Working Prophet

Chapter 551 I don’t understand love

Miss Rabbit pulled over Ruby, who was called a maid but was actually a counselor.

He wanted the latter to wake Thomas up and make the guard captain realize that he was being used.

That cunning woman was just trying to play with his feelings.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ruby opened her mouth, the female lord was stunned again.

"I know...Sir Thomas and Miss Selena have developed a crush on each other."


"Their feelings are real, because this is the first time they have this kind of heart-wrenching feeling towards the opposite sex, and their initial reaction is exactly the same, they all want to suppress this feeling.

"Because considering their mutual positions and identities, they both know that they shouldn't fall in love with each other. However, love is such a magical thing. The more you try to stop it, the faster you will fall."

Ruby said leisurely, "Those self-repression, intentional restraint and alienation will eventually turn into nourishment for love, making the throbbing in my heart more and more intense."

Thomas smiled wryly when he heard the words, "Charlene, you really understand love. These days, I am indeed like you said. I have tried to avoid Selena, but the more I miss her, the more I miss her."

"Me, me too." Selina stammered and then lowered her head.

"I don't understand love. No one really understands love. It is the most unreasonable thing in the world." Ruby smiled.

"Why don't I know about this at all?" Ilea asked dissatisfied.

"Because you have been preparing for the martial arts competition during that time, and we don't want to distract you."

"Is that so?" Miss Rabbit poured herself another glass of ale.

Thomas and Selena were looking at her nervously, waiting for their next fate.

The female lord also has a headache now.

She has no intention and no right to interfere with her vassal's love or even marriage, but Selena's identity is indeed not easy to handle.

Even if you don't mention the time when Selena touched the wooden sculpture of Sevallia under her pillow in her tent to warn her, and you don't mention that Selena sneaked into the hotel to steal the holy artifact afterwards.

After all, she is also a believer in the Church of Life, and she is also a close confidant of Cornelia.

And Thomas's identity is also not simple. He is Ilea's guard captain.

If the two of them were allowed to fall in love like this, it would be equivalent to allowing the Life Church to plant an informant next to the female lord.

Besides, even if Miss Rabbit doesn't care, what will Cornelia think?

Ilea initially locked up Selina because she wanted to get more information about the Life Church from her.

But Selina's mouth was very tough. After asking for a long time, she couldn't find anything valuable. She was injured and couldn't be tortured for the time being.

In addition, Wangdu is the headquarters of the Life Church, and there are many believers. Miss Rabbit doesn't want to go too far, but now she doesn't know what to do with Selena.

In the opinion of the female lord, the best outcome is for Cornelia to obediently pay a large ransom to redeem the person, not too much, but not too little.

There are always six or seven thousand gold lions.

After all, it was Selena who offended her first, and twice, so there had to be some compensation.

Unfortunately, Cornelia was dishonest. After such a long time, she did not mention the ransom at all.

As a result, Miss Rabbit has to help the priestess to raise her people in vain. She has to open her mouth to eat more every day, which is all money.

This little female cat looks small, but she eats a lot, and she can do more than her. Ilea is depressed now, feeling like she has inexplicably carried a debt.

If Cornelia doesn't come to mention people, the female lord will have to think about how to squeeze some value from Selina.

For example, let her, like one of her colleagues, help the Arias family or work on double vacations.

But now that silly boy Thomas fell in love with this little female cat again, which made Ilea even more upset, and it was hard to hit him hard.

Miss Rabbit snorted coldly when she thought of this.

Selena's face immediately turned pale, and her body shrank back subconsciously.

Thomas knelt down on one knee, "My Lady Ilea is wrong, I know I shouldn't fall in love with Miss Selina, she offended you before, and she deserves to be punished.

"But I still hope that you can spare Miss Selena this time, she promised me that she will never do anything against you again, and there will be things that are not good for the weekend education.

The female lord did not speak.

The captain of the guard was a little anxious, and said again, "If you really want to vent your anger, you can punish me."

Ilea was annoyed, "Are you worthy of your teacher Alfred's teaching and cultivation to you?"

Thomas' eyes dimmed, and he wanted to say something more, but Miss Rabbit waved her hand.

At this time, Ruby on the side said, "I have a solution."

"what way?"

"If you really want to be together, there are only two ways." Ruby pointed at Thomas, "Either let Lord Ilea take back your fief and knight title, and let you go to Cornelia."

"Either you join the weekend church and become a Saturday believer." Ruby looked at Selena again, "In this way you can be together.

"Of course, there is actually a third way, which is to separate you completely, but now it seems that the easiest way is the most unrealistic for you."

Thomas fell into silence again after hearing this.

Miss Rabbit originally wanted to say that it was unnecessary, after all, the Shuangxiu religion did not prohibit believers from marrying pagans.

Saturday and his prophets are extra lenient in this regard.

But before Miss Rabbit opened her mouth, she saw Ruby winking at her, so she swallowed the words again.

After a while, Selina took the initiative to say, "I... let's separate. Priest Cornelia saved me and gave me a new life and purpose. I can't betray her.

"As for you, Lord Thomas, I know that Lady Ilea treats you very well. You are her knight, and it is impossible for you to betray your own monarch. This is against the code of knighthood."

"You're right." Thomas looked painful, but he still said, "I can give up land and money for you, but I can't give up the honor of being a knight."

"It's okay, that's why I fell in love with you." Selena said softly, looking at the captain of the guard obsessively, "You are an upright man, Sir Thomas, thank you for your kindness to me during this time take care of."

"Since you have made a decision, you can go." The female lord said to Selina.

She was obviously free, but Selena didn't look very happy, holding back the tears in her eyes, and left the hotel step by step.

And watching her disappear into the corner of the street, Thomas looked very depressed.

Only the female lord felt that something was weird. After going out, she asked Ruby, "Is this the end? Well, although the matter is resolved, but is it really okay to forcibly break up the relationship between a lover?"

"It's not over yet," Ruby said, "Do you still remember what I said, love is a magical thing, those self-repression, intentional restraint and alienation will eventually turn into nourishment for love."

Ilea showed a pensive expression when she heard the words, but her face suddenly changed after a while, and she exclaimed, "No, what about my ransom?! I haven't got the ransom yet, why did the person let go first. "

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