World Controlling God

Chapter 207: Killing Firefox

Chapter 207 Killing Firefox

Before coming, Ling Xiao once looked at the scene of the Fireworks Valley from above the sky. At that time, I only felt that it was like a flaming mountain. It was red and bloody. This kind of situation is very spectacular and it is amazing.

Standing at the entrance to the Fireworks Valley, the heat of the face has made people feel hot and tired, and they can't help but feel irritated.

"Teacher, take the ice cold Dan, the fire poison here can be a little bit from the skin into your body," Shi Tianhou reminded, he did not dare to take out an ice cold Dan served.

"No matter what the brothers lead the way," Ling Xiao said casually.

In fact, his body has begun to run the ice attribute to keep himself calm.

Although the innate yin and suffocation in his body can resist fire poisoning, it is so high temperature that Ling Xiao feels that his mentality has moved.

The two entered the valley and saw low-level grasses and spirit trees with fire properties everywhere. Each plant was very strange and bright.

"Zhenweishu" Ling Xiao four looked at Zhang, and his eyes paused in one direction.

I saw the direction he was looking at. There was a red-red grass, and the grass had a lot of hairs. It was like a horsetail and kept swinging in the wind. This is a second-order high-end foxtail.

Ling Xiao couldn't help but rushed over and took the grass.

"Teacher, don't waste your time. The spirit grass here is full of fire poison. Yang elders and elders have decided that these spirit grasses cannot absorb or refine alchemy at all, otherwise the absorbers will be poisoned in the fire," Shi Tianhou said from the side.

As soon as this was said, Ling Xiao’s excitement could not help but fall.

"It's a pity." Ling Xiao threw a sigh of sighs on the side.

He now finally knows that the low-level grasses that are full of this are no one to pick. The daring of these spirits is more or less flaming, so it is unfortunately unfortunate.

The next step is the beginning of the real pain of Ling Xiao.

I saw that there are many third-order grasses in this fireworks valley, and these grasses are extremely rare and precious.

However, these spirit grasses have no way to absorb or refine Dan, which undoubtedly makes Ling Xiao feel distressed. Despite this, Ling Xiao couldn't help but pick a few rare and precious grasses.

Suddenly, there is a flash of light in his mind that immediately reveals a happy color.

Although others can't absorb it, it doesn't mean he can't use it!

He cultivates three points to return to the same spirit, which means that he can cultivate the three attributes of ice, fire and wind at the same time, so he can also absorb the fire grass of the fire attribute. Although these spirit grasses contain fire poison, it is harmless to him, even if it is taken directly or Refining into Dan, you can take it directly, and then use the smoldering gas to destroy the fire poison, the medicine can certainly be retained.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao felt a hot heart, and quickly began to scrape these fire attributes.

Ling Xiao’s turn-around action made Shi Tian Hou amazed.

"Teacher, I am not saying that these spirits can't be used? How do you still take it, don't waste time, let's hurry," Shi Tianhou urged.

"The brothers are not in a hurry. These spirit grasses are useless to others, but they are very useful to me!" Ling smiled and grinned.

Then, Ling Xiao saw a third-order mid-range five-star flower. The flower is like a star-shaped flower. The petals also contain a little dark red lines. It looks very attractive and attractive.

"Hey, the third-order mid-range five-star flower, and there are three more, can't let go." Ling Xiao's eyes flooded, and the pickpocket immediately ran to pick.

Just then, a sense of crisis came in.

Shi Tianhou, who was careful of the younger brother, also felt it. He reminded Ling Xiao, and a pair of silver axe immediately pulled out and rushed toward Ling Xiao.


A fire shadow was drilled out of the grass like a lightning bolt.

Ling Xiao had not found any traces of the beasts in the mining grass. At the same time, the vigilance fell to the lowest. When the danger came, he reacted, but it was still a little late, and the arm was scratched by the fire shadow. one place.

The burning feeling made Ling Xiao feel a cold breath, and then looked at the arm, only a blood flowed out between the meat seams, and the arm was red and swollen in a moment, and the faint red color was still visible. .

A fire poison quickly rushed into the body from Ling Xiao's arm.

At this time, Ling Xiao naturally did not have the mind to use the fire poison to cultivate King Kong five changes, and did not want to use the innate yin wind to destroy the fire.

Ling Xiao wrinkled his brow and looked at the beast that hurt himself. He exclaimed, "It is actually a fire fox, and this is terrible."

In front of Ling Xiao is a third-order mid-level fire fox, only to see that it is red and bloody, red hair is tight, eyes are red, and fangs are scary.

"You brother, you go forward, let me deal with it." Shi Tianhou sighed from the back and blew two axe shadows.

Ling Xiao did not hesitate to immediately withdraw and retreat to the side, but he did not leave, but took out the fierce sword, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The speed of the fire fox is lightning fast, even if some of the wind attributes of the beasts do not necessarily have the same speed.

Shi Tianhou’s attack could not hurt Firefox at all.

"Hey!" Firefox seemed to be irritated by Shi Tianhou. Even after hiding a few times, he rushed toward Shi Tianhou.

Shi Tianhou is a soil-property warrior. The defense is okay. The speed is inferior. When the firefox is caught in front of him, Ling Xiao looks at the opportunity next to him. The index finger is in the hand, and a small fire column is fired toward the fire fox. The past.

This is the fierce **** obtained from the Li family.

At the same time as shooting out, Ling Xiao started the fastest speed, and instantly reached the side of Firefox, and shouted "Go to hell!".

Li Yan said that he could only temporarily stop the fire fox from attacking Shi Tianhou. His current move is the real kill.

A road full of burning flame swords rushed toward the firefox.


Ling Xiao’s move has already used 10% of the mysterious power, and the hand is a third-order mystery. This attack is comparable to the low-level spiritual master’s full blow.

The fire fox was bombarded a dozen meters away and fell between the weeds.

"Senior brother, you are fine," Ling Xiao asked.

"Nothing, but fortunately you attacked in time, let's go, then Firefox should not die, even if we join hands, we can't bear it." Shi Tianhou said, and quickly took Ling Xiao on the road.

"The brothers can't go, and the fire fox has attacked again." Ling smiled and watched the place where the firefox fell.

His words were just finished, and a fire shadow was once again shot out of the grass, and the speed was actually a little faster than before.

"Come on, no one has been with me for a long time." Ling Xiao did not retreat, and sighed, the fierce sword in his hand was booming.

Sword left marks!

For a time, countless fire swords and shadows drowned toward the firefox that was shot.

Unfortunately, Ling Xiao still underestimated the speed of Firefox, only to see a few of them leaping to the side of Ling Xiao, and the **** mouth biting towards Ling Xiao’s waist.

If you are bitten, I am afraid that there will be more than a large piece of meat.

"Bee, hurry" Shi Tianhou gave a cry and immediately came over from the side.

For a time, one beast and two people will fight together.

Ling Xiao's wind attribute can also capture the direction of Firefox, but he can't resist Firefox, and when Firefox always bites Ling Xiao, Shi Tianhou supports it from the side.

"Teacher, this is not the way to go, or you must go first, I will first block it," Shi Tianhou said anxiously.

This third-order mid-level firefox is too difficult to fight. The two men can’t fight for a long time. Shi Tianhou had to let Ling Xiao leave first, and the strength of Ling Xiao must be much weaker.

However, he did not find that Ling Xiao still did not fall in the face of Firefox, I am afraid that he may not be able to do it.

"No, this firefox has been attacked by fire poison, and will not give up the attack at all. Even if you stay with it, I am afraid that it is not its opponent. You can find a way to block it. I will kill it." Ling laughed and waved. Yan Jian attacked Firefox and said to Shi Tianhou.

"Well, you must stand up first." Shi Tianhou responded and immediately began to gather spiritual power.

In an instant, Shi Tianhou exudes a strong earthy yellow color, and then he screams "the hand of the earth."

I saw him slamming on the ground and making a sigh of noise.

Then there was a wave of energy rushing toward the place where Firefox and Lingxiao struggled, and then a shadow of the shadow was drilled out of the ground.


The fire fox was caught by the khaki-colored hand-shadow, and at one time he could not break free and made a strange noise.

"Good job!" Ling Xiao screamed, and the fierce sword in his hand went high.


The powerful sword shadow contains the most violent attack.


This time, Firefox did not have any chance to dodge. All of them ate the violent blow of Ling Xiao. The blood splashed and the fox body was cut into several pieces.

"Call!" Ling Xiao took a heavy sigh of relief and sat down softly.

The completion of the blow just took all his mystery.

Shi Tianhou immediately ran over and praised "the younger brother is good, Firefox was actually killed by you."

This Shi Tianhou finally realized that the strength of Ling Xiao is not as simple as it seems, even if he is banging with him, I am afraid that there will be five to five between the two.

He is already a low-level sorcerer, and Ling Xiao is only a high-ranking singer.

Shi Tianhou can't help but scream in his heart, "The younger brother is really amazing!"

"Just fortunate, if you are not a brother, you can control it, I may not be able to hurt it." Ling Xiao shook his head and said, then meditate in place and restore Xuan Li.

Shi Tianhou went to pick up the five-star flower, and went to take the beast of the firefox.

After a quarter of an hour, Ling Xiao meditated, Shi Tianhou gave both of these things to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao is naturally rude, one by one in the income space.

"Let's go, there is still a road, you must arrive as soon as possible," Shi Tianhou said.

The two men walked in again into the depths of the Fireworks Valley.

Along the way, I encountered two third-order low-order beasts, but they were all killed by the two.

Ling Xiao also harvested two beasts and several grasses.

The trip to the Fireworks Valley is destined to gain a lot.

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