Midori's uterine contractions remained regularly moderate to strong despite tocolytics.

The attending doctor went in and did an internal examination.

Dan was called back into the room after the examination.

"Mrs. Zhou, your cervix is now 6cm dilated, and your contractions are regular. You are now in preterm labor, and the delivery of the baby is inevitable."

"What?! No! It can't be! It's too early! How can my baby make it?" She held onto her husband's arm. "Dan..."

Seeing her in the brink of tears with fears in her eyes, Dan held his wife's shoulders with his arm. Then he toughened up. Looking at the doctor, he asked, "What are the chances for the baby?"

"We will refer you to a neonatal intensivist. It's the kind of doctor for preterm newborns. She can take care of your baby." The doctor had a warm smile. "The youngest we delivered, just last month, was only less than a kilogram, at only 24 weeks. The baby needed to be monitored here, but in just two weeks, she was able to latch and feed from her mother. She was discharged 2 days ago." The doctor beamed with pride and happiness while recalling the youngest neonate that she delivered.

"Oh...my baby is at 31 weeks now. The chance will be greater, right?" Midori was hanging on the hope that the baby will be alright.

"It would be improper to promise you guys that everything would go smoothly, but rest assured that all hands would be on deck to ensure the safety and health of both mommy and baby."

"The...the steroids...you gave me earlier today...would it really help?"

"Yes! Definitely! It's to hasten the lung maturity of the baby. However, it would be better if we could still give you the second shot tomorrow, hours before the delivery."

"Can't you give it earlier? What if I deliver tonight?" Midori held her abdomen and Dan's hand.

"We need to follow proper dosing for it to work. Don't worry. Usually, first-time moms delivery later from labor onset compared to those who had given birth before."

"That's right. Vanessa had her second child much faster than the first one as soon as she went into labor. Darling, it's gonna be fine. You'll be fine and so as our baby. I'll be with you through it all." Dan kissed her forehead and held her in his arms.

The doctor smiled and excused herself before she eats more dog food.


Madeline Song was tossing the stir-fried noodles when a pair of hands snaked aroud her waist.

"Hey! Yun, what are you doing?!" In her surprise, some bean sprouts fell off the wok.

"Hmmm...smells good. I want it." He sniffed the crook of her neck and planted a kiss on her smooth skin.

"Are you taking about the food or me?" She continued to stir the ingredients.

"Hmmm...I can eat both for breakfast, so whatever works for you." He tightened his embrace as he sniffed her hair. He could smell the sweet jasmines from her shampoo.

"It's too early to think like that. You must be hungry. Now, behave yourself so I can finish cooking and we can both eat so that you will not be thinking of such nonsense." She tried to free herself from the arms.

He let go reluctantly, mimicking the sound of a hurt dog as he sat at the stool by the kitchen counter.

For a few days now, they were together in his villa since he was on vacation. This was also the truth regarding Madeline Song's whereabouts.

Initially, he was the one cooking, but after several harsh criticisms, he let her take over his kitchen and watched as she cooked.

She placed two bowls of the noodle dish before him, then she removed her apron and sat next to him.

"Hmmm...you're good! This...this is good!" Long Yun praised while chewing noodles and biting off the peeled shrimp.

Madeline Song laughed. "I had tried this yakisoba when we were in City T. I thought I'd remake it."

"You could do that?!" He was surprised that she was able to make it after only eating it once.

"Of course. My mother is a sous chef in Country E before she met my father. She had to lower herself in doing other jobs so she could raise me and send me to school." There was a tinge of regret in her voice.

"And you turned out great." He kissed her lightly then beamed a bright smile.

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