The two of them were so angry that they were beaten.

"Come for me?!"

Jiang Ping frowned.

"What's going on?!"

Wang Yan, Zhang Yi and others also reacted and hurried to Jiang Ping's side.

Looking at the little girl in the lead, Zhang Yi frowned and said coldly:

"You are so brave that you dare to make trouble in our Guangxihui's territory?!"

"President Zhang, don't look at us like that. You know, Jiang Ping is worth fifty middle-grade spirit stones. As long as you don't interfere in this matter, we can give you some afterwards." The little girl showed a weird smile and stretched out her tongue to lick the dagger in her hand.

"You are not qualified to talk to me like this." Zhang Yi's eyes gradually became cold.

Knowing that he would not compromise, the little girl did not waste words and decisively issued an order,

"Quick battle, take down Jiang Ping!"

This is the territory of the Guangxi Society. If we wait for the people of the Guangxi Society to arrive, it will be troublesome.


Zhang Yi's body was flashing with lightning, ready to go.

He was about to take action, but Jiang Ping stopped him,

"President Zhang, this matter started because of me, let me solve it."

Jiang Ping walked forward slowly, and the traces of the Sage Mode quickly appeared in the corners of his eyes, and the Sharingan was emitting a cold light.


The figure quietly disappeared from the spot and quickly shuttled through the crowd.


However, in just a few dozen seconds, the dozen people behind the little girl were directly killed in seconds.

Only the little girl was left there, dumbfounded.

"Where did you know about my bounty information?" Jiang Ping stood in front of her, and his Sharingan exuded a bewitching pupil power.

"I... I don't know. No... No, it was Night Demon and the others who said that." The little girl was so scared that she couldn't speak clearly.

"Night Demon..." Jiang Ping frowned.

He was still in the Guangxi Club, and someone dared to get involved.

You can imagine what kind of people are in the Dark City.

Originally, he just wanted to stay in the Dark City for a while, and wait until the storm of Jinghai College was over, and then he would leave.

But unexpectedly, even in the Dark City, there was no peace.

"It seems that if I don't make some prestige, they will think I am easy to bully." Jiang Ping's eyes flashed coldly.

"President Zhang, I will leave these people to you. I'm going out for a while."

"You want to go to Night Demon?" Zhang Yi immediately understood Jiang Ping's intention.

"Although the bounty was issued by Night Demon, as far as I know, Night Demon is probably just a mid-way conveyor. I'm afraid there are other people who really know your bounty information."

"Boss, are you talking about the Dusk Auction?" Wang Yan suddenly realized.

Zhang Yi nodded.

"Dusk Auction... I understand."

Jiang Ping strode out of the Guangxi Club.

"Hey, Jiang Ping, you are no match for the Dusk Auction, don't be impulsive!" Wang Yan hurriedly tried to hold him back.

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

Jiang Ping waved his hand and strode out of the Guangxi Club.

On the street.

When Jiang Ping walked out of the Guangxi Club's sphere of influence and appeared here.

For a moment, countless eyes were fixed on him.

It was like a group of hungry wolves seeing a little lamb.

He glanced at the crowd on both sides of the street, and under the gaze of countless eyes, Jiang Ping walked out.


He had just left the Guangxi Club's territory, and the next second, two people rushed out from the front with weapons.


Before they could get to Jiang Ping, they were suddenly caught in an illusion and fell to the ground without any warning.

"Kill him!"

"He's alone, let's go together!"

"Yes, yes, yes!!! Let's go together! Kill Jiang Ping and we'll split the bounty!"

"According to the data, he has two useless abilities, wood and spirit eye, so he's nothing to be afraid of."


At this time, dozens of people on the street took out their weapons and rushed over. In front of the high bounty, they seemed to have lost their minds.

Looking at these people on the street, Jiang Ping's eyes were indifferent and he took a deep breath.

The next moment, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he put his hands together,

"Wood Release: Tree Realm is Coming!"


The ground began to shake violently, and the ground within a radius of dozens of meters began to collapse in an instant. Huge branches broke out of the ground in an instant, and each one was like a dancing dragon, spreading wildly towards the crowd with its fangs and claws.

Such a huge sea of ​​trees was formed in an instant, and many people were directly submerged in it.

"What is this!?"

"Is this wood element?!"

"Run! Run!"

Everyone was in chaos, scrambling to escape, but it was too late.

"My spiritual energy is fading! This thing can absorb our spiritual energy?!"


The shrill screams echoed in the sea of ​​trees.

In an instant, no one could break free, and they all turned into nutrients for the trees.

The people who were still shouting arrogantly in front of them couldn't even beg for mercy now.

Jiang Ping continued to move forward.

At this time, there were no pedestrians on the road.

People on both sides of the street hid, fearing that Jiang Ping would vent his anger on them.

Some people had originally thought of sneak attacks, but after seeing this amazing scene, they all gave up their ideas.

No matter how high Jiang Ping's bounty is, they must have the strength to take it.

In comparison, their own lives are more important.

Seeing that they all made way, Jiang Ping walked straight towards the Dusk Auction House.

The Dusk Auction House, located in the center of the Dark City, was magnificent.


With a cold shout, more than a dozen guards rushed out and guarded the door of the auction house in three layers.

Jiang Ping's big move just now had already alarmed the Dusk Auction House.

"Is the Red Queen here?" Jiang Ping glanced at the crowd.

"Our boss is not here, please go back." The person in charge said.

Glancing at them lightly, Jiang Ping stopped talking and walked up step by step.

The Sharingan exuded a bewitching pupil power.

"Don't go forward anymore. If you take another step forward, be careful of us..."

Before the man finished speaking, he suddenly met Jiang Ping's scarlet Sharingan, and suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes and fell down.

Along with it, the dozen guards guarding the door fell down before they could do anything.

Jiang Ping walked straight to the auction without stopping.

There were many people in the auction, including many people who came to participate in the auction. It was bustling and lively.

"Who is it?!"

There were also guards rushing out, but Jiang Ping looked over and they were all immobilized.

"Take me to find the Red Queen."

Jiang Ping gave an order to one of the people who was under the illusion.


The man nodded woodenly and led the way.

There were relatively fewer guards inside, and with someone leading the way, Jiang Ping passed through several corridors and attics.

Finally, he came to a attic full of bright red peach blossoms and exuding a faint floral fragrance.


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