World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 401: Four zero three: lore! Turing is ruined!

Chapter 401, four zero three lore! Turing is ruined!

The second person who is completely shocked is the separation!

He first gathered all the spiritual power, and the DPRK looked forward to it!

Yes, it is absolutely true that this looks, this height, especially this terrible face.

If you change it, I am afraid I can't find a second one.

How could he not die? There is also a profit, how can he not die?

Suddenly, I felt that my scalp was numb, and I was chilling.

In the face of the emergence of the arrogant, although he is not like Turing, it is extremely terrible.

However, it is inevitable that you will be defeated.

For a while, I can't feel any temperature in my body.

This thing is terrible! The consequences are too serious!

The gaze of the gaze is like lightning, and he looks toward Li Zhu on the side. This assassination is led by him. What happened?

Li Zhu was completely stunned. He saw the singer and the singer was burned by a shot. The poison arrow was still personally burned to him. He was absolutely poisonous and touched his life!

After the assassination, Li Zhu was also going to fill the knife for the first time to pierce the heart.

However, the burning of the Moss moves faster, directly carrying the body of the arrogant, and preparing to throw down the Pentium River under a few hundred meters to destroy the corpse.

As a last resort, Li Zhu can only kill and kill in advance, killing and burning.

As a result, the burning body carried the body of the singer, jumped off the cliff and fell into the river.

At that time, Li Zhu shot countless poison needles, all of which pierced the body of the burning.

It is still the poison of the demon, and the fate of it is sure to die.

But even so, Li Zhu still does not trust, still sent people to the downstream of the river to find.

As a result, nearly 100 miles downstream of the river, the body of the Philippine corpse was found.

Of course, the reason why I know it is because I have the same hair, and I only have a height of less than one meter and five.

As for the specific appearance, the whole body has been swollen by the blisters, and then the fish in the river has not tasted.

Turingdo resisted nausea to identify and found a circular birthmark on the waist, which finally confirmed that it was a vain.

Even so, Li Zhu is not at ease, ready to check the blood.

The dragon's blood is different for each person, and will show a different map when dropped into the test agent.

At that time, there was no blood on the body of Lili, and it had already been cleaned up and washed clean by the river. Finally, Li Zhu took out the heart of the corpse and found some blood in the heart of the heart.

Then send it to the Dragon Temple to make the identification of the Dragon Blood!

After the results of the identification came out, the dragon's blood circulation reaction of this corpse was exactly the same as that of the Philippine.

In the end, this is the arrogance!

Therefore, 100% of the profits are already dead. Why do they appear in front of us?


Sauron laughed and said: "Turing Ling, are you very strange? Is it right to die, why is it right?"

At this point, Turing seems to wake up, and the desperate eyes are filled with the final counterattack.

"Fake, the profit of your side is fake." Turing said sharply: "This is the substitute you have found. It is really the scorpion that has been killed by your assassin. I didn't see it at the time." More than 200 samurai warriors also saw it."

At this point, the warriors of the Philippine family stayed completely, and they were completely unwilling to look at the priests and the priests.

They recognized at a glance that these two were the lords of the city and the lords.

However, after hearing the words of Turing, the sectarian warriors who were present at the time nodded instinctively. They were right to see that Lili was shot dead.

"Who was shot?" asked Soren.

"Being your confidant, the dragon shooter burns the stranger!" Turing said, but after she finished, she regretted it, because Sauron was waiting for him to say the name.

And this name will be a huge flaw.

"Chen Mo, your half-sister is called you." Soren said.

Then, burn the smoke slowly out!

Li Zhu once again widened his eyes, did it not die long after burning a stranger? He was shot with a poison needle!

Burning Mo into the Dragon Force, slowly said: "My true identity is the illegitimate son of the Turing family, the secret spy of Black Ice House, accepting the command of Turingdo lurking into the Silver Wolf Legion and sneaking into Soren. Turing I once asked me to find the place of detention of the lord of the city, and then he sent the assassin to assassinate, in order to let the priests inherit the position of the city owner in advance."

"You lied..." Turings hysterically yelled.

"Hey, you shut me up!" Shili Li couldn't help it at this time, and screamed: "You are a monk, in order not to pretend to be with me. I whispered to help me save my father, but the result was sent out. The assassin kills me. I am so infatuated with you, so considerate and considerate, and you are detached from it. After trying to take care of his children, I will kill me and let the two of you inherit the position of the lord of the ocean. You not only To murder my husband, I have to rob me of my century-old foundation!"

This is the case, like a 12-level storm, sweeping the audience!

Especially the princes present, the heart trembled!

Too mean, too shameless, terrible!

As a king of the future, it is no problem to have a private connection with the prince’s wife. After all, everyone’s private life is very chaotic.

However, if you sleep in a family's wife, you still have to kill people and win the land.

This... This has completely trampled everyone's bottom line, deeper than the so-called assassination of the princes.

You are so far away from doing this, are you all living in the future?

Especially in the presence of individual princes, have you sent your wife to the bed and passed the bed? Isn't it dangerous to have your own life?

At this point, the cold sweat broke out from the head, and he knew that he had encountered the most terrible crisis.

Calm, calm, the more critical moment, the more you have to calm down!

"Ha ha ha ha ..." screamed and laughed, first screaming, attracting everyone's attention.

"Sauron, hello means, I found myself cleaning myself after I found a substitute." He laughed and said: "I can ask you a question," I can ask you a question?"

The gaze looked at the gaze, and it was really necessary to spurt out the flames, and gnashed his teeth: "You ask!"

He left the road: "You just said, I am going to make her pregnant with Turing, then killing the priests and letting my son inherit the position of the city owner, right?"

Lili nodded and said: "Yes, you are such a vicious plan."

He left the road: "The plan must be like this. I first let her get pregnant with Turing. Then she and the priests are intimate, so that Lili will feel that this child is his. Finally, I have to wait for this. After the child is born, it is determined that it is a boy. After being established as the heir to the lord of the ocean, we will murder again. Is this reasonable? Otherwise, if she was born a girl, she would have forgotten everything."


It’s not right? We should wait for the child to be born, and be sure to be a boy. Let’s murder again. Why did it start a few months ago? At that time, Turing was not even sure. Pregnant!"

When this is said, everyone is lost!

Yes, this is a flaw. If it is this plan, you must wait until the child is born, determine the heirs of the lord of the ocean, and then kill the devotee. It is impossible to murder him a few months ago.

Lili said: "That is because I discovered your scandal in advance! In the evening, you greeted Turing, and it was in my room and Turing, and after I broke it, I caught It took the face of Turing, which almost made her disfigured."

When the words came out, everyone looked at the face of Turing.

At this time, her face still has a faint red mark. A few months ago, she said that she was actively disfigured in order to express her willingness to be widowed.

Fu Lijun continued: "I am going to kill me on the spot. As a result, the monk of Turing said that he can't kill now, to create an illusion of public assassination, and then to blame the city of Sauron."

Burning a stranger: "At the same night, Turingdo found me with a scar on my face, let me assassinate him. And promised me, once I finished the task, let me return to the Turing family."

Fu Li said: "I took a potion when I left, and after drinking it, people are still alive, can eat and go, but the whole person seems to have no soul, like a dead body. The next day, Turing I was swayed through the city, and I took the carriage in the open hood and left the city, and returned to the city, and also showed a kind of love. The warriors of the Philippine family, don’t you think that my eyes were sluggish and strange?

When this was said, not only the warriors of the family, but even the nobles at that time felt very strange.

First of all, after attending the wedding, everyone did not rush to go back, but the arrogant and eager to rush back.

Go back and go back, but you have to sit in the open carriage and make a look that is very incomparable with Turing.

Was the previous Lili and Turingo not so high-profile? Moreover, the manner of the day was not very abnormal, as if it was a bit sluggish.

Burning the road: "Turingo and I discussed it well, and the location of the assassination of the priests was in the Black Crow Valley. So the next day, I led a huge team of assassins to kill the robbers in the Black Raven Valley. Of course, The whole assassin team was sent out by the Turing family and the Turing family. The head of the assassin was Li Zhu, the confidant of the priest who was away from the temple. The poison arrow that shot the murderer was also personally given to me. Of course, in the shooting When I was in Lisou, I replaced the poison arrow and replaced it with another poisonous arrow. After the poisoning, I immediately died of death, my breathing stopped, my heart stopped, and I created the illusion that the sinister dying!"

Suddenly, Turing was remembered to touch the carotid artery of the Philippine, and did not beat.

Burning Mo continued: "After we assassinated the priests and half of the sect of the family warriors, we deliberately let go of Turing and let her go back to the letter. It is strange, I am a dragon shooter, can shoot and kill Hey, why can't you shoot Turing?"

When the words came out, everyone was ashamed.

Yes, if Soren ordered the assassination, why did the light killer and the Turings let go?

"That is because Sauron coveted my beauty." Turing screamed.

Burning Mo did not pay attention to her, and continued: "After the assassination of Li Lei, Li Zhu turned his face and tried to kill me. Fortunately, I was prepared, and I jumped down the cliff of a few hundred meters with the wind and entered the Pentium River. Li Zhu, you must be very strange, why do you put so many poison needles into my body, I am still not dead?"

When this was said, Li Zhu could have shown a curious look, that is, this expression would completely betray him, and it would be too late for him to come over.

"That's because I wear a soft platinum armor. I can't overestimate you. How can I overestimate it? How can it be taken lightly?" Burning a stranger: "The Lord Sauron knew that you would murder." Hey, so I have already prepared a body of the same height and made the same haircut. I also made a fake birthmark on my waist. As for the face, I have been blistered and I have been bitten by fish and shrimp. Not only that, but I also emptied the blood in the body, and then took a tube of blood from the scorpion into the heart of the corpse. So, after you took the corpse, you took out the blood and tested the dragon blood. Will come to a conclusion, this corpse is a vain."

As soon as this was said, Li Zhu’s face was discolored, and the face was discolored. The face of Turing was discolored.

Turing's gaze has become desperate and crazy at this time.

And the following 10,000 revenge army looked at her eyes and became distorted and terrible.

At this time, he suddenly laughed and said: "There is a huge flaw in your words. You said that I and Turingdo have been smashed by the singer, so kill you in advance. Then, where do I and Turingdo confess?"

Fu Li said: "Just in the temporary house, my temporary room."

He laughed and said: "My little monarch, this is my site? How can I be broken by you if I am with the Turing, how can I be known?"

When this was said, everyone was in doubt.

That's right, this is another huge flaw. On the deserted site, how can he and Turing be smashed by the singer?

Lili said: "At the time I was at the wedding banquet for you, a person told me by paper that you and Turingo would re-private. And she fainted me with drugs in advance and stuffed me into the wall. Inside the dark space, when I woke up, I saw a scene of you and Turing."

"Who? Who gave you the paper? Who is hiding you in the dark box, letting you break the affair between me and Turingdo?" He said: "You find out for me, otherwise You are the mouth of the yellow, you are the substitute that Solon found!"

I was very convinced when I said this sentence, because the maid who gave the paper to the singer did not escape. After Li Chenglian laid down the net, it was found in only three days, and then murdered. It is.

Lili suddenly looked anxious because he really didn't know who the man was.

"I don't know who the woman is, but there is such a person."

"Ha ha ha..." From the capture of the flaws of the arrogant, suddenly laughed: "You are confused, you are guilty, because you are lying, Sauron you can't find a substitute!"

"I didn't lie, I said it's true. You guys are dogs, dogs and girls..." The singer was more impatient and looked more flawed.

"The dog jumped to the wall..." He laughed.

Turingot found a line of life at this time, pointed out: "You are lying, Sauron, you mean and shameless person, you not only murdered my father-in-law and husband, but also found a pair of substitutes, trying to reverse black and white You are not as good as a beast, and what other faces do you live in this world?"

At this point, the Philippians lost their senses more, and they rushed over and yelled: "Oh, I killed you, I killed you..."

卮 大 大 大 : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 索 索 索Trying to reverse black and white will put the murder of the murderer on the head of Turingot. Unfortunately, the fake is fake after all, you can't lie to these wise eyes, you can't lie to so many wise and righteous souls!"

Deviation and Turing are really shameless, and in such a situation, they still refer to the deer as a horse, upside down black and white!

Turingot’s face is crazy at this time, and the original beautiful face is distorted and looks very embarrassing.

"The arrogant clown, you said that someone at the time was prompted to help you, and helped you to break through the confession of me and the smugglers. You find out the person, find out..." Turing Dohs. "You find out, we will recognize, you can't find it, you are shameless, you are the substitute that Sauron has found!"

"Sauron, your name is just right, Suo... Lun, you are an extinct beast, not only occupying your own sister, but also tarnishing your half-sister." Turing looks like crazy: "Now I turned black and white again, and found two substitutes to smear me and leave my Highness. You said that someone helped the swindler to break our traitor, you brought her in!"

It seems that Turing, who survived the death, is almost irrational.

"You brought her in, find it..." Turingdo kept repeating, and the sound was extremely high and sharp!

At this time, a figure slowly came out and appeared beside Sauron.

"Since Miss Turingo is so eager to see me, then I am coming." The woman sneered.

And when I saw this woman, it was really like a blue sky, and it was on the spot.

When Turingot saw this woman, she also showed the light of despair.

Because, this woman is a simple, detached confidant dragon warrior, plus the most trusted mistress.

Jane said: "You all know me. I am the niece of the Jane family. I am a mistress from my Highness. Everyone knows me. My relationship with the shackles is an open secret."

Yes, everyone in the entire kingdom knows that Jane is the most trusted woman.

Jane laughed and said: "That night, it was me who wrote a note reminding me that it was me. It was me who helped me to break through the sorrow. As for the maid, she just sent me a note. As for what is on the note, she doesn’t know at all, so I’m leaving, you’re looking for the wrong ghost!”

Endless anger, skyrocketing!

Jane has been with him for many years, is his most trusted mistress, did not think of the crucial moment, even betrayed him.

"Hey, you are a monk, I killed you, I will smash you a corpse!"

Jane laughed and said: "Turingo, you have a belly every day, lest others don't know that you are pregnant. But I know that your pregnancy is fake, and you will not have your stomach for many times." Big, it hurts you to pretend to be pregnant, it’s too hard. Now, you open your skirt in front of everyone, let everyone see your stomach, is it fake pregnancy?"

For a time, everyone’s eyes were on the lower abdomen of Turing.

Jane sighs: "Turing, you open it, let everyone see your stomach!"

Suddenly, Turing's body trembled fiercely, and there was boundless darkness and fear from behind the heavens.

Her gaze finally became completely desperate!

The appearance of Jane is Soren’s one-shot lore, completely ending the madness and biting of Turing and Turing!

At this point, Turingo can turn any more!

Thoroughly, the name is broken!


Note: The first more than 5,000 words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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