World Controlling God

Chapter 1720: Eternal matchup

When Ling Chen exclaimed, Ling Xiao had already gone with Yun Mengqi riding Chaos Leilong. Lei Wanzhen immediately wondered, "Is this kid going to escape?" Ling Chen immediately slammed the way. "Laughing brother, he is not such a person. Over the years, he has made many contributions to the family and Tianlongmen. He has never been greedy and fearful of death!" Lingbo also echoed on the side. "It’s good. In order to get together with the original source stone, I have been swaying outside the country for many years. With his own power, I have already gathered six kinds of original source stones, which can be imagined. It’s hard to be a big man. He won’t be fleeing. It’s his own thoughts!”. "Yes, I still know how to laugh. I have accompanied us to defeat the Devils and Tigers. Later, the Lei people ruined the Devil's ancestral land. He is very courageous. He is not a fearless person. Ling Taimeng also stood up and spoke for Ling Xiao. Lei Wanxi immediately became speechless. He did not expect that Ling Xiao’s younger generation was so good in the Jinzu, he only doubted that he was immediately refuted by others. Ling invincible is also slightly revealing a few strange colors, but soon restored calm! "I didn't expect that now there are three eternal gods born at the same time, it is too unbelievable, is this heaven and earth changed?" Ling Tai invincible sighed, then said "now too early uncle to an enemy two The situation is not optimistic, we must go to prepare!". "Now do any preparations are in vain! Big brother, he masters my family's golden dragon altar, with his strength to win an enemy two, but I believe that it can be invincible!" Ling Taimeng frowned. Outside the domain, the three eternal gods and the two giant beasts have already smashed large blocks of space into powder. There are magic cloud black hole space, chaotic sky thunder space and gold plaque space, each of which is the most terrible space force in the world. They are completely filled with millions of miles around here, they are intertwined, and all kinds of destructive powers are like the end of the natural disasters. Ling Taichu and Lei Zhanyang played against each other. At the beginning, they were slightly defeated by the chaotic Tianlei space of Lei Zhanyang.

However, Ling Taichu must be a gold man. After he has upgraded all his strengths, his golden space has become more and more terrifying than the thundering space of Lei Lei. The advantage of Chaos Tianlei lies in its power of destruction, while the power of Jin Hao is a little bit shorter, but it is a huge force in space. I saw that Ling Taichu’s golden space was spaced for thousands of golden dragons. The golden guns resisted many chaotic days and thunders, and many of them thundered the battlefield against the thunder. The thunder and the purple fluttered, and the chaotic thunder guns were waved in the hands. Every golden dragon and golden gun shadow was swept by him! He looked calm and had a scornful smile on his face. He didn't seem to put Ling Taichu in his eyes. "Golden people can actually improve their combat power, even the power of this space has also exploded, but it is not enough!" Lei Zhanyang sneered, chaos Tianlei convergence, the whole process for a humanoid Thunder to shoot Ling Taichu come. Many golden plaques have torn a long hole under the force of this thick and thick Thunder! Lei Zhanyang is planning to play a direct confrontation with Ling Taichu. It is time to win the game. Ling Taichu’s dragon was forced to move. He danced with a golden gun like a dragon and greeted the thunder. He shouted, “Tianlei is called the mighty power, but you are actually the evil generation with the devil tiger. The alliance is really a humiliating force to punish evil. Today I will smash you for the sky!". The power of the two eternal gods was intertwined, and the sound of a horrible explosion rang. In an instant, they fought hundreds of moves, and each move was exhausted and went to their own key killings. The strength of the two is quite equal, and it is almost impossible to win the game at one time! On the other side, the ancient dragon swallowed the dragon ball, and its combat power was extremely terrible. Many magic cloud black holes were blasted by the dragon body, and many black corrosive forces could not cause any harm to it! The black-and-white tiger emperor, who is waiting for the opportunity, rushes into the ancient dragon from time to time with a strong flesh, but its blood force must be a little worse. Although it has reached the ancient level, it will be an ancient dragon opponent in the same order. . The ancient dragon still can cope with an enemy two, but it wants to kill this person and a beast can still not be done in a short time!

"The real dragon beast is really difficult to wait, when I break your body, it will smash you into slag!" Jiang evil Wang screamed, and instantly shot a few Optimus giant palms to the ancient dragon. He is only a matter of disturbing the enemy. His body is already close to its body quickly, and two black gods are condensed in the hand and smashed toward the neck of the ancient dragon. The black **** blade is full of bloodthirsty taste! It is made up of the eternal god, and it is already beyond the scope of any ancient artifacts, enough to assassinate any of the world's strongest things. But when the pair of gods touched the neck of the ancient dragon, it was a crisp sound of "jingle". This pair of black gods can't break the dragon scale into the dragon neck. The ancient dragon was furious, and it roared. The terrible dragon shook the Jiang evil king directly, and the dragon head rushed toward him, ready to swallow him. The black demon tiger emperor and the **** evil king cooperated with each other. When Jiang Xingwang was in danger, he immediately rushed toward the ancient dragon, which made the Jiang evil king immediately have a buffer time to withdraw. It is only the Jiang evil king who does not retreat, but many corrupt forces are wrapped in the ancient dragon. The three beasts and the two beasts have been flipped outside this area. I don’t know how many times, how much space has been shattered, and a space full of mysterious and unknown space cracks keep coming out, if the Supreme God is driven in. I am afraid that it is also fierce. Long time war, Ling Taichu had no choice but to play the Golden Dragon Altar. This enchanted artifact of the Jin family for millions of years has become a true and eternal artifact after being infused with eternal blood. It is erected on the thunder and the artifacts of the evil king of Jiang, the power is endlessly terrible, and the thunder of the thunder is given to the blood! His chaotic trenches were directly cracked open! Lei Zhanyang retreated back and thundered, " can you have these artifacts, are you looking for an eternal god? This is absolutely impossible!" Lei Yang and Ling Taichu played hard to distinguish, no one can resist anyone, and now it was suddenly bombarded by Ling Taichu, which made him become a little scared. "Hey, you don't have to know too much. Today, you will die with Jiang Xiewang. There isn't a lot of eternal gods in this world!" Ling Taichu made a contribution, and snorted, once again manipulated Jinlongtan. Attack! The golden dragon altar is turned into a million ancient dragons, each of which contains the power of incomparable horror, and slammed into the battlefield.

The chaotic thunder force of the thunder battlefield actually can't keep up with these ancient dragons full of spirituality! They are like Wanlong's nesting, the power is enough to ravage and destroy many spaces, and the thunder battlefield has a feeling of being difficult to balance! "Thousands of Thunder is boundless!" Lei war stunned and turned into a thunder, the sky chaos and thunder, and many ancient dragons in front of them bombed. However, these ancient dragons still rushed out of these chaotic tyrannical hurricanes and roared directly toward him. He even blocked, but he was still shocked to continue to retreat. Suddenly, the golden dragon altar pressed over his volley. The golden dragon altar is like a real ancient dragon. It has a terrible dragon body of tens of thousands of meters. It is directly pressed down. Its power is terrible and it is enough to destroy the power of dozens of stars. Lei warfare was shocked, chaotic thunder guns rushed up, but actually could not pick this golden dragon altar, but his chaos thunder gun was cut off, forced him to vomit blood again! But these injuries are nothing to him! When he reaches this realm, as long as there is still a drop of blood that can be regenerated, it is almost never dead! Just go on like this, he will be defeated by Ling Taichu sooner or later! However, he did not know that Ling Taichu's full force to promote the Golden Dragon Altar was also extremely expensive. Each hit contained many of his divine powers, and even turned it out, and his power was quickly drained. "If it is impossible to defeat one of them, they are afraid that they will always look at my gold family. Today, even if I am going out, I will take them to Liwei!" Ling Taichu secretly snorted in his heart, and he was so angry. Into the golden dragon altar, at the same time a drop of brilliant blood also accompanied by the past. The power of the Golden Dragon World is getting stronger and stronger. It pursues the thunder and war, and it hits the past again and again, and it is frustrated by the thunder. He had to rush to the direction of Jiang Xiewang and screamed in the past. "Ginger brother helped me, we joined forces to win them!". Jiang Xie Wang did not expect that the strength of the thunder and the tyranny of his strength was actually forced to escape to him by Ling Taichu. It’s just that he is also innocent. This ancient dragon’s fighting power is terrible. The power of the Dragon Ball has already brought its power two hundred times. It can’t be stressed at all, and it’s almost swallowed by it, and his black magic. The Tiger King has been scarred and his combat power has been greatly reduced. Jiang Xiewang and Lei Zhan are in one place, and Ling Taichu is also in harmony with the ancient dragon.

Ling Taichu did not give them a chance to breathe. He cried, "I am not dead today, but I am dead!" Ling Taichu had a completely out-of-the-box look, and the golden ambiguity was soaring, and many Jinlongying roared out. Jiang Xiewang and Lei Zhanyang joined forces to turn into two dangerous spaces. The magic cloud black hole has been smashed in and out, and it can swallow all the power. Many chaos and thunderstorms can be destroyed and kill everything! The fierce collision did not know how long it took to continue, and did not know where they went. Many spaces have been devastated by them, and many sacred beasts living outside the domain have been affected and killed! Their eternal power seems to be never exhausted, and they can't be used up. Their battle can make the world eclipse, and the power of the world is hard to describe!

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