Workplace games

Chapter 707 go home

Let the cloud blur have been secretly secrets, today I finally know the answer in the mouth of the old blonde, can be said to be the same!

Just, when Feng Yun knows this answer, the mood is a bit complicated. When I saw my grandfather, I was very happy, and I felt a loss for this mysterious app.

Originally, he thought that this app was a mysterious spiritual event. I thought that I was there. The result is good, I am really a son of life, just the kind of artificial life of self-hypnosis ..... .

Tragedy life!

After a sigh, Feng Yun spit a breath, relieves the uncomfortable feelings in his heart and the disappointment of the loss, and then look at his grandfather: "Grandpa, this matter, you are true It's so powerful, I'm so long, it's really enough, my dad doesn't know your business? This shouldn't be! "

In the heart of the cloud, it is actually identified that he should know some things, even if the incomplete understanding of the grandfather is the plan of the human artificial life, you should know some content, should not know nothing. Talented, this is not scientific!

As a result, the old man listened to listen, and the expression was quite strange, said to Feng Yun: "Your dad, you are filial less than the child, I flicker him, I have been in the same year, I want to flicker him for so many years, naturally there is no possibility. ! "

"So I have compiled a story to lie to him. It is believed in this story, so in addition to sending a call from time to time, I usually harass me!"

After listening to this, the curiosity of Feng Yun was coming, and he asked the old man asked: "Grandpa, what story you compiled?"

For the clouds, the blog will be unpleasant, the smile on the face is more strange, and even the cloud seems to have found that there is some slight blush, Inthetic tell him, this The story must have connotation!

At this time, the father said: "I lie to your dad said, I have been looking for the old companion, I have followed people, let him harass my old life!"

Feng Yun: ......

Lying in the trough!

This story is very busy!

Some of the clouds, this reason is really very powerful, no wonder that his old man will believe that it is true, change itself, you have to believe it, your grandmother has gone for many years, Grandpa Looking for such a reason, can still be able to say of!

However, it is very fast that the clouds have thought of a key issue. I looked at my grandfather asked: "I said grandfather, this is not the focus, the focus is if you have a fake play truth, give me a grandmother?"

Blur: ......

After listening to the cloud, the face of the old blonde changed, some uncomfortable, said: "You are a small scorpion, how to talk? I am special for you, I also look for my grandmother, I Dram you, a little, no conscience! "

Feng Yun: ......

After listening to your grandfather, the selection of the clouds and decisive, this topic can't talk, and then it is easy to smoke!

The eye beads turned, and Feng Yun asked his grandfather: "Grandpa, you have finished this, don't need it here, you will fall back to me, a family is not very good. Does it? "

After listening to the cloud, the blonde is taking the past: If you do your kid, you still have a good idea!

"Strap, of course and you will take you, or let you do it, you can't buy tickets, so many years, exhausted, I don't let you go, I am sorry!" The face is unhappy to say the cloud!

Feng Yun: ......

Still a ticket money?

This moment, the cloud, seriously suspect that the motivation of the father, obviously wants to let the clouds to see his results, but also say such a crown!

"Moreover, I feel that your boy seems to have something big, I have to go back to take the town, how can I don't participate!" The old man looked at the cloud, and said that there was a long time. What mystery is the same!

As a result, this is in the ear of the cloud, and the face has changed some changes. Looking at your grandfather's expression is something unnatural: "Grandpa do you mean? Why don't I understand?"

After listening to the cloud, I said the old man smiled and said: "You put it, you will be installed, do you think you have a secret in front of me?"

Feng Yun: ......


After listening to this, Feng Yun did not dare to defend, and he was not confused. He was monitored for several years without being discovered. At this time, there is no meaning!

Even in the hearts of the clouds, I must change the problem that I like to speak to myself in my heart, I will not have something!

It seems to see what I think in Fengyun, and the old man said with a smile: "Get it, when I love you, you are talking about you, you have recently online searching copy, you don't know what you want. Ah, who looks down? "

Feng Yun: ......

Helpless, at this moment, the cloud is a hundred feelings. When you look at your grandfather, there is always a feeling of stripping the clothes, there is no secret saying!

Looking back, you must smash this dead call ...

At this time, the old man seems to have been interested in this topic, saying directly: "I said the kid, this thing is the use of the writing case, that is someone else, nor you, you should find a best Your road is right, don't learn from, don't you understand? "

Feng Yun knows that he is a brightener, but this sentence is given him some inspiration, it seems that there are some ideas, but it takes time to comb it!

I saw that Feng Yun actually entered the state of death, and the old man said that he didn't have a good care: "Okay, don't make a whole chapter, you still want to feather Dengxun!"

Feng Yun: ......

Feng Yun helpless, I always feel that my grandfather's is quite a lot of money, how can he have no complete inheritance!

"Oh, don't talk nonsense, hurry!"

Blur of the old man seems to have a small expectation!

The cloud is also a busy nod. Looking at the old man takes two suitcases from the side, it is a speechless. Grandpa is already ready, just waiting for him to pick up!

When the two open the door, when I came out of the inside, I just saw that Ye Xiaoyu is standing outside, and that the scene is obviously the state of the first-level alert!

The father of the old man is also a brow, and said to Ye laugh: "Little son, don't make it like it, and the cloud is my grandson. Who do you prevent?"

Ye laugh:? ? ?

what's going on?

Ye smiled, but he saw that the clouds in the next side were nodded, suddenly speaking, I feel a little horror today!

"Grandpa Please ask!" Ye laughed quickly and changed his attitude, very humblely said to the father!

For the attitude of Ye laugh, the mood of the father is also good, take the lead in walking toward the door.

At the outside of a foot, the old man looked back at the factory, and there will be some dismisive. After all, I still have a lot of feelings, how much is still emotional, this leave, still some discomfort!

"Grandpa, how do these devices deal with?" Feng Yun stood on the side asked!

After listening to his father, I laughed and laughed, and then revealed a general expression: "Both, don't need it!"

After listening to this, Feng Yunyi, so many things,?

But soon, I will understand the idea of ​​my grandfather. This is a way to liberate, this is to make a complete break with these things!

After understanding this truth, Feng Yun said to Ye Xiao: "This work is given to you, give you five minutes, we go outside waiting for you!"

After listening to Ye, a sleeve, nodding!

After five minutes, looked at a wolf factory, and the father, Haha smiled: "Walk, go home!"

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