After Zhao Yu finished writing the evaluation, he solemnly clicked to send.

After seeing this evaluation of the elven world, which was uploaded to the Internet, he seemed to be discouraged and collapsed in his chair.

“Don’t know what kind of wave I’m going to set off when I write?”

Zhao Yu looked up at the chandelier and said to himself.


Soon after the article was uploaded, it caused an uproar among the player base.

Be aware.

Zhao Yuke is a high-level evaluator with millions of player fans, and the number of reads of each review article is close to half a million.

This article about the elven world is no exception.

Merely…… This review article is extremely controversial, and some players even believe that Zhao Yu has received money.

The content of the article is simple.

It is to briefly introduce the basic situation of the elven world, as well as Zhao Yu’s experience in the copy.

But the most controversial are the last few paragraphs in the article.

[The author believes that although Elven World is the work of a novice constructor, its performance and creativity are no less than those of top constructors.] 】

Or, bolder, the emergence of the elven world will inevitably usher in a new era, and the novice constructor will be the leader of the new era

This evaluation cannot be described as high.

It can be said that there is no one who has never come after the ancients.

And most outrageously, this is an evaluation of the work of a novice constructor.

This makes countless players feel ridiculous.

Can a copy created by a newbie be evaluated as ushering in a new era?

I’m afraid he can’t even construct a three-star creature, how can he qualify for such a high evaluation?

Therefore, players have begun to criticize each other.

“Is this too fake, and ushering in a new era?”

“Alas, I didn’t expect that Zhao Yu also began to collect money for evaluation, nonsense.”

“Is Zhao Yu a fool, this kind of evaluation can still make sense on a certain Divine Order Constructor, but you actually dare to evaluate a novice constructor like this?”

“I can’t provide objective assessments, I care what else you do!”

“I suggest that Zhao Yu blow a little bit when he collects money for evaluation the next time, and don’t brag about it like this time.”

“We haven’t been to the [Elf] copy either, maybe what Zhao Yu said is true?”

“Is it a fool upstairs, this is obviously to trick you into entering the copy and providing him with traffic.”


See almost one-sided bad reviews on the Internet.

Zhao Yu was not at all frustrated, because he had already foreseen this situation.

He very calmly sent out a dynamic:

“If you don’t believe it, you can go and see for yourself, as the so-called hears are false and seeing is believing.”

As soon as this dynamic came out, it provoked ridicule from a group of players.

Unconsciously, the heat of this matter is getting higher and higher, and it has actually been listed on the Internet hot search.

More and more players are aware of this copy of Elven World, but the vast majority of players are skeptical of it.

There are also many idle players who are ready to go to the Elven World to find out for themselves.


Regarding the fact that his copy was “on fire”, Luo Heng did not know it at first.

He didn’t know about it until he saw the assessment articles sent by someone in the class group.

“I didn’t expect my copy to go viral in this way, and I really don’t know what to say.”

Luo Heng was lying on the sofa, swiping the phone, his face full of helplessness.

Although the elven quest is on fire, it is indeed a “black and red” state.

Most people view the elven quest with skepticism.

“Really, why did he blow so hard?”

Luo Heng sighed.

However, Luo Heng has absolute confidence in the elven copy.

Even if the evaluation is average now, after the players really play, they will definitely give a real evaluation.

“I don’t know how many people are playing the elven quest now?”

Luo Heng was very curious.

He then opens the quest backstage to see how many people are playing with the quest.

This look startled him.

I saw a series of numbers displayed on the light screen.

[Number of players: 32,111


Number of people playing: 32,012].

More than 30,000 people!

Luo Heng straightened his waist and looked at the numbers in front of him a little incredulously.

You know, the novice constructor’s copy, more than two thousand people to play, is already the top.

And his elf copy, only one day online, the number of players reached 30,000!

“This… Sure enough, in the past life, the entertainment industry said it well, black and red are also red! ”

Luo Heng saw such exaggerated data and couldn’t help but sigh.

As long as your copy has a degree of discussion, regardless of the quality, there will be a group of players to join in the fun.

But that’s just right.

The more people play the elven quest, the more emotional energy it provides.

The more emotional energy there is, the faster the elven quest can progress to the mid-level world.

At that time, Luo Heng could construct the Three Sacred Birds, the Phoenix King, the Dream and other divine beasts.

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