The enemy was defeated, and the enemy was defeated.

Li Tuo fought one against four, and the big knife in his hand was wielded vigorously, like a sharp weapon that could cut through the world at any time.

Every knife was full of momentum, which made Heilong and others dare not face it head-on.

However, as the four executors of Jinghai College, their strength is also well-known. Facing Li Tuo, a fifth-level intermediate, they can also work together to deal with it without falling into a disadvantage.

While Li Tuo helped to hold back the four executors, Jiang Ping rushed to the other direction of the Dark City.

The people of Jinghai College have surrounded the entire Dark City, but not everyone at the exit is so strong.

The four executors at the main gate are undoubtedly the strongest in their operation. As long as they are avoided, Jiang Ping is confident to rush out!

"He's here, stop him!"

At the south gate of the Dark City, Jiang Ping was discovered by the people waiting here as soon as he rushed out.

There are also more than a dozen execution departments here, including four fourth-level intermediate psychics.

Huaihai College has a total of more than 40 fourth-level psychics. From the current situation, they conservatively estimate that they have sent more than ten out.

Just to catch Jiang Ping alone, such a hand is amazing.

One of the fourth-level intermediate psychics immediately rushed up with several third-level psychics, while the others kept a certain distance and kept observing at all times.

They are numerous and powerful, so they don't need to rush in all at once. Instead, they need to disperse some energy to prevent Jiang Ping from running away.

"There are so many people here, damn, let's fight!"

At present, it is estimated that there are four fourth-level psychics guarding the four exits of the Dark City. Except for the main gate on the east side, the difficulty of the other three city gates is estimated to be not too great.

So running to the remaining two gates probably won't help much, so he can only fight this one!


There are only four level 4 intermediate psychics, plus a dozen level 3 psychics, so he is very confident to rush out!

"Spiritual Summoning Technique!"

Facing the people who surrounded him, Jiang Ping bit his finger fiercely, and with the help of blood, he quickly formed seals with both hands, and finally slapped in front of him,


As a huge burst of white smoke rose, a huge brown-yellow raccoon appeared on the street, with a huge and fat body, black marks engraved on its body, and a huge tail behind it was shaking impatiently.

One-tailed Shukaku!

Jiang Ping's biggest killer at present!

"What is this...?"

"Demon beast? Is he a beast tamer?"

"And the breath of this monster is too terrifying... level 5?!"

For a moment, everyone was shocked by the breath of the one-tailed beast.

This is the most powerful monster they have ever seen so far!

"How can this guy have so many tricks?!"

The executors were dumbfounded.

Intelligence showed that Jiang Ping did have the ability to summon monsters, but the only monster he had summoned was the fourth-level Blood-soaked Bat King, but it was already dead.

Who would have thought that he could tame another monster in such a short time?

And it was a fifth-level monster? ?

"Ha ha ha, I'm here, your uncle Yiwei, so you should die!"

Yiwei laughed loudly and slapped his round belly with his palm.

"Wind escape·Air training bullet!"


Yiwei spurted out wind balls composed entirely of wind energy from his mouth, and sprayed them at high speed towards the dozen executors.

"So fast!"

Everyone was shocked and quickly used the fastest speed in their lives to dodge.


They only avoided the frontal attack, and when the wind ball exploded on the ground, the spreading wind ball, like a bomb, directly hit the people who had already avoided this wave of attacks.


This subsequent wave of explosions was almost beyond everyone's expectations. Those third-level psychics were more or less hit and suffered serious injuries.

Only the four fourth-level psychics reacted quickly and dealt with it in time, and only suffered some minor injuries.

But this was only the first wave.

They had just dodged the first wave of attacks when suddenly a huge shadow fell on two of the fourth-level psychics - a huge tail!

"Earth Element·Covering the Sky!"

One of them quickly made two seals with both hands and stepped heavily on the ground. The ground squirmed violently, and huge earth walls quickly rose up to resist the attack of the tail.

But how could a mere earth wall block the tail of the tail?

The hard earth wall was like

It collapsed like tofu.

However, this also bought the two a chance to successfully avoid the fatal attack of Yiwei and escape death.

"Not bad, come again!"

Yiwei continued to laugh loudly,

"Wind Style: Sand Shotgun!"

It opened its mouth again and sprayed out a stream of wind and sand, which shot out like bullets, densely packed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Many houses on both sides were implicated and directly beaten into sieves.

The executors used all their skills to resolve this crisis again.

At this time, they were already panting and covered with scars.

"What kind of monster is this? Why have I never seen it before?!"

"Too strong, it may have reached the advanced level of the fifth level!"

"That kid... No, where is Jiang Ping?!"

Taking advantage of the gap between breathing, the four people suddenly discovered that Jiang Ping, who was supposed to be standing on Yiwei's head, disappeared at some point!

"I'm here!"

The cold words sounded, and everyone turned around suddenly, only to see Jiang Ping appear behind them at some point.

"Wood Release: Tree World Birth!"

Jiang Ping looked cold, and with both hands, he summoned a huge forest sea, which surged towards the few people like a group of dancing dragons.

"Hmph, don't think your wood system is strong!"

Several people snorted coldly,

"Divine Wind Madness!"

A huge tornado that was 20 to 30 meters high rose from the ground and crashed into the forest sea that was spreading wildly.

But the next moment,

"Tailed Beast Ball!"

One tail was not slacking off. In the dozen seconds when those people were not paying attention, it had condensed a black Tailed Beast Ball and fired it at them.


The speed and power of the Tailed Beast Ball were completely beyond their expectations.

On one side was Jiang Ping's Wood Release, and on the other side was the Tailed Beast Ball. They were powerless to stop both sides.


The Tailed Beast Ball exploded in the crowd, and the huge explosion set off a huge mushroom cloud. The entire south gate of the Dark City was directly destroyed by the explosion of the Tailed Beast Ball!

"Boom boom!"

The explosion spread throughout the Dark City, attracting the attention of countless people.

"What kind of monster is that? It actually has such a terrifying power..."

"So strong... No wonder Jiang Ping dared to be an enemy of Jinghai College."

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

Jiang Ping left the one-tailed beast behind to hold back the other people from Jinghai College, and he took advantage of this gap to decisively leave the Dark City...

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