Long Yun woke up when he felt his hair being caressed. He looked up to see Madeline's face weakly smiling at her. He reached out to cup her face.

"Oh, thank God!" He embraced her and kissed her forehead.

Madeline continued smiling. "It's okay...my father...he was just too upset that I broke off the engagement with Verdan Zhou."

"But..." Long Yun had bitterness and regret on his face.

Madeline was startled. She expected worry, anger, with a hint of vengeance, but not this expression. She frowned. "Do you have something to tell me?"

Long Yun had tears in his eyes. "I...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay...I'm still alive." She consoled. "Did all the blood scare you?" She chuckled.

"Madie...you were pregnant..." he looked down, almost choking on the words.

It registered in her mind. 'WERE pregnant...'

Madeline Song felt a tear dropped on her cheek. She had a baby! And she lost it...

She looked at Long Yun. She suddenly embraced him, despite her whole body aching, and she started wailing.

Long Yun held her, warmly but gently, as they mourned the loss of the child they never knew.


After stabilizing the patient, Long Yishin ordered her transfer to a private room that night. She knew that her brother refused to leave that woman's side, and she was itching to know how they end up together, even losing a baby.

She decided to do her rounds that morning. After taking a shower, she donned a bathrobe and started drying her hair in front of the vanity mirror.

As she looked at her face, she realized how long it was since the last time she had dolled herself up to please someone.

Actually, Long Yishin is a beauty with a strong presence. She had her fair complexion tanned to a toffee-colored smooth skin, with her brown straight locks dyed in a golden ash brown color and volumized in soft curls. She might even be a different person to someone who just met her once several years ago. However, for those who really knew her, they will remember her dark eyes, sharp angled brows, petite nose, and plump lips.

She tried to smile in front of the mirror. Then she pouted as she could not remake the genuine smile she once had.

Accomplishing her goal of drying her hair, she went into the walk-in closet and opened the drawer to choose a set of undergarments.

As she stepped out of her room, she began walking with a pair of cream-colored d'orsay pumps, her long coat swaying, overlying a tan-colored neoprene dress in a boat-neckline.

After a few minutes, she had reached the patient's room. She took a deep breath before knocking.

When she opened the door, her jaw almost dropped at the scene.

Her brother was sitting on the bed, his arms wrapped around the patient, as their heads were leaning on one another.

She frowned and cleared her throat.

The couple finally noticed her, and Madeline tried to free herself from the embrace, with no success.

Long Yishin put on her professional demeanor. "Good morning. I'm Dr. Long..." she sharply glanced at her brother. "...Yishin. I am your attending doctor. How are you feeling today?"

Madeline Song weakly smiled. "Sorry we had to meet this way. My name is Madeline Song. You can call me Madie. Thank you for taking care of me. Yun is lucky to have a sister like you."

Long Yishin tried to hide her embarrassment as she cleared her throat again. "I supposed he had told you everything?"

"Yeah..." Madeline Song bit her lower lip.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

Madeline Song warmly smiled. "It might not be the time for us. We're just both glad that I managed to survive."

Long Yishin nodded. She strode to check on the patient's wound, which had dried up, apposed with the stitches. She took her heart rate and checked on her pupils. "Does it hurt anywhere?"

"Not something I couldn't bear." Madeline smiled at her.

"Good. We have transfused two units of packed red cells to replenish the loss through all the bleeding. However, you need to take iron supplements for several months. You could come to this hospital for regular check-up to monitor your blood parameters."

"Okay. I understand." Madeline nodded.

"There will be no diet restrictions, but please eat more fruits, vegetables and lean meat."

"Got it." Long Yun seemed to want the conversation to end soon.

Long Yishin turned to glare at him. "Brother, come with me for a bit." She smiled at Madeline while nodding, to signal her retreat.

Madeline Song smiled and nodded back to recognize the gesture.

When the siblings had gone to the garden, Long Yishin turned to her brother with arms crossed over her chest.

"So, are you gonna marry her?"

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