Words I was Afraid to Hear

58 Where are You Going?

Midori drove her red Aston Martin Rapide S in front of one of the twin condominiums and hurriedly presented her identification. She saw Dr. Miyamura who was wiping his sweat with a handkerchief panting in front of the elevator.

Michelle had already called the reception regarding visits from XCG's CEO, so Midori was given access in an instant.

"Dr. Miyamura, thank you for coming over." She bowed then the elevator arrived.

"CEO Xiu, I didn't know you own a penthouse suite here. So, is it Manta again?" He was asking about who is sick.

Midori only gave him a faint smile. Consequently, the lift arrived and they stepped out, burying the doctor's inquiry, well, for now.

Before they could press the doorbell, Michelle suddenly opened the door with a face full of relief.

"CEO Xiu. Thank you for coming over. He won't get out of his room." she reported the last sentence.

"Hmmm." Midori nodded. "Where's his room?"

"Oh, it's this way." Michelle excitedly led them upstairs. She knocked on the door but there was no response. She turned to CEO Xiu, clearly embarrassed. "Uhm...he might be asleep." she almost whispered.

Midori slowly shook her head. Then to Michelle's and the doctor's surprise, instead of knocking, Midori began slamming her hand on the door. Her palms looked red but she continued.

"Verdan Zhou! Open this door, right now! You know how I'm mad! Open the dam* door this instant!"

Her hand was about to slam on the door again when it suddenly opened and a warm hand grabbed her wrist.

"Stop hurting yourself." Dan uttered in a husky voice.

Midori saw him looking pale, with dry cracked lips. His tall figure looked unstable. She pulled him towards his bed and it might be appropriate to say that she tossed him onto it.

"Stay still and be quiet!" Her eyes were threatening.

Then she turned to the doctor. "Miyamura-sensei."

Dr. Miyamura cautiously entered the room. He looked at the man on the bed. He thought he was familiar but he could not recall where he had seen him. Anyway, judging by the look of this penthouse suite, he might be among the rich and powerful.

"He sustained a lacerated wound on his left deltoid, grazed by a bullet. He went out in the rain while the wound was exposed. I disinfected it and secured an initial bandage upon discovery."

"I replaced it with a waterproof one here." Dan interjected.

Midori glared at him. Then walked out of the room, leaving Dr. Miyamura to examine the patient.

Michelle was standing by outside the door, waiting for orders.

"I'm sorry for this, but could you go and buy ingredients for an egg drop noodle soup? Here's my card. Call me when you reach the store and if you have any problems." She paused, turning to the doctor. "Sensei, could your prescription be done now? I'll be sending someone to buy them."

Dr. Miyamura hurriedly took out his prescription pad and wrote haphazardly. Then she tore off the page and handed it to Midori.

"Go buy these as well." Midori passed the prescription to Michelle. Midori took out some notes, clearly over how much was necesary, and handed them to her as well.

"Yes, CEO." Michelle bowed and went her way.

Midori returned to the side of the bed.

"Sensei, does it need stitches?" A trace of worry can be heard from her.

"No need. I disinfected the wound again. I'll be using ste**strips to seal it. Then I will place a waterproof dressing over so it would be convenient. However, it needs to be replaced after three days or if the margins are starting to peel off. I also recommend a follow-up appointment to a doctor-of-choice after a week."

Midori nodded to the doctor and glared at the patient.

"As for the fever, the focus of infection would be the wound since based on my examination, he did not have any other significant signs. Additionally, his state of hydration is worsening the fever, so he needs to take in more fluids, or else I will recommend to start an IV drip on him." Dr. Miyamura had finished dressing the wound right after he finished his explanation.

"I understand. Arigatou, Sensei." Midori bowed.

After collecting his things into his medical bag, the doctor bid them farewell and showed himself out, full of questions on the relationship between the two.

A few minutes after the doctor had gone, Michelle knocked on the bedroom door, disturbing the eerie silence in the room.

Midori took the medicine from her.

"CEO Xiu, the ingredients are all in the kitchen." she declared.

Midori nodded. "Thank you. That would be all. You can go now."

Michelle's face lit up and immediately bid them goodbye before anyone could snatch her freedom.

Midori walked towards the bedside and adjusted the sheets. Then she turned around and was about to leave.

Her wrist was caught by a hand. "Where...where are you going?"

Dan's face had the expression between being scared and begging.

Midori fought back incoming tears with a gentle smile. "I'll cook something so you could eat. I'll just be downstairs in the kitchen." With that, her hand was freed.

It was not long until she went back upstairs with a tray of soup, water and fruit juice.

She carefully placed it on a nearby table. Then she tapped on his right shoulder.

"Hey, wake up. You have to eat and drink lots of fluid."

"Hmmm." He tried to push himself up to sit.

Midori supported his back and positioned his pillows for comfort.

She took the bowl of soup, stirred it gently, scooped up some in a spoon, blowed on it, and finally placed it near his mouth.

He obediently ate as she patiently did all the steps until he finished the contents of the bowl.

Then she made him drink his medicines. He was so obedient that he even finished the glass of juice she brought up.

"Good boy." She patted his head.

Suddenly, he grabbed her arm and she fell on the side of the bed.

He wrapped his arm around her while whispering, "Can I now have my reward for being a good boy?"

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