World Controlling God

Chapter 391: The second floor of Yao Ding

Chapter 391 Drug Ding Second Floor

"The master is really brute, so you can break the enchantment!" Black screamed a sly expression.

"I rely on, isn't there any way to break the enchantment? Just now, you said that using the power of Wang Jie to break the boundary," Ling Xiao couldn't help but swear.

"The refining pharmacist pays attention to the power of the fire control. In fact, the master can use the fire to attack and believe that it is enough to break the knot."

Ling Xiao listened to this and thoroughly turned his back.

"Mom, why don't you say it early!" Ling Xiao shouted.

The black scorpion reveals a grievance. "I understand you as the master."

Ling Xiao was completely defeated, and marched toward the second floor with a sly pace.

When he was about to enter the world, he stopped to ask the black donkey. "Is there any explanation? Give me a good explanation, and I won't bend it."

"There should be no more".

"you sure?".


Ling Xiao was relieved to enter the second layer.

Just entering the second floor, Ling Xiao was attracted by a large piece of the flowers and flowers, and the exotic fruits.

The fragrance of the bursts comes from the nose, and the richness of the heavens and the earth is not clear, which makes the spirit of the people cool.

Ling Xiao quickly rushed into it and looked at one of the grass-like weeds. "This...this is the fifth-order middle-order earth-rock." Then he looked at another stone like a golden needle, which gave off the brilliance. The short grass whispered "This is the fifth-order high-order money line."

"This is the fifth-order mid-level conch algae."

"This is a five-variant flower, a fifth-order high-order spirit flower."


Ling Xiao looked at the Lingcao here, whispering the names of these Lingcao Linghua, his eyes bursting with the brilliance of light, and then his eyes fell on a crystal clear fruit with five gourds. on.

"Five... colorful gourd holy fruit, even this has?" Ling Xiao exclaimed.

He had a few dangers in the sacred caves, but he had a mature gourd tree, and he had already produced five. Can this not surprise him?

I thought that many souls and masters had lost their lives for this holy fruit. []

"All are mature, and you will lose if you don't pick it up. You can't waste it!" Ling Xiao slammed his hand and wanted to take it off.

However, when he came into contact with the fruit, he failed to pick them up.

"How is it so difficult to pick, strange!" Ling smiled and added a little bit of strength.

However, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not take them off.

Ling Xiao’s head is black and black, what is this all about?

The black scorpion appeared and asked, "What is the owner?"

"Why didn't you pick them up?" Ling Xiao asked at the colorful gourd.

Blackbird Yingdao "The master does not know, the spirit grass here can only be replaced."

"What does this mean?" Ling Xiao asked.

"I don't understand such a simple truth?" The black scorpion was slightly despised.

"Less nonsense, hurry to say" Ling Xiao's face is more and more ugly.

"It means that the master has to come up with the corresponding level of spirit grass in exchange for the relative grass of the same order. This is the rule set by the first master. He said that he can't let future generations develop a character that won't work." Black scorpion should be.

"What! This... what kind of **** rules!" Ling smiled and said.

"Does the master you are the kind of person who wants to get something for the first time?" Black sorrow wondered.

"You give me a roll, and this is a kind of person. This is just that these few fruits are mature. If you don't pick it, you will destroy it. This is a waste, and this is less of a frugality." The principle of opposing the waste as the purpose and loving the crystallization of flowers and trees as the concept!" Ling Xiao screamed at the chest.

See how arrogant and sullen he is now.

The black scorpion was touched by his expression. He did not come by sighing. "I am still the kind of person who wants to get something for nothing like the master and the previous masters. It seems that the black is wrong, the master is as great as the first master." .

"In this case, is it for me to take this holy fruit off?" Ling Xiaohu's eyes flashed through the color.

"I didn't say it. The spirit grass here can only be replaced. It has been growing here for more than 10,000 years and it has not been destroyed. The land here is six soils, and the aura has six levels of richness. You can rest assured that as long as you have the same level of Lingcao planted, you can exchange any one of the same level or the same level of Lingcao.

After listening to this, Ling Xiao did not fold.

The daring can only guard the mountain and not the mountain. This kind of pain is really not something that ordinary people can suffer.

Ling Xiao was bitter and went to other places.

Sure enough, in this space, there are five to six-order spirit grasses, and there are many elite grasses that are coveted.

Unfortunately, he only has a sigh of hope.

"Don't read... Don't read it, look at this less and you will be mad into heart disease." Ling Xiao shook his head and walked out of the second floor.

"The master came out so soon?" asked Blackbird.

"How can I not come out? Do you have to eat in it?" Ling Xiao was extremely unhappy.

The more he looks at the black scorpion, the more he is not pleasing to the eye.

"Master, if you want to use the fifth-order grass, it's easy. As long as you plant those low-level grasses, they can grow into high-level grasses in a few years. Then the master can use them." I will raise my mind.

"That's OK?" Ling Xiao responded. He paused and asked, "Will you not replace it with the same level of grass?"

"This is not necessary, because it is the owner you planted, so you can plant two plants, one plant can be used for four plants, and so on. The owner can also use half of the grass you planted." .

"I rely on, directly lost half, this is too dark, but it is barely acceptable." Ling Xiao whispered.

According to the black scorpion, this method is still feasible.

In the second layer, high-grade soil and rich aura are provided, which can effectively promote the growth of the grass, and some grasses with growth space can evolve in the same order.

"When you have time, you can get a lot of low-level grass to plant, and don't you have to worry about finding a grass in the future?" Lingxiao felt a lot better.

In the second layer, there are many high-grade grasses, although they can't be used, but if they are in urgent use in the future, just find the same level of grass to get in and change.

Ling Xiao had to admire that this feature design is really wonderful.

As long as the black dragonfly exists for one day, these grasses will not disappear. Later generations need spirit grass here as well, as long as the corresponding spirit grass is exchanged.

Repeatedly, no matter how many years have passed, the spirit grass in this medicine will not be exhausted, and it is also possible to plant the grass here, so that it will only increase.

Ling Xiao also had to admire the vision of this first master. It is really not so ordinary people can see so thoroughly.

Fortunately, there are a lot of Lingxiao collections nowadays. There are not many fifth-order Lingcao, but it is not too small. He decided to replace some of the spirit grass that is not needed, and the chicken ribs, and the sixth-order grass in his hand. There are basically few strains, of course, there is no way to exchange them. For the time being, I can only hope to sigh.

After Ling Xiao quit the drug tripod, the black scorpion said, "Master, you don't put me in the low-end utensils in the future, it makes me very difficult."

"Low-order utensils?" Ling smiled and groaned.

"It's the gadget you wear on your finger," said Black.

Ling Xiao looked at his fingers and knew that he was talking about space.

"I don't want to put you here, don't you run around the mountain!" Ling laughed.

"Actually, it is okay for you to make me become like this. Besides, I have stored more space than I don't know. It should be that I pretend it." Black cockroaches are not angry.

Ling smiled and took a nap. "Since you can become like this, why don't you change early?"

He was really vented this night by the **** soul.

"That's not the master, you haven't asked it all the time."

"Less nonsense, give me this way." Ling smiled.

"I can't change myself!" Black said.

"Then you just said again," Ling Xiao rushed to the black road.

If the black scorpion is really an individual, I am afraid that it will be shocked by Ling Xiao.

"This requires the master to cooperate with you. You can imagine me to become like this. I can change." Hei was very aggrieved.

Ling Xiao was too lazy to say that his mind thought of Hei Ding Ding as a space ring.

Sure enough, Black Dragon Ding can really change.

Ling Xiao was overjoyed, and then he thought of Hei Ding as a giant sword.

It is a pity that he found that Hei Ding had no movements.

"Hey, how do you stay the same!" Ling laughed uncomfortably.

"Of course, I can't change. I can only change into two shapes, one is the original tripod and the other is the ring shape."

"I rely on it! Ben less thought that you are a changeable artifact, but it was just like this." Ling Xiao was very angry and turned to the black squat than the middle finger.

I dared to take a lap and found that I really didn't have a twist on this soul.

But fortunately, you don't need to wear space in the future, you can take the black dragonfly directly, you can refine the alchemy, you can save things, and when you need it, you can use it as a mysterious weapon.

Ling Xiao turned the black smash into a tripod, and he planned to refine alchemy again.

Just now he gave Xuan Yao a refinement to Wang Dan. Now he is going to give himself and the devil a refining soul and a god.

Buddhism Dan is the medicinal herb that is made from the fifth-order spirit grass grass that was obtained from the Zhao Shiren space ring.

Yangshen Dan is a medicinal herb made from the cultivar that was photographed at the Dongjia auction.

Both kinds of medicinal herbs have a strong repairing and strengthening effect on the sea of ​​the sea, belonging to the five medicinal herbs.

Although it is just an ordinary Wupin Dan medicine, but Ling Xiao has not refining this high-grade medicinal medicine, it still has to be quite tight.

Fortunately, he had obtained a lot of light attributes from Ling Xuan and the fifth-order beast.

There are just a few of these spirit grasses and beasts that can assist in the refining of these two drugs.

Light properties and water properties of the spirits are extremely effective in healing, even if it is to repair the soul.

Everything is ready, Ling Xiao once again invested in the hardship of alchemy.

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