Come lunchtime, Midori made a full spread of okonomiyaki, takoyaki, soup and some yakisoba on her table. Dan, as usual made his way towards the food.

He is really thinking hard how to repay this everyday kindness.

"Wow! This looks different." He scanned the lunch spread.

"My mom is not from this country. This is common food in her native land." She replied nonchalantly.

The only thing that Dan brings for lunch nowadays are his own pair of chopsticks.

The head butler back at home had asked him about it. He casually lied that he buys food at the canteen but refused to eat with the utensils provided, hence he packs his own. He does not want to alert anyone in their household of his involvement, well sort of, with a girl since this will garner unlimited teasing from his mother and older sister and ridiculous praises of being a man from his father. Besides, they are only eating lunch together. It's not like she is his girlfriend anyway. Well that was his thought process to convince himself that the lie was for the greater good.

As they were finishing their meal, Dan complimented the dish again.

Midori smiled ever so slightly. "I missed having these flavors so I had our cook help me make these."

"Oh! You're cooking is pretty good!" He contemplated for a bit. "But didn't you have to wake up really early for this? Is that why you were not on your game face a while ago in class?"

Dan is actually quite sensitive when it comes to her.

He could sense the different feelings from their classmates whenever the two of them goes through a friendly competition. He knows that he is good academically and that she is no match for him. However, he is also aware that she has built a reputation in class so he cannot help but be bothered by the sneers she was getting from some classmates.

He would want to keep seeing her confidence. He admires her looks and personality. He does not want her to be discouraged, thus he tries to give her face.

Midori was shocked by his statement. She shook her head.

"No. It's fine. I told you. I had some help. Also, back in class, you were just great. That's all." She said honestly with a shy smile.

Dan was not convinced though. He thought she is a little upset. He furrowed his brows and thought of how to make it up to her.

"How about we go to the newly opened café two blocks away after class? It will be my treat." He again flashes his smile.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. 'He's asking me out?! No way! Maybe he just felt guilty beating me on a question in class..?" It was she that furrowed her brows then.

"Unless, you already had plans? I actually would like to take this as an opportunity to pay back all the lunches I had for free. Well, not inan all out, one-time thing, but at least gradually. Let me make it up? Your food is always so great and I don't know how to cook. It would be a shame if I just ask anyone to do it for me." He felt like he was ranting in the end.

Midori pursed her lips then looked at him apologetically.

"Sorry. Not this time. I have cheerdance practice today. Actually, it will go on through the following weeks. We need the 2-hour practice after class to master the routine. Maybe you can pay me back for the food some other time."

"Oh, is that so..." Then he shot her a look, realizing something. "Then, you have to wake up early and go home late?" He frowned with a pout. "Sorry for eating your food."

Midori let out a cheerful laugh. "It's fine. They know that I have been sharing my lunch." She looked at him amusingly. "If it bothers you so much, I will not help in the kitchen anymore, at least for the time being." She giggled.

He looked at her eyes. They were honest. He felt attracted to them.

"Uhmm, do you also go for practices over the weekend?"

"No. Why?" She was again taken aback by the question. It seemed he was not giving up on the café idea.

Dan fell silent. He was debating with himself whether to ask her out or not.

He was not sure of his feelings towards her. Sure, he admires her, but will going out on a weekend be taking it too far. He definitely would miss the lunch if they become awkward after this. But he is quite interested in her, but is it enough interest?

He decided to take his chance.

"Uhm, can I treat you this weekend instead?" He still used the payback card.

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