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After accepting the task, Xuelang also downloaded a detailed information about Qin Feng.

"It turned out to be him!"

Seeing Qin Feng's photo, Xuelang quickly recognized him.

Because he had seen Qin Feng when he was having dinner with An Kaiguo yesterday.

Muttering, Xuelang continued to read the information.

"He has some skills, and he can fight ten people alone."

"But you are unlucky to meet me."

"Six million walking, I will be here soon."

After reading Qin Feng's detailed information, Xuelang had a sneer on his lips.

For him, this task is much simpler than assassinating An Kaiguo.

After all, Qin Feng was just one person, so it was easy to find an opportunity to attack.

The deadline was three days, but Xuelang felt that it would not take that long.

He checked the time, carried a black backpack, and set off immediately.

Downstairs in the rental building, the Ferrari LaFerrari was parked in a parking space on the roadside.

But this did not prove that Qin Feng was upstairs.

So, Xuelang spent a little more money and asked someone to check Qin Feng's mobile phone number.

The location showed that the mobile phone number was nearby.

"It seems that this Qin Feng is upstairs."

Xuelang looked at the location on the phone and smiled evilly.

It was already night, and it was a good time to attack.

He had a newly made bomb in his backpack. As long as it was placed in the right place and detonated, Qin Feng would definitely die.

Qin Feng lived on the fifth floor, and there was no light downstairs, so it was obvious that no one was at home.

Because tenants often came in and out, the door on the first floor was not closed.

After observing for a while, Xuelang walked directly into the door.

He disguised himself as a middle-aged man, and was not afraid that the police would be able to track him down.

Arriving on the fourth floor, Xuelang confirmed again and found that there was indeed no one inside.

He took out a piece of wire and pried the door open.

As a qualified killer, unlocking is a necessary skill.

Xuelang moved quickly, and successfully opened the door in just a dozen seconds.

He slipped in and closed the door.

The room was dark, and Xuelang took out a flashlight to confirm the location of the bomb.

Qin Feng was upstairs, and as long as the bomb was detonated, Qin Feng would ascend to heaven on the spot.

At that time, he could also get the six million.

Soon Xuelang made a choice, carefully took the bomb out of his backpack and placed it on the top of the wardrobe in the room.

Start the timing device.

In order to evacuate to the safe area, Xuelang set the bomb to three minutes.

As the countdown began, Xuelang also put on his backpack and prepared to evacuate.

But as soon as he opened the door, he saw a horrifying scene.

I saw a young man standing outside the door without knowing when.

It was Qin Feng!

Qin Feng's face was calm, and he was staring at Xuelang intently.

As early as when Xuelang entered the first floor door with a bomb, the system detected danger.

So Qin Feng was on high alert.

Hearing a slight sound downstairs, Qin Feng realized that a thief had entered, and this was a thief with a bomb.

Xuelang had a strong psychological quality and pretended to be calm at this time.

"Who are you?"

"Why are you standing at my door?"

Xuelang knew many languages ​​and spoke them quite fluently.

"Don't pretend, you are the killer Xuelang, right?"

Qin Feng could see that this was a killer, but he was actually not sure whether it was Xuelang.

As far as he knew, the killer Xuelang who sneaked into Ningchuan City was very good at using bombs.


Xuelang realized that his identity was exposed.

He couldn't figure out which link had gone wrong.

The most important thing now is to get rid of Qin Feng and leave here as soon as possible.

Because once the bomb is activated, it will be difficult to stop it.

Besides, he set the time to three minutes.

Even if he is proficient in making and dismantling bombs, there is no way to complete it within three minutes.

When Xuelang reached into his backpack with both hands and attacked Qin Feng, he already had two sharp eagle claw knives.

He was very fast, and the cold light flashed in an instant.

Qin Feng did not dare to be careless and retreated to avoid Xuelang's attack.

And Xuelang is worthy of being a special forces soldier, with lightning speed and deadly swords.

"Go to hell."

Xuelang used all his skills, just wanting to get rid of Qin Feng as soon as possible.

However, to his surprise, Qin Feng's body was extremely flexible.

Several times, he was about to

The stabs hit Qin Feng, but Qin Feng easily avoided them.

Now he finally knew why Qin Feng could fight ten people alone.

He also regretted a little, why he took on this task.

"I thought you were very powerful, but you are just like this!"

Qin Feng did not fight back at first, just wanted to see the strength of Xuelang.

But after the fight, he was a little disappointed.

Even if Xuelang had a weapon in hand, Qin Feng was sure to deal with him within three moves.

After the test, Qin Feng also started to fight back.

Xuelang was forced back to the room by Qin Feng's fierce attack.


Qin Feng hit Xuelang in the chest with a heavy punch.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Xuelang's mouth, and he took a few steps back and almost fell down.

"Who asked you to come?" Qin Feng asked coldly.

A fierce look flashed in Xuelang's eyes, "Qin Feng, I underestimated you."

"But don't be too happy too soon. There is a bomb on the closet. As long as I press the remote control, everyone will die."

Xuelang opened his backpack and took out a remote control.

In fact, he was trying to scare Qin Feng.

The bomb has started counting down, and pressing the remote control will have no effect at this time.

The bomb will only explode after three minutes.

And time is passing by, so Xuelang is a little anxious.

If he continues to entangle with Qin Feng, he will be crushed to pieces.

"Then you can try it!"

Qin Feng smiled and was not worried at all.

Because the bomb has been put into the system space by him.

The system space is completely isolated from the outside world, and there is no concept of time, so Xuelang can't detonate it at all.


Xuelang didn't expect Qin Feng to not buy it at all. Looking at the time on the watch, more than a minute has passed.

If he doesn't leave, he will be finished.

Snow Wolf gritted his teeth and rushed forward again with the Eagle Claw Knife in hand.

He knew that he was no match for Qin Feng, and he had to escape as soon as he found a chance.

However, Qin Feng would never give him a chance.

Qin Feng saw the right moment and punched him hard again.

The speed was very fast, and Snow Wolf was hit on the forehead just as he reacted.

Under such a heavy blow, Snow Wolf fell to the ground, motionless, and received a box lunch.

Qin Feng squatted down and checked again.

He found that Snow Wolf was indeed dead.

This was the first time Qin Feng killed someone.

If Snow Wolf was allowed to leave, then his secrets would most likely be known to the outside world.

The bomb was abnormal last time, and the same situation occurred this time.

Therefore, getting rid of Snow Wolf was the best choice.

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