The more you buy, the more you sell.

To earn more than 400 million in four days is simply a myth in the investment world.

Lin Kun suppressed his excitement and said again.

"Brother Feng, according to the current rise of digital currency, you can hold it for a while, maybe there will be a surprise."

Qin Feng shook his head, "There is definitely no surprise, but there is a shock."

He knew that after four days of skyrocketing prices, the rise of this digital currency was almost over.

Although there will be a slight increase in the next three days, Qin Feng does not want to make the last penny.

Before others react, this is the best time to cash out and leave.

"When you go back later, sell the digital coins in batches."

Lin Kun asked with doubt, "Do you want to cash out part of it first?"

Qin Feng shook his head, "No, all of it."

Lin Kun was puzzled and was about to say something, but Qin Feng spoke again.

"Before noon tomorrow, try to sell all the digital coins in your hands."

"You will know why in a few days."

Qin Feng did not explain too much.

Lin Kun pondered for a long time and nodded.

"Brother Feng, I will listen to you."

Since Qin Feng said so, he could only do it.

After all, the money belonged to Qin Feng.

All in all, making more than 400 million in four days is good enough.

Seeing that Lin Kun still had some entanglement on his face, Qin Feng said.

"Did you also use your own money to buy digital currency?"

Lin Kun touched the back of his head and smiled, "Brother Feng, I really can't hide anything from you."

"I saw that the digital currency was rising so fast, so... I also invested 50,000 yuan yesterday."

Qin Feng dared to invest 80 million, so Lin Kun also planned to take a risk.

50,000 yuan is almost all of his wealth.

Qin Feng looked serious, "At the latest, the day after tomorrow, you will sell all the digital currency in your hand."

Lin Kun asked, "Brother Feng, can you really predict the price trend of digital currency in advance?"

Qin Feng smiled mysteriously, "If you listen to me, just do it."

"If you don't listen, then I can't do anything."

As if he thought of something, Qin Feng said again.

"Before, I said that I would give you 1% of the profit. After cashing out, you keep your part."

Qin Feng certainly wouldn't let Lin Kun help for nothing.

"Brother Feng, no... no need."

One percent of the profit is more than four million. Lin Kun felt that his efforts were not worth that much money.

"Just take it if I tell you to." Qin Feng said in an unnegotiable tone.

More than four million is nothing to him.

As for what Lin Kun will become in the future, that is not something he can decide.

Lin Kun stared at Qin Feng blankly, and was deeply moved.

"Feng... Brother Feng, it turns out that I am so important in your heart."

"I will be yours from now on. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west."

More than four million can completely change a person's fate.

With this money, Lin Kun can also do many meaningful things.

After sitting for a while, Lin Kun went back.

Qin Feng asked him to sell the digital currency in his hand, and he had to do this well.


Not long after Qin Feng finished breakfast.

The door of the room was knocked again.

"Is it a good day today?" Qin Feng went to open the door.

"Officer Zhou!"

Qin Feng was a little surprised to see that the person who came was Zhou Ruonan.

At this time, Zhou Ruonan was still wearing a police uniform and looked like she was doing her routine work.

"I came to find you to learn something. Can I come in?" Zhou Ruonan asked.

"Of course."

Qin Feng immediately moved a stool for Zhou Ruonan.

Zhou Ruonan sat down and then took out a notebook.

"What did you do when you went out at 10:20 last night?"

Qin Feng guessed that Zhou Ruonan was investigating the case of Zhang Yuting being attacked by a bomb.

After all, Qin Feng had a grudge with the Zhang family.

The most important thing was that Qin Feng happened to be outside when Zhang Yuting was in trouble.

Of course, Qin Feng also knew very well that Zhou Ruonan was just investigating. If there was evidence in his hand, it would not be as simple as questioning.

"I went out to have a midnight snack with friends." Qin Feng answered calmly.

"Did you meet Zhang Yuting on the way?"


Zhou Ruonan asked several questions in a row, but did not ask anything.

The information in her hand showed that Qin Feng met Zhang Yuting at a certain intersection after he went out last night.

But they were both sitting in the car at that time.


Evidence shows that the bomb attack last night was related to Qin Feng.

Whether the two noticed each other or not, in that situation, if Qin Feng could place a bomb remotely, he would really be a god.

"Okay, I'm done."

"Thank you for your cooperation!" Zhou Ruonan put away the notebook.

"Officer Zhou, you are not doubting me, are you?" Qin Feng looked innocent.

Zhou Ruonan was a little helpless, "There is no way, who made you have a grudge with the Zhang family."

"It's okay now."

She didn't doubt Qin Feng, but the investigation still had to be investigated, after all, this is a procedure.

"Are you free now?"

Zhou Ruonan asked Qin Feng without any intention of leaving.


Qin Feng has no other arrangements for the time being.

"Someone wants to see you. If you are willing, I will take you there now." Zhou Ruonan said.

"Who?" Qin Feng asked.

"Well, he's an expert in computers. After hearing about your deeds, he came all the way from Yanjing."

"He asked to see you."

Qin Feng is now famous, especially in the police force.

Qin Feng said helplessly, "Can I refuse?"

"Of course!"

"But I still suggest you go there."

"The other party's identity is not simple. Even if you meet him once, it will be good for your future development."

Seeing Zhou Ruonan talking so mysteriously, Qin Feng thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Although he now has a system, it is always good to accumulate connections.

"Then come with me now."

"I'll change my clothes first, you wait for me downstairs."

Zhou Ruonan nodded and walked downstairs.

Not long after, Qin Feng, who had changed his clothes, came down.

Zhou Ruonan drove Qin Feng to the police station.

"I couldn't find Xuelang's whereabouts last night. I have a hunch that he may no longer be in Ningchuan City."

Zhou Ruonan held the steering wheel with both hands and looked forward.

It seemed like he was talking to himself, but also to Qin Feng.

"Xuelang is gone. Isn't this a good thing for you?" Qin Feng said.

Only Qin Feng knew that Xuelang had become a dead wolf.

"It's a pity that he couldn't be caught." Zhou Ruonan sighed.

Qin Feng didn't say anything else. After all, this was a police matter, and he didn't want to get involved too much.

Next, Zhou Ruonan didn't say anything either.

After all, Qin Feng was not a policeman, and there was no point in saying too much.

When Qin Feng was bored, he looked at the virtual panel of the system.

[Enjoy life, refuse involution! ]

Today is Sunday, and there are still no part-time tasks.

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