiang Ping and Xi Congqing were left.

The two looked at each other and blinked. Could it be that Lin Yun was so shameless that he went to Xi Yan to complain about such a small matter? ?

Xi Yan and Sun Shuyu did not notice the guilty look on the two people's faces and said, "Do you know why I kept you two here?" "I know..."

The two bowed their heads in tacit understanding.

"Oh? It seems that you are quite proud." Xi Yan said, "Yes, you two are the two with the best overall strength in this college competition and our school. Students, because you are all members of the executive department, you have good combat experience and good coordination. ”

The two looked up, somewhat surprised.

So Xi Yan was not going to criticize them, but to praise them?

They were shocked.

"You two have a heavy responsibility in this college competition, especially in the two stages of encircling and suppressing monsters and group battles. You all have to shoulder the heavy responsibility here." Xi Yan said solemnly.

"Oh." Xi Congqing was a little careless.

Since it was not because of Lin Yun, she naturally didn't care.

She hadn't thought about the college competition yet. So serious.

"Don't be so careless." Sun Shuyu saw that her attitude was a bit casual, so she took a preaching attitude,

"In this competition, winning or losing is secondary. The most important thing is to be with We should build good relationships with the colleges in the southern region and lay a solid foundation for future cooperation between our colleges in the southeast region. "

"If you meet people from Jinghai College or other colleges in the southern region in the competition, try your best to Give them some space."

"Speak based on your ability, there's no need to give in." Jiang Ping said in a low voice.

Sun Shuyu glared at him and said, "If you ruin this competition, you will be expelled!"

Jiang Ping immediately shut up.

Expulsion is the most serious punishment.

As long as the college is willing, it can expel any student - —All interpretation rights belong to the college.

Of course, Sun Shuyu was just trying to scare Jiang Ping. As a dean, she did not have the right to expel students.

But she could apply.

"You two should be serious.

This college competition is a crucial part of the union of our two southeastern regions. If anyone disrupts it, I will not forgive you!" Xi Yan also warned.

The two of them said "Oh".

"Okay, go back."

Xi Yan didn't want to see the two of them, and waved to let them go back quickly.

"Okay! "

The two of them fled.

As the countdown to the college competition began, Jinghai City also welcomed the most people.

Dozens of colleges, big and small, from the two southeastern districts came.

Thousands of people poured in, making Jinghai City lively.

The opening ceremony of the college competition officially kicked off on the third day.

On this day, Jiang Ping and others dressed neatly and came to the big square of Jinghai College.

Thousands of people gathered together, and there were many onlookers around.

All colleges stood in specific positions.

On the high platform, sat the dean, vice dean, executive department director, and teaching director of Jinghai College.

On both sides, representatives of various colleges sat.

Xi Yan, as a representative of Huaihai College , also sat on it.

After everyone arrived.

The dean of Jinghai College, Lin Hai, stood up, coughed lightly, and said,

"Today, our two southeastern districts jointly held a college competition for the first time. On this sunny day..."

His voice was not loud, but wrapped in spiritual energy, it could be clearly heard by everyone.

Jiang Ping looked at Lin Hai seriously and felt that he was indeed a little familiar - he was 70% similar to Lin Yun.

But at this time, Lin Yun was standing in the position of Jinghai College under the stage.

Lin Hai is a very typical principal - his voice is soothing and rhythmic, and he chattered about polite words for half an hour before getting to the point.

"First of all, let me talk about the first link - the points explanation of the encirclement and suppression."

"First-level demon core is one point for primary level, two points for intermediate level, and three points for advanced level.

Second-level demon core is five points for primary level, six points for intermediate level, and seven points for advanced level.

Third-level demon core is ten points for primary level, twelve points for intermediate level, and fifteen points for advanced level.

The fourth-level demon core is 20 points for the primary level, 25 points for the intermediate level, and 30 points for the advanced level. "

When it comes to the fourth-level demon core, Lin Hai will not say anything more.

Because from the perspective of the participating students, being able to hunt a third-level demon beast is already very good. It is not impossible to hunt a fourth-level demon beast, but the probability is extremely small.

As for the fifth-level demon beast... Lin Hai does not believe that the freshmen of the major colleges have this ability.

"Then, I declare that the first Southeast Two Districts Joint College Competition has officially begun!"

"In the first stage, please ask all participating students to enter the secret realm!"


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