Words I was Afraid to Hear

158 Non-disclosure Agreemen

Riley was fixing his tie when he saw his wife on the sofa at the living room, busy with paperworks as she typed on her laptop.

"Hey, why are you still working that much?" He kissed her temple.

"My resignation was denied, remember?" There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice, with a tinge of annoyance from being interrupted.

"Alright. Alright. Don't be mad. Just...don't overwork yourself. You have to take extra care now...for the baby...okay?" He wrapped an arm over her shoulders and continued to kiss her cheek.

"Hmmmn." She nodded as she continued typing. She might pretend not to heed his advice, but her face softened as she was reminded to take caution on her stress levels.

"Your boss is helpless, but he is a good man. This compromise of working from home is considerate enough."

He retracted his arm and gently stood up. "Well, mine is still MIA, so work has piled up. I need to go now." he declared.

She glanced at him for a second, then returned her gaze on the laptop as she nodded. "Hmmn."

"Remember to heat the food and eat on time. I'll try not to work overtime." He sighed as she was immersed in her work.

However, he will not leave home without a proper kiss from the wife.

He bent down to lean in.

She moved her head as if adapting on the sudden view obstruction.

Since she did not scold him, he went for a peck and abruptly straightened up and turned towards the door, as if it was a stolen kiss. "See you later." he said, without looking back.

Before the door was shut, she looked up from the laptop to his back, and she flashed a sweet smile.


Riley was waiting for the traffic light to change when his phone rang.

Seeing it was the CEO, he became so flustered that he almosr dropped his phone. He drove his car to the side of the road and turned his hazard lights on.

"CEO!" He gulped as he realized how his voice sounded like he shouted to his boss.

"Adams, print 11 copies of the non-disclosure agreement I sent yo your email. Then take 10 men with you to the address I will be sending shortly."

"But CEO, if it only requires 10 men, why 11 copies...oh..." he stopped himself as he realized how stupid his question was. "I understand, Sir. We will be there as soon as possible."

Masaichi went back into the bedroom from the veranda after finishing his orders and hanging up, only to find his wife missing.

Seeing she is not in the bathroom, he bolted out and looked down from the railings near the stairs. She is not in the living room. He hurriedly went downstairs and searched the kitchen and all the other rooms. Still, she was nowhere to be found.

Cold sweat ran down from his forehead as he went out to look for her.

The villa was at least a couple of kilometers from the nearest bus stop and neighboring houses.

He strode along the vicinity, until his feet took him near the shore.

As sand started to bury his feet as he walked heavily, he realized that he had reached the beach area.

Before he goes crazy again, he saw a pair of fair legs and feet protruding from behind the rock formations.

He ran like he pulled all his strength into running, almost tumbling on the sand.

When his eyes gazed at her face again, he almost burst out crying.

"Wha-why did you leave?!"

Agatha was shocked to find her husband looking even more vulnerable than when he met her again. He looked mortified.

"I...I'm sorry, Honey...please don't be mad. I didn't mean to..."

He suddenly knelt with both knees as he embraced her delicate figure in his arms in an overly protective stance.


Riley heard his boss's personal phone ringing from somewhere inside the house.

They had arrived shortly after their boss left.

When he saw that the door was ajar, he decided to enter the premises as his boss was not taking his calls.

They found the phone abandoned on the bedside table.

All other doors of the house were open, but each piece of furniture was neatly in place, so it could not have been a break-in.

Riley was about to dial the CEO's business phone when he was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Adams, there's no need for that."

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