Working Prophet

Chapter 556: Du Lun's Warning

The chest of the captain of the royal guard rose and fell violently. He stared at his little finger, and his eyes seemed to burst with anger.

Little Finger had a strong premonition that Duren would swing the long sword in his hand and chop off his head at the next moment, which made him take two steps back.

But the captain of the royal guard finally controlled his emotions and inserted the sword back into his waist.

Seeing this, Essos retreated to his previous position.

Military Minister Olis asked at this time, "Sir Durham, did you just draw your sword in front of His Majesty?"

"I am the Chief of the Royal Guard, and I have the right to wear a sword in the castle." Du Lun said neither humble nor overbearing.

"That's right, it's the power of the sword." Olis emphasized the two words in the middle, "Even you can't draw your sword casually before the danger occurs."

Du Lun was silent. He could quibble that he felt threatened by Little Finger just now, but lying with his eyes open is not something he is good at.

"It seems that you don't deny the crimes you committed." Gals on the bone pedestal said, "Then hand over the red gall first."

Red gallbladder is a handed down work created by the greatest dwarf craftsman thousands of years ago. It is the saber of the former imperial guards and their status symbol.

Gals asked Du Lun to hand over the gall, which was tantamount to depriving the latter of his current position.

Du Lun struggled a little, but finally handed the sword to the guard who was walking towards him.

Seeing this scene, Gals finally showed a smile on his face. He knew that this meant that the overall situation was settled, although he also paid a big price.

Thinking of this, Gals couldn't help but glanced at Priest Cornelia not far away.

He has always been a little jealous of this woman, not only because of the latter's huge influence among the nobles and commoners of the capital, or because of various magical methods, but more importantly, Gals has never been able to guess what this woman wants .

She traveled thousands of miles to this continent, to this city, to follow and cling to power, but she seemed to be deliberately keeping a distance from power.

What she pursues is different from other people in this hall.

It's not that Gals didn't think of borrowing the power of the Church of Life. However, unlike his father, he witnessed Edward II almost obeying Cornelia, and Gals was very wary of theocracy.

He even considered inviting Li Yu to stay in the capital, because it seems that the only thing that can check and balance the Church of Life is the same miraculous Shuangxiu Church.

But now this problem has been solved.

Gals glanced at Alister again, the youngest brother, and he didn't know whether the other party's luck was good or bad.

In the end, the new emperor of the empire decided not to think too much, and looked at Du Lun under the stone steps again.

"Is there anything else you want to say? My promise is still valid. As long as you can provide a little bit of valuable information about the death of the late emperor, I can consider exempting you from whipping, and even disrespecting me just now. You Any other witnesses can be found.”

No matter how dull Du Lun was, he knew at this moment that he was being calculated by someone. His investigations and every move in the past few days were all under the nose of the other party.

Although he still has a witness to call, it is meaningless. Instead, it may bring danger to that person, just like the fat cat whose life and death are unknown now.

Seeing Du Lun remained silent, Gals didn't intend to wait any longer, because the legs of the "lucky" Jerome had already started to tremble.

It is estimated that he is too old, standing for too long, and his physical strength will be exhausted. If Du Lun hadn't interrupted him, he should have put the crown on the new emperor's head by now and went back to rest.

Garth didn't know if he would still have the strength to hold up the crown after waiting for a while, so he waved his hand and motioned to the guards on the side to escort Duren down first.

But at this moment, Du Lun suddenly opened his mouth again and said, "I haven't finished speaking yet."

However, the nobles present were a little tired of his crazy words, and when they heard what he said, there was ridicule and ridicule in the crowd.

Everyone hopes that this farce will end soon.

Du Lun was unmoved and instead raised his voice, "The reason why they assassinated His Majesty was to plunge the empire into chaos."


"Those Yi people, they are already very close to Bratis, and they may attack our coastline at any time, which is why Moen came to participate in this tournament."

"He wants to win the tournament, further damage our morale, and prepare for the upcoming big fight. They want us to be afraid."

"This is your groundless imagination again!" Military Minister Olis snorted coldly, "Except for the birdman named Moen, there has never been a second guy with wings on the mainland.

"Even if they really want to attack us, it is impossible for such a large fleet to cross the sea without any movement. The merchant ships passing by should have noticed them long ago, but until now we have not received similar information, which shows that they are far away from us. It's still far away."

"The third one." The female lord couldn't help but said.


"You just said that there hasn't been a second guy with wings on the back on the mainland, but in fact there is, and it would be more appropriate to change it to a third one." Miss Rabbit explained when she saw the Minister of Military Affairs glaring at her.

"Because a wingman named Gabriel had already appeared in the Western Territory before, he also brought a dragon egg and hatched a black dragon, but fortunately, the black dragon was later killed by Prophet Merlin, me, and Feidi. Nan and others were killed together."

"What she said is right." said the representative of the Figuerola family, an old man with gray hair but still looking majestic.

"Okay, that's just two people." Ollis said contemptuously, "There is no need for us to be nervous."

Garth also felt that what the Minister of Military Affairs said was very reasonable. A cross-sea expedition was a very dangerous thing, and there were too many threats at sea.

Especially for two continents that are far apart, it is not easy for the last fleet to reach its destination with only five or six people left, and it is not uncommon for the entire army to be wiped out.

And the movement will definitely not be quiet, so that you can't hear the slightest sound of wind.

Gals said to Duren, "Are you determined to connect the murderer with those Wing Tribe people?"

"Because that's the truth," Duran said, "The accusations I made against you may not be rigorous enough, but there must be someone in the royal family colluding with those Wing Clan.

"I don't think it's wise to hastily crown a new emperor before this matter is fully investigated."

"here we go again."

Before Garth could speak, someone was already shaking his head, this time it was the intelligence chief.

"You're talking nonsense again, Sir Durham. It's the same question as before. How are you going to prove your words? That sensational war prophecy... Mrs. Orlis is right. We haven't even seen the first one so far." Three Wings.

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