The old man was very angry.

"Senior, please forgive me for being blunt."

"If one day in the future, you find that the navy has betrayed your justice, trampled on your life, and even wants to kill you."

"What will you do?"

Rosen stood on the deck and did not deliberately avoid Zhan Guo, but asked a more pointed question in front of the Navy Marshal.

"Junior, how can you be so tricky to senior."

"Such a dangerous question, how do you want me to answer?"

"If I say a wrong word, I, the admiral candidate who is about to become a navy admiral, will continue to be a candidate at the least, and at the worst, I will have to be a candidate for the rest of my life."

Borusalino glanced at Zhan Guo not far away, and then spread his hands.

He pursues an ambiguous justice, so how could he reveal his true feelings so easily?

Especially in front of the Admiral of the Navy.

"If there really is such a day."

"The Navy Headquarters has betrayed my justice, trampled on my life, and wants to kill me."

"I don't think the choice I made is better than Douglas Barrett's back then."

Unlike Borsalino's vague words, Rosen showed his majestic side for the first time in front of Sengoku.


"Be careful with your words."

Sengoku's face changed slightly.

It's nothing to hear these words, but if they are heard by the Five Elders, it will more or less bring some unnecessary trouble to Rosen.

"There's nothing to be cautious about."

"Teacher Zhan Guo."

"Whether it's the Five Elders or you, it's time to understand one thing."

Rosen chuckled, walked to the side of the boat, put his hand on the guardrail, and looked at the turbulent sea ahead:

"It's not that the Navy Headquarters chose me, but I chose the Navy Headquarters."

"It's not because the headquarters is just that I became a marine, but because I became a marine, the headquarters is just."

"Do you understand? Teacher Zhan Guo."

He turned his head and glanced at Zhan Guo, his eyes faintly flashing with a scarlet light that made the sea tremble. The sky seemed to feel the changes in his will and emotions, and quietly gathered a large number of clouds, forming a vortex-shaped sea of ​​clouds, hovering in the sky, like a huge lightning like a ferocious black dragon, ravaging the universe.

"This is for the Navy Headquarters."


"It's an ultimatum or a warning issued by the World Government."

The moment his eyes met Rosen's, Zhan Guo, who was as powerful as the king of the world, couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

The man in front of him was no longer the freshman who had just joined the Naval Academy a few months ago and was at the mercy of others. Even though he had no military rank now, it did not affect the fact that he was at the top of the Navy Headquarters.

He understood that Douglas Barrett's life experience made Rosen a little wary.

Since he was a teenager, he had fought for his country as a soldier and became a hero in a country with endless wars.

In the end, he was sentenced again and again.

From a national hero, he became a wanted criminal of the World Government, and from a soldier, he became a pirate.

Such a result obviously touched Rosen.

After all, similar things have happened in the Navy Headquarters.

"It's not about betting on Douglas Barrett, but about trying to use the move of pulling Douglas Barrett back from a pirate to a soldier to sound the alarm for the World Government."

"Is this your gift to the Five Elders?"


Borsalino pushed the sunglasses on his nose to cover up the complex look in his eyes.

He knew that he could no longer use the eyes of a genius navy to measure Rosen in front of him.

At this moment, the man standing in front of him was already a king who had the power to stir up the sea and the world.

Rosen chose the navy, so he was the navy king.

Rosen chose the pirates, so he was the Pirate King.

Regarding this.

Borsalino had no doubt at all.

And Sengoku had no doubts either.

"We must not let Douglas Barrett's life be repeated on Rosen."


"Otherwise, once he chooses to leave the Navy Headquarters, even ten Devil's Heirs will be far less terrifying than him."

Zhan Guo secretly decided in his heart that at all costs, he would prevent Douglas Barrett's tragic life from repeating itself on Rosen.

He originally wanted to subdue a rare fighting force like Douglas Barrett, and now he felt that even if the Devil's Heirs did not

Such combat power also needs to be conquered.

Because doing so can calm Rosen's heart.

Using the fact that a national hero should not have such a tragic ending as a reassurance to Rosen.


Just as the atmosphere on the warship gradually became depressing and heavy, Borsalino noticed from the corner of his eye that Douglas Barrett, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up in the video screen projected by the video Den Den Mushi.

Not only him, but also Rosen and Sengoku also focused on the every move of the devil's heir.


Under the gaze of the three people, Douglas Barrett looked down at the navy uniform that Rosen had placed beside him before he left.

A uniform worn by an ordinary marine.

Any king would only feel humiliated if he changed.


Douglas Barrett didn't think so. He looked at the uniform with a very complicated look.

In the past, he was still a young soldier, as if he appeared in front of him.

"A chance to choose?"

"But when I was a soldier, I only got betrayals one after another!"

"How can I trust anyone again?"

Douglas Barrett murmured.

The video was recorded by the video phone worm and then presented in the form of live video.

Rosen, Sengoku, and Borsalino all heard the muttering of the devil's heir.


"It seems that he still failed your kindness."

"But this is not bad. At least, you don't have to bet on him anymore."

Borsalino heard Douglas Barrett's voice and turned to look at Rosen.

Rosen didn't say anything after hearing this, but just kept his eyes on the video screen, quietly waiting for Douglas Barrett to make the final decision.

Just as he said before he left, he would wait for the devil's heir's answer on the warship.


Suddenly, a sound of tearing cloth came from the video screen.

Borsaluno and Zhan Guo stared at each other, and saw Douglas Barrett in the video tearing up the military uniform that he had never put down since leaving the Endless War Country, and then threw the tattered uniform aside, leaving only the medal from his military days.


He reached out and picked up the Marine uniform that Rosen had put on the ground, and put it on.

After doing all this.

Douglas Barrett turned and left.

"Is this your answer?"


After watching Douglas Barrett wearing the Marine uniform through the video screen, Rosen's eyes flashed with a smile.

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