Word-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 10 Slow Advance

Wandered around the room.

More and more evidence for his conjecture, but he really couldn't figure out why. If you think about it carefully, this is something like a fragment from a different space.

It seems normal to think that no living person suddenly disappeared, what if it was the so-called reflection.

With his mind spinning wildly, Zhuang Cai no longer paid much attention to these incomprehensible things.

After searching for a while but finding no clues that could help, I went to another room.

Found the same situation in another room with suspicion.

He doesn't seem to care that much.

He looked at the mechanical watch in his hand.

"Have you been here for 4 hours?"

This tense situation really consumes time too quickly.

Zhuang Cai already felt a little tired.

He found a clean stool in the room, sat down and rested for a while before he regained his vigilance.

Back to the 6th floor.

Looking down at the corner of the stairs on the 6th floor.

Looking down from this corner, we have already seen four corpses, and indeed there are more and more as we go down.

Touched it quietly.

Through the mirror I just found upstairs, I looked at the corridors on both sides.

I don't know how many of the lying corpses are alive, but there are two standing zombies leaning against the wall.

Leaning against the wall, still swaying slightly.

Holding your breath, you can still hear the cooing murmur.

After looking at the surrounding situation, if he wanted to go to the 4th floor, he would definitely appear in the corridor on the 5th floor.

What if you jump directly from the side to the stairs on the next floor?

The probe took a look.


Who knows the specific conditions of the stairs on the next floor? What if the body lying on the stairs is alive?

You can't bet like that.

The problem is that I saw two standing and lying down, but I didn’t know how many there were.

It's already dangerous if one can barely cope with two of them. Adding one more will definitely lead to death. There may even be more problems caused by violent noises and movements.

"Speaking of which criteria do these monsters use to target their enemies?"

Just like those zombie movies, different zombies may be different.

Some are based on taste, some are based on sight, and some are based on hearing.

Thinking about it now, Zhuang Cai suddenly regretted it.

He should have tested it on the corpse on the seventh floor, but he made a mistake.

He looked around the corner of the stairs.

Zhuang Cai walked up and moved a sturdy-looking table and placed it at the corner to support it. It is certain that only one person can pass. If two people rush over, they will definitely be crowded and collide.

Then some obstacles were moved and placed in the aisle on the 6th floor.

This trip took a lot of energy.

Sitting on the stairs, he took out some edible food and a bottle of clean water from his pocket that he had just obtained during the search of those rooms.

"Well, it's a bit like chocolate, and quite delicious."

After eating something and drinking some water, I regained my strength. He came to the corner again with a serious look on his face.

After walking down the stairs, he poked the corpses one by one with his spear.

I don't know whether it was because of Zhuang Cai's approach or because of his prodding, but one of the corpses began to shake and stand up.

"It's bad luck, it really is." He cursed in a low voice.

Zhuang Cai hurriedly stepped forward, stepped on it with his already practiced skills, and then stabbed it with his spear.

There will definitely be movement.

He stabbed quickly, making sure there was no struggle, and immediately pulled out the spear.

Then he stepped back and looked ahead.

"not coming?"

Frowning: "Could it be by looking at it?" Although the movement he just made was not loud, it could still be heard if he was in the corridor.

Especially when the surroundings are very quiet.

Recall it in your mind.

The lying zombie seems to have the worst perception ability, and you have to be close enough to sense it.

I just don’t know if it’s a sound that’s close enough, a smell, or temperature.

But it is certain that lying down, as long as you are not completely close, is almost a safer situation.

The one standing was the only one I met when I opened the door, so I don’t know why.

Think of this.

Zhuang Cai frowned and decided to give it a try.

He leaned against the wall and came to the corner of the aisle, and looked in the mirror. The zombie on the right cannot see himself, but the zombie on the left can see himself if he turns around because he is leaning on the opposite wall.

He didn't dare to make too loud a sound to seduce her for the time being. If the two of them rushed over at the same time, it would be a big problem.

So he decided to stand here and wait quietly.

Diagonally opposite, the zombie leaning against the opposite wall was swinging aimlessly against the wall.

Time passed, and Zhuang Cai's days seemed like years.

The zombie suddenly turned around and saw Zhuang Cai.

When she looked at him, she had white eyes like cataracts.

This sight made Zhuang Cai's heart beat fast, and the nervousness mixed with a hint of fear suddenly came up.

The monster seemed to sense something and began to wander towards Zhuang Cai.

Zhuang Cai immediately picked up the mirror and looked at it. The zombie on the other side of the corner was still there, leaning against the wall with his back to the entrance and showing no intention of moving.

But the originally calm body seemed to be affected as well and began to sway.

But he didn't turn around and immediately felt relieved.

As the zombie got closer and faster, it seemed that it was confirmed that Zhuang was the living human being.

Zhuang Cai quickly walked up backwards.

He passed by the table and stopped at the corner.

The zombies are getting faster and faster, and they feel like they are walking fast.

It looked like he was going to fall down at any moment, but he staggered over steadily.

As I was going up the stairs, my body started to sway obviously.


He opened his mouth and rushed over with a strange scream.

Zhuang Cai stretched out his right foot and kicked it to the side.

He kicked out a stick from under the table.

He immediately tripped over the zombie and fell directly in front of Zhuang Cai. Taking this opportunity, he stepped on his neck, and then repeated his old trick with a vertical shot.

With the sound of penetration, the monster immediately fell to the ground and did not move.

Easy to solve.

However, the sound of falling and stumbling just now was neither loud nor quiet, so I don’t know if it alerted another zombie.

Step over the body and go down.

Obviously, both vision and hearing seemed to be weaker than he thought.

Perception is too weak.

This zombie seems to be getting weaker and weaker as he gets to know him better.

He stuck his head out around the corner and tapped the shield lightly with his spear.

A crisp sound came out, but it seemed that the sound was a little quiet, and the zombie still didn't hear it.

The volume was turned up again.

This time the more harsh knocking sound obviously attracted the zombie's attention and turned its head.

At this time Zhuang Cai continued to look in the mirror.

Apparently when no one was seen, only the sound was heard. The zombie was not moving fast at all and walked over slowly.

The moment he walked over, Zhuang Cai immediately turned the corner and pushed hard with his shield. In an instant, he pushed the unsteady zombie to the ground, stepped up and stepped on his chest, and directly stabbed his eye socket with the spear in his hand.

The zombie swayed twice, and before it even had time to struggle, it lost power and stopped moving.


After exhaling and shaking his body, Zhuang Cai couldn't help but smile.

"I'm so awesome."

This set of combos is very smooth.

He wiped the dirt on the spear on the monster's clothes.

He began to walk up and down the corridor, deliberately approaching the corpses.

As they got closer, sure enough, another body climbed up from the ground.

This zombie lying on the ground seems to have lost its voice and vision. Someone has to be close to him before he can slowly get up.

If you don't step over it carefully, you will get up quietly and look back, which will indeed bring a strong sense of horror.

After doing this, continue to search the doors one by one with the key.

If there is no gain, continue downward and advance according to experience.

The mentality is becoming more and more stable.

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