World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 1038: One hundred and forty: the mother and daughter of Guilin! A Shiyuan

Chapter 1038, 1040, Guilin, mother and daughter! A Shiyuan

Note: I haven't seen it for ten years. This chapter is all about describing the living conditions of the mother and daughter.


The Sky Academy is also strictly in the sky temple, but it is not in the space of the Temple of the Sky. It needs to go through an energy channel. It belongs to two relatively isolated system spaces.

The entire Sky Academy covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square kilometers, with a maximum of 20,000 to 30,000.

Today, there are only more than 10,000 people in the district. Because of the rise of the Emperor Lanling, the heirs of the Shenlong Temple have been cultivated, but there are still hundreds of young students, thousands of teachers, and tens of thousands of related jobs. personnel.

In other colleges, you are a teacher responsible for dozens of students. In Sky Academy, it is just the opposite, it is a dozen students serving a life.

And because the Temple of the Dragon on the ground was threatened by security, many colleges that should have studied at the Temple of the Dragon also moved to a safer Sky Academy.

The dean of the Sky Academy is a pale spot, but he has not been in the college for a long time. The Sky Academy has long been hosted by the alternate sky priest Rosso. He is the supreme leader of the Sky Academy and speaks one thing.

Half of the hundreds of colleges in the Sky Academy are children of the Great Temple of the Sky Temple. One-third of them are children of the four secret continents, and dozens of colleges are from the royal family of the human kingdom.

At Sky College, there is a very special scorn chain.

The children of the Temple of the Sky despise the children of the four secret continents, and the children of the four secret continents despise the children of the royal family of the human kingdom.

But if there is no accident of Lanling, then the highest level of the future Sky Temple will come from the students of Sky Academy.

In the Temple of the Sky, there are two very special members, A Shi Yuanzhang and the daughter of Guilin.

The identity of these two people is confidential, but because the identity is unknown, it is determined that it is not the Temple of the Sky, the four secret continents, the children of the royal family of the human kingdom. So in terms of pure identity, these two children are at the bottom of the Sky College contempt chain.

And Guilin, night horror, night shock feathers, Niya mentor are also within the Sky Academy.

Niya tutor continued to teach music in the college, and the night horror and night horror as one of the countless servants, served the daily life of these days. And Guilin, was assigned to the Dean's office to do the most common text work.

Sauron’s younger sister, Saulon’s illegitimate daughter, once the rocky little princess Yan Xueer, was also responsible for sweeping the ground in the college office, and changing the water for all the fish and cutting the flowers.

After ten years, compared to the Fuxier family in the Temple of the Sky, Guilin knows nothing about everything outside.

The family lives in peace and is relatively humble.


If there is no change in Fuxier, then Guilin has changed a lot.

The former Guilin refused to grow up. At the beginning, there was a father’s protection, and then her husband’s protection. But Sauron was killed by the shackles, and after the cockroaches were captured by the Sky Temple.

She has changed from being a protected person to being a protector.

She needs to protect the children born, need to protect the IQ, who is only a few years old, and need to protect Ashi Yuan Zhen, who was only a decade old. Therefore, she must mature immediately.

Once upon a time, I like to wear the most beautiful dress and completely outline my devil. I always like to make the most beautiful makeup, like a flame.

Nowadays, he is dressed in a dignified college uniform, and his long hair has been cut short and barely on his shoulders. In order to cover my own **** and beautiful, even wearing a special glasses.

But even so, she is still so beautiful, but she has changed her beauty.

Adding a mature mystery to the original beauty.

Even if the ancient spots repeatedly warned the people of the Sky Academy, they should never think about the start of the game, but there are still many high-level colleges, and the mentor shows her love.

All along, a little bit of a big brainless sorrow, it has become smart and powerful, able to travel among a group of wolves and protect their families.

However, she is too beautiful. In the past few years, she really had some difficulties to support. Some of the high-level members of the Sky Academy gradually lost their patience, especially the emperor of the Sky Academy, the first deputy dean and the alternate sky priest. Rosso, he found it difficult to conquer this woman with charm alone, and perhaps the result of violence would be better.

Fortunately, Ashi Yuanzheng has grown up!

Although he is at the bottom of the Sky College contempt chain, he is too clever, too good, and goes up to the sky, becoming the new genius college of Sky College, shining brightly.

Not only that, but two years ago, he succeeded in getting the daughter of the ancient priest of the sky priest, and succeeded in taking possession of her virginity.

Since then, A Shi Yuanzhang seems to have become a fast-paced dragon in the future of the ancient spot, and has a thousand miles in the Sky Academy. Therefore, it is also possible to gradually protect the Guilin, and the younger sister.


The first deputy dean of the Sky Academy, alternate sky priest Rosso, is only 53 years old this year. If it is not a drastic change, the next Sky Temple will be replaced, he will basically be promoted to the sky priest, and in the future it is likely to sit on the second seat of the Sky Temple.

At the age of fifty-three, in the Temple of the Sky, it is definitely a golden age, and it is definitely a young man.

Roseau is relatively clear about everything that happens in the Temple of the Sky. Just yesterday, he also received news from the ancient temple of the sky temple: the rise of the seven kings, the victory is imminent.

After that, there was no news. Because Lanling reversed too fast, and immediately turned over, directly occupying the entire sky temple, so that the ancient spot no longer has the opportunity to release any news to the Sky Academy.

So Rosso’s heart was happy at this time, because yesterday’s victory is just around the corner, and today it’s definitely a victory.

Not long ago, the Sky Temple sent another message, and the VIPs will come and be ready to meet.

So Rosso felt that the war was over and the king had won.

Therefore, he does not intend to be patient again!

Mysterious, beautiful, sexy, charming, and sorrowful, sitting at his desk and working seriously.

This woman is in her thirties, it is the most beautiful year, if a flower is at its best. Like the same bottle of wine, even with the bottle has a charming wine.

Rosso is a romantic person. There is a wife in the family, and there are two small baboons. The lover is more than double digits. But this is already a very restrained result, because he is very charming, the beauty in the Sky Academy does not know how many secretly loved this handsome future Temple of the Second Temple.

And he likes to go to Can Tho for several years, and even more and more like it.

At first, he just liked the brilliance of the celery, and later he became more obsessed with the stagnation of Can Tho. It’s just that the ancient spots have warned again and again, and definitely don’t start with the celery, so he forcibly resisted. But now, as if it doesn't need to endure anymore.

Of course, Rosso is a man of extraordinary charm and grace, he will not do anything like a strong explosion or a drug. He only uses his charm to attract women, but after so many years, he is somewhat impatient.

In the evening, the rest of the office went off work.

Rosso walked behind the back of Can Tho, and leaned down: "At night, I went to your house to eat, whatever I want to do, but my favorite is the blue stalk, the stalk of the beast, and the flowers."

Guiqin used a calm tone: "President, I have not prepared these ingredients at home, and my cooking is very bad, probably won't satisfy the dean."

Rosso said: "No rejection!"

Then, his eyes softly said: "How is Linger's recent physical body? Is cold disease still occurring regularly? Can Longyan dew take it several times? When she is a little bigger, I will apply for a higher blood dragon, once and for all. Solve her problem."

After all, Roseau left, and did not give any chance to refuse.


"Yuan Lan, let's break up." A beautiful girl shouted toward A Shiyuan, and her eyes were tearful, but her expression was firm.

She is the daughter of the ancient spot, the ancient thoughts.

A Shi Yuanzhang, now a 20-year-old youth, looks beautiful and deep, and is full of deadly charm to women. If not, he couldn't get the sky school's school flowers.

The ancient thoughts are not only the school flowers, but also the first princess of the Sky Academy, the object that countless boys admire, because she is the daughter of the ancient spot, even if it is not born by the class.

"Are you sure?" Ashi Yuanzhen asked coldly.

"I am sure." Gu Nian said: "The battle of the Temple of the Sky has changed. You have no future. My father is absolutely not allowed to be with you. Everything that happened before us was a wonderful memory." Let's go."

Then she decided to leave.

Everyone in the Sky Academy thinks that it is the ancient thought pursued by A Shiyuan, but on the contrary, it is the Ashi Yuanzhen who pursued the ancient pursuit. Of course, there is no shortage of ancient spots. Because two or three years ago, the Yanming empire empire just rose, the Sky Temple tried to confine Lanling to become the Dragon Emperor. Therefore, the ancient spots let the daughter go to pursue Ashi Yuanzhen in advance, and intend to carry out an alternative marriage.

Today, Lanling attacks the Temple of the Sky. The latest news, the rise of Yadi, Lanling defeated soon.

Gu Nian thought that this is the last mobile phone meeting, and it must be cut off early.

"Good." A Shiyuan stunned, then turned and left.

"Ashi Yuan Zhen, you don't blame me for being ruthless. If you want to blame, you can only blame and make people." Ancient thoughts shouted behind.

A Shiyuan Shantou did not go back.


"I don't drink!"

"I do not want……"

"You go away, you hate it most..."

At the home of Can Tho, a little girl shouted.

She is the daughter of Sauron and Guilin, and she is a spiritual child.

When Sauron was killed by the shackles, he had been pregnant for a few months and was about to give birth. At that time, Turings was killed, the husband did not return, and the canary was greatly attacked, and his heart was hurt, so he moved his tires.

In the Temple of the Sky, the daughter was born, and it was very bad when she was a child. Every second month, there will be a cold syndrome, and the pain will not occur when the attack occurs.

Every cold episode, you need to take Longyan dew to ease.

Now she is ten years old, but she is as thin as she is seven or eight. Of course, her cold syndrome has not occurred, about a year ago, she suddenly did not attack, but Ashi Yuanzheng told Guiqin that she should continue to pretend to be a cold attack, so that some people can rest assured.

The ten-year-old Guilinger, whose temper is very bad, is arrogant and screaming.

It looks very beautiful and is even more beautiful than a doll. But the temper is so bad that everyone has a headache, and every time I can rock the rock and snow and cry.

Night horror, night horror feathers like a small ancestor to serve her is useless.

This little girl really inherited the character shortcomings of Sauron and Guiqin.

However, she is still the heart baby of Can Tho, is the night horror, the night of the feathers, and the most loved sister of A Shi Yuanzhen.


Note: The first one is sent, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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