Michelle met Riley at a secluded area of a nearby cafe.

After their drinks were served, Riley cleared his throat.

"So, what are we talking about?"

Michelle traced the rim of the cup with her finger. "My mom and dad bought a house."

"Oh...that's good. At least they could finally check out of their hotel." Riley flashed her a smile.

Understanding his confusion, Michelle shook her head. "No, no...they bought US A HOUSE!"

"What?! Why would they do that?" His apartment actually has a sentimental value to him. He has a lot of memories in it, good and bad. However, now is not a time to tell that to his new girlfriend who is talking care of the couple dogs he had with his ex.

Michelle began tapping her fingers against the porcelain cup.

Before she could answer, he spoke. "Regarding your mother's complaint about our marriage, I have a solution."

The last four words in his sentence was masked by her synchronous interruption. "We have a problem."

Riley furrowed his brows. "What problem?"

"Uhm...it's actually connected to the reason they bought us a house..." She bit her lower lip and looked down at her cup.

"Hey, look at me." He took her hand in his. "You can tell me anything. In fact, I'm really hoping that there will come a time that you will be willing to tell me everything that's going on in that head of yours." He flashed her a bright smile.

Michelle looked back at him with a wry smile, then she frowned. She took a deep breath and had a serious lool on her face.

"Mom and Dad bought the house so that we can have children as soon as possible. They said that they don't like the idea of raising kids in an apartment." She finished her thoughts in a breath.

Riley was too shocked to react. The two elders have been thinking way ahead of things. His solution was only to register their marriage to appease her parents. He did not predict that they will ask for grandkids immediately.

"Uhm...I know our relationship isn't like that so..." Her face became gloomier. She knew they had almost just started dating. Marriage is out of the question.

"Yet." He got his senses back. "Our relationship is not at that point yet." He corrected.

"But..." She had a worried look. She really liked how their thing was going before her parents arrived. She did not want to scare him off with marriage.

"But, it doesn't mean that I don't see us getting there." He gave her a warm smile, while tightening his hold on her hand.

"Riley...I'm sorry for all this... I...I never expected them to visit so soon..." She had excuses in her mind. What he meant has not yet dawned in her.

He kept his smile and looked at her intently. He understands her insecurity. Even he had learned that people can go away because they were scared of a lifelong commitment. He even had to learn it the hard way.

He raised the hand which was clutching hers and kissed her hand gently.

Michelle snapped from her flustered self when she felt his warm lips on the back of her hand.

"Michelle Park, I can't afford the wedding your mom requires right now. I don't even have the ring to propose. But Michelle Park, I want to marry you."

Her eyes widened in disbelief, then they dimmed as her eyes welled up and she pursed her lips.

Riley was bothered by her reaction. He might have expected some tears, but they way she looked right now told him that the tears which are about to fall are not out of joy.

"Michelle..." He raised his other hand to caress her face but stopped midair when she spoke.

"Don't do this." Her dark eyes looked back at him.

"But I really want to..."

"I'd rather tell them the truth." She looked down, a tear fell in her cup, rippling the tea inside.

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