Words I was Afraid to Hear

200 This is My Wife

Midori looked indifferent, as if she was talking to a complete stranger. It was barely a couple of hours since she came back to City S when she received the call that the CEO of ZFC is already in her office for a meeting. Instead of going back to the Xiu estate with her son, she regrettably sent the nanny to take him home. She came into the office with the car brought by her assistant.

Earlier that day, Vanessa revealed to him about his own real family. She also confirmed his relationship with the woman he saw on television.

And now he is looking at her in the flesh.

He cleared his throat. "Here is our proposal for the project collaboration." He took out a folder from the envelope lying on the coffee table.

There was a knock on the door when Midori was about to reach for the documents.

"CEO, your tea." Riley Adams had his professional smile on as he entered.

"Thank you." Midori reached for the folder.

At this point, the men were not sure whom she was thanking as she lowered her head to start reading the files.

Riley Adams placed the cup of tea on the coffee table and meaningfully glanced at the man with his boss. He still could not believe that this man could forget his wife just like that. He somehow understands how hurt the CEO must be right now. He bowed before leaving them alone in the office.

Verdan Zhou caught the meaningful glance and understood that the assistant might know him personally. He turned to the indifferent woman before him.

'So this is my wife...' he thought.

He remembered when he first saw this woman. She desperately clung onto him at first glance, but he turned her away. If it is true that she really is his wife, she might have been deeply hurt by his actions. However, at this point, he still could not remember her.

He eyed her whole body from head to toe, then back up to her face. His sister told him that they already have an infant son. He was astonished as this did not show on her body which is tightly hugged by the flowy white dress underneath her blazer.

Midori was not naive. She lifted her gaze from the document to the man who was eying him intently.

"CEO Zhou, you have to remember that it is rude to stare." She raised her left brow as she looked at him intently.

"Oh...I'm sorry. I...I just want to remember your face." he blurted out.

Midori frowned. It hit a nerve. It implied that he could still not remember her...yet she regained her composure as she cleared her throat.

"You will have to meet me for this project several times. I believe that would be sufficient to remember someone." She put out her indifferent face again.

Verdan Zhou had a hopeful expression. He really wanted to know her again. Even though he cannot remember the memories with her, he is determined to make new ones with the wife he had wronged.

"CEO, clause 35, section 2."

Verdan Zhou was startled. He totally forgot the purpose of this meeting. He panickingly grabbed another copy of the proposal and turned to the stated part.

"With you." His other hand reached for his nape as he was embarrassed. He had a timid smile on his face.

For the past two hours, the atmosphere turned into full work mode as the two CEO's discuss the contents of the proposal, noting revisions and sketching some plans for the project.

This is the first time for the two of them to work together, representing their companies, and both of them liked working with the other.

As the discussion went on, from sitting opposite each other, the CEO of ZFC transferred to where the lady was seated as they read documents together.

When Midori became conscious of this, it had been the case for several minutes then. It would be rude and nonsense if she would ask him to go back to his original seat now.

As she sketched something for logistics, she was startled.

He reached out to her drawing hand, rested his larger hand on hers, then led it to draw some more lines and symbols.

This made her looked at his face. This sudden movement startled them both as they found their faces only a few inches away from each other.

Verdan Zhou understood then and there how he became attracted to this woman.

Midori Xiu stared deep into those hazel eyes again. Her son has those eyes.

She turned her head before her eyes start to water. She turned her head to look at the clock.

"CEO Zhou, I believe that would be enough for today as I have another appointment." She showed a protective stance of herself.

"Oh...is that so? Then, when can I see you again? For the proposal, that is..." He knew she was defensive. This is still too early to force their relationship back to how it was, or at least how his sister depicted them.

"My assistant will set an appointment." She stood up and eyed him.

He understood that she wanted him out of her office. He stood up and offered his hand to shake.

She took it and briefly shook hands with him.

"Nice meeting you, CEO Xiu." He gave her a gentle smile.

"Likewise..." she forced herself to say with a slight smile.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Riley Adams opened it and with him came the sounds of a baby crying.

Then the nanny who was carrying Dmitri came in with an anxious expression.

"Dmitri..." with her maternal instincts, Midori hurried to take her crying son from the nanny.

Verdan Zhou slowly took steps toward them.

Dmitri is now almost a year old. He had developed stranger anxiety. However, when he saw the tall man approaching, he reached out both arms as if he wanted the man to carry him.

Midori was startled by this gesture. Her son was used to being with Takagi Ryuuji, but never did he reach out for someone like he is doing now.

With all awkwardness, Verdan Zhou reached out to take the infant and carried him in his arms.

To everyone's surprise, Dmitri chuckled as if it was the happiest of days.

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