Working Prophet

Chapter 395 Kizuna Ai is my wife

Li Yu and Zhang Yanlin got off the bus outside a Lanzhou Ramen restaurant near the hospital.

Before entering the store, the two of them saw Lu Weijia sitting by the door.

He is a lot fatter than he looks in the video, or more accurately said to be bloated, but he seems to be in good spirits. He is holding a laptop and reading something with an intoxicated expression.

He didn't notice it until Li Yu walked in front of him, raised his head and said, "Double suspension of teaching?"

Lu Weijia did not lower his voice deliberately. Fortunately, it was not lunch time, the boss had just gone to the kitchen, and there was no one else in the noodle shop except them.

Li Yu's expression did not change, and he also reported Lu Weijia's B station ID, which made the latter's expression change slightly.

"The quietness of Chidori is the best in the world."

In the end, Lu Weijia was defeated in this shame competition, and said with a wry smile, "Let's call each other by their real names."

"Yes, I have no objection." Li Yu opened the bench as he spoke, and sat in front of Lu Weijia.

Lu Weijia pretended to be sizing up Li Yu, but in fact he was secretly looking at Zhang Yanlin beside Li Yu.

"What are you looking at?"

Lu Weijia was taken aback, and quickly looked away, only to find that Li Yu was pointing at his notebook.

"Oh, just casually watch videos, it's hard for me to have any other entertainment now."

"Are you no longer updating, aren't you the up master?" Li Yu asked.

"Ah, I haven't cooked for a long time, and I've run out of previous ingredients."

"Then take a picture of the life in the hospital, the heat should be good."

"Nonono! I am the host of Up to pass on happiness to everyone, not to cause trouble for everyone." Lu Weijia shook his head, "If I can't find any interesting material, I won't update it at all."

When he said that, Zhang Yanlin at the side looked at him with admiration.

Li Yu was noncommittal, paused and continued, "Since you know who we are, you should also know why we came here."

"Well, I understand a little bit, but it would be better if you can introduce yourself."

Li Yu didn't talk nonsense when he heard the words, he took out his business card from his coat pocket and handed it over.

"—Death is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey."

Lu Weijia read out the words printed on the front of the business card word for word and commented, "It's quite philosophical."

Then he turned the business card over to the back, and his face suddenly became exciting.

"Merlin, the prophet of the Shuangxiu religion, the spokesperson of Saturday in the world, and the ferryman of the soul, are your series of titles an imitation of Dragon Mother?"

"I've already introduced myself, now it's your turn." Li Yu didn't show any emotion on his face.

"No problem, what do you want to know about me?" Lu Weijia said, stroking his chest.

"Your graduate degree majored in mineral survey and exploration. Which direction specifically?"

Lu Weijia's expression changed slightly when he heard this, "How do you know that my graduate degree majored in mineral survey and exploration? I remember I didn't mention this in my video, or did you search it directly on CNKI?"

"You mentioned it in your previous chat with Niu Xiangui," Li Yu said.

"Brother Niu told you?" Lu Weijia was a little surprised, "So, he also gave you my mobile phone number."

Li Yu nodded, "Not bad."

"Then Brother Niu is now..."

"You haven't answered my previous question."

"Oh, my tutor has been doing research on isotope geochemistry of ancient marine environments."

Li Yu and Zhang Yanlin knew each of these words, but they couldn't understand them together.

"What it is?"

"The specific point is to use the distribution characteristics of elements on the cross section of the shell to study the original geochemical information preserved by it."

"So your direction is also the ancient marine environment?"

"That's right."

Li Yu decided to be more direct, "Then can you look for minerals on land?"

"Ore prospecting? Are you talking about mineral exploration? This is a compulsory course that everyone must take. Of course I have taken it." Lu Weijia said, "But I changed careers soon after graduation, and I gave back a lot of knowledge. teacher.

"If you have such needs, you should find professionals in this field."

"But now the only person we can find who is dying is you." Zhang Yanlin explained.

"Oh oh oh... Look at my memory, I almost forgot," Lu Weijia slapped his head, "You are helping people reincarnate, right, so the other side needs it."

Li Yu didn't plan to go around in circles with Lu Weijia anymore, so he threw out the secret code Niu Xiangui told him.

"Kizuna is my wife."

"Ah, is this kind of thing allowed to be said out loud..." Lu Weijia suddenly trembled in the middle of speaking, put away all the joking expression on his face, and said in surprise, " do you say this?" knew?"

"Same, Niu Xiangui told me."

"Before he died?"

"After death."

"Are you kidding me?!" Lu Weijia raised his voice so much that he started to gasp a little.

"This is a secret agreement between the two of you." Li Yu saw his boss coming out of the kitchen and waved for three bottles of Vivian soy milk.

At this time, Lu Weijia was still immersed in shock and could not calm down for a long time.

Li Yu didn't say any more. When the soy milk came, Lu Weijia took a few sips to calm down his shock before continuing.

"Niu Xiangui told me a lot about you. For example, when you were in high school, you went to confess your love to the senior sister who endorsed you in Xiaohuayuan, but you scared her away before you even got close..."

"No, that's not right. You must have colluded to prank me. Brother Niu is also dead. You are still allowed to play such a joke on me." Lu Weijia wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It was still daytime and it was early morning, but he felt a bit windy around him.

"This is no joke." Li Yu asked Zhang Yanlin to take out the labor contract and hand it to Lu Weijia, "If you sign it later, I can reunite you with Niu Xiangui."

"To be honest, this proposal is not very tempting." Lu Weijia forced a smile.

"You are going to die. Unfortunately, this is a natural law that no one can change." Li Yu said, "I am no exception. The reason why I found you is to provide you with an opportunity to live in another world with your memories." Start the next phase of your life.

"Are you...are you kidding?" Lu Weijia no longer had the calm teasing before, and opened her eyes wide.

"Well, Niu Xiangui has already gone there before you. If you also choose to go there, even if you face a strange environment there, you can at least take care of each other."

"Of course, I have a few more questions to ask you before that."

"what is the problem?"

"What do you think about a double holiday?"

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