The first round of trials is still ten hours away.

All teams are trying their best to kill more monsters at the fastest speed.

This is not only to get more points in the last minute, but also to get more monster cores - after all, all the monster cores obtained in this round of trials belong to them.

Those who rank behind don't ask for a good ranking, but only want to get more monster cores.

And those who rank ahead basically hope to maintain their rankings, and it would be best if they can move forward in the end.

Jiang Ping and his team wandered in the Monster Forest for a long time, but they didn't encounter any monsters.

Obviously, after so many days, these low-level monsters on the periphery have already been hunted down by them.

If you want to get more monsters, you must go deep into the Monster Forest.

There are many third-level monsters there, and there may even be fourth-level monsters, which is very dangerous.

But if you want to get more points, you can only keep moving forward.

Jiang Ping and his team did the same - going deep into the Monster Forest to find higher-level monsters, so that they can raise the upper limit of their team's points.

Deep in the Monster Forest.

Even the trees here are much taller than ordinary trees.

The huge treetops are impenetrable.

There are huge rocks scattered around, full of the breath of the primeval forest, and few people go there.

Obviously, ordinary people still dare not come in casually in such a dense forest.


Jiang Ping, who was walking in the front, suddenly lowered his body, and the others stopped immediately.

Less than 500 meters in front of them, there was a group of monsters lying.

From here, it is not clear what kind of monsters they are, but from the breath they exude, it is a group of third-level monsters!

There weren't many, only five or six, level three primary.

Level three primary monsters get 10 points.

If they could eat all of them, they would get 50 or 60 points at once, and their ranking would move up a lot.

The only problem was that all of them were level three primary, which put a lot of pressure on them.

There were ten of them, so they could only fight two against one at most.

Even if they fought two against one, a level two intermediate monster would hardly be a match for a level three primary.

"Do you want to do it?"

Xi Congqing obviously saw Jiang Ping's concerns and asked in a low voice.

"I'm hesitating." Jiang Ping was thinking.

Although they were a group of level three monsters, they might not be opponents.

It was just a matter of risk.

"I looked carefully, and it should be a black tiger, level three primary, power and fire, not easy to deal with. But they can't fly, so we can deal with them and fight guerrilla warfare." Xi Congqing was calm and composed, and her experience in the executive department gave her strong on-the-spot thinking ability.

"You are the only one in the team who can fly. It's a waste of time to fight guerrilla warfare." Jiang Ping thought quickly.

He came to participate in the college competition this time for his own purpose - to get the first place!

The group of monsters in front of him is a hard bone that he must chew on to get the first place!

"I have a way, let me do it this time."

Jiang Ping put his hands together, entered the Sage Mode, and opened his Sharingan at the same time.

"I will go up alone to attract firepower, and you just have to bombard them with long-range superpowers at the back, understand?"

He turned back and said to the others.

"Brother Ping, you go up alone?" Wei Lin was the first to express his disbelief.

That's a group of third-level monsters, not a group of kittens.

No matter how powerful Jiang Ping is, he can't do this, right?

"I am the team leader. I am more afraid of death than you. You just need to follow orders."

After saying that, Jiang Ping said to Xi Congqing: "Senior sister, you command them to cooperate with me."


Xi Congqing nodded lightly without any doubt.

She trusted Jiang Ping very much.


Take a deep breath, Jiang Ping walked out alone, and eight flying thunder god kunai appeared in his hands.


All the kunai were shot out and fell in different directions.

Almost at the same time, the black tigers that were originally taking a nap suddenly woke up, and their eyes full of kingly aura stared at Jiang Ping who was walking slowly.


The beasts were angry.

Without any hesitation, all the black tigers rushed over.

Seeing that he was about to be pounced, Jiang Ping's figure flashed and disappeared on the spot, appearing

On the farthest tree with a Flying Thunder God Kunai.

The black tigers pounced in vain.


On the other side, Xi Congqing saw Jiang Ping miraculously dodge the attack. He was surprised for only a second before he decisively issued an order.

The next moment, several attack abilities of different attributes whizzed away, like missiles, and hit the black tigers hard.


This attack did not kill the black tigers, but angered them.

They immediately gave up chasing Jiang Ping and ran towards Xi Congqing and others.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping used the Flying Thunder God technique again to appear in front of the black tigers and kicked the head of the tiger.


Jiang Ping's kick directly kicked the black tiger's head and sent it flying.

In the immortal mode, his physical strength is enough to match the physical strength of the monster!


Seeing this, the other black tigers changed their attack targets again and pounced directly at Jiang Ping.

But the result was that Jiang Ping used Flying Thunder God to move away again, leaving them empty-handed.

Then, in return, they were bombarded by Xi Congqing and others.

After this round of attack, the black tigers finally couldn't stand it.

And Jiang Ping turned into a flash again, holding a short knife in his hand, and quickly shuttled among the black tigers. The cold light flashed, easily separating the tough fur of the black tigers, and blood splattered.

The black tigers wanted to pounce on Jiang Ping, but how could they catch up with Flying Thunder God at speed?

They didn't even touch the corner of Jiang Ping's clothes.


Finally, the last black tiger fell to the ground.

After completing the last attack, Jiang Ping was also slightly panting.

Flying Thunder God consumes a lot of spiritual energy and physical strength.

Although the Sage Mode can quickly recover, flying around at such a high intensity in a short period of time still makes Jiang Ping breathless.

"Not bad, you really killed them all." Xi Congqing came up and patted Jiang Ping on the shoulder to show encouragement.

"Do you think I dare to be so confident without a little confidence?" Jiang Ping grinned and asked others to dig out the demon cores of these black tigers.

"Hey, isn't this from Huaihai College? You actually killed a group of black tigers."

Just as they were digging out the demon cores of the black tigers, a voice with a bit of beating sounded.

Jiang Ping looked up and saw a group of people wearing blue and white clothes coming over. They were from Jinghai College!

The leader was Lin Yun, the son of the dean of Jinghai College, who was entangled with Xi Congqing last time and was knocked down by Jiang Ping with an illusion.


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