World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 410: April 12: The final battle! To win!

Chapter 410, April 12: The final battle! To win!

Riding on the lion's beast, the Duke of Turinga saw countless giant stones piled up in the open space in front of the wall of the wind and thunder, one east and one west.

In the middle of the night, Turingot heard a scout to report, and the wind and thunder had a strange sound. He immediately ordered the scout and went to investigate.

After paying hundreds of lives, the scouts returned, and the Sauron army carried huge stones on the battlefield outside the city wall, trying to create obstacles on the battlefield and blocking the army from attacking the city.

At that time, Turingot fell into hesitation. Would you like to send cavalry to stop Sauron?

The location of the Sauron Army’s operations was too close to the walls of the Windsor Castle. It was completely within the attack range of all artillery and trebuchets, and there were more cavalry dispatched to death. The number of cavalry sent was less, and it didn't work, or died.

Moreover, it is difficult for Sauron to change anything in a few hours.

Early this morning, Turingot and the squatter looked up, and sure enough, hundreds of meters in front of the wind and thunder defense line, there were obstacles in the boulder.

The highest, but not half as high, and completely chaotic!

Riding on the lion's beast and looking down from the air, these megalithic obstacle groups are also very sparse.

He suddenly laughed and said: "Soren is really a poor man, and a few stones in the district have even blocked me from hundreds of thousands of troops?"

He completely ignored these messy and sparse boulder obstacle groups, and he did not seem to be able to stop it.

And the arrow is on the string, I have to send it, and the time is not good for the deviance!

Every time the time is dragged, someone may surrender to Sauron and have a long night dream.

The emergence of these megalithic obstacles can not affect the will of the decisive battle, and hundreds of thousands of troops are still crazy!


Sauron stood on the head of the city and felt trembling at his feet. Look at the soldiers around, the look is a bit blue.

Looking at hundreds of thousands of surging soldiers, it really seems like a boundless tide.

At this time, the original strong and heavy wind and thunder defense line is particularly fragile.

Taking a deep breath, Sauron looked at the back. Tens of thousands of troops have already lined up behind the walls.

Throughout Tianshui City, the number of soldiers that Sauron can use is about 170,000, of which 100,000 are placed on the wind and thunder defense line, and the 100,000 battles are separated by 400,000.

The 100,000 garrisons, 30,000 are distributed on the city walls, including 15,000 rock thieves and 15,000 Soochow City Guards.

The remaining 70,000, all in the military camp after the city wall.

Ten thousand foreign revenge army, 15,000 rock thieves, and 45,000 southeast new army.

The Southeast New Army was compiled from the captives of the Southeastern Army of Converse. Soren was most worried about this army.

Sure enough, the 45,000 South East New Army face was white, blue, and even the body was shaking slightly.

They must be full of fear and full of delusions.

After these people were captured by Sauron, they actually did a good job. The army was doubled, the weapons became better, the armor became better, and even the daily food was much better.

So they have a certain gratitude to Sauron, but on loyalty? It's really hard to overestimate, especially when it comes to life and death. Really anything can happen.

Instead, the revenge army, the eyes are red, the faces are full, the desire to fight is full, they have to wash the shame.

In particular, he was arrogant, and he found Sauron several times before letting him arrange for the revenge army to take the lead.

According to Sauron, the revenge of the Yangyang revenge army is good in fighting and has a good fighting power, so it cannot be used as a leader.

Sticking to the front line of the city wall can only be the most loyal and elite Sauer City Guard, and the most ferocious rock thieves!

The Rock Pirates Corps heard the shouts of the enemy tsunami outside, and suddenly the whole person was excited and shivered.

To fight, to kill, and still so many people.

Too enjoyable, too enjoyable!

"Ha ha ha..." The Rock Pirates on the wall have begun to cut their faces with knives and burn their fighting spirits.

The rock thieves under the wall have been completely unable to sit still, making a burst of strange screams, began to use the tongue to slash the blade, and bloody.



Seeing that the Rock Pirates were as excited as the festival, the Southeast New Army could not help but relax a little.

One of the soldiers turned around and looked at them. They found that they were all acquaintances. They couldn’t help but go to a fellow villager on the side: “In fact, although the man of the Marquis of Sauron is proud, people are still good, and the reorganization has not been disrupted. Let's all of us are together."


"Don't die, the retreat will die!"

"Scorpio Sauron!"

The front of the charge has left the army, the front has entered the artillery range!

"Opening the gun... firing the gun... firing the gun..."

Sauron gave an order!


Hundreds of artillery pieces made a series of loud noises, overshadowing the shouts of the tsunami.

Then, hundreds of solid bullets, like black lightning, slammed out!

At this time, there is no need to aim at all. The entire battlefield is in the flat land between the two mountains. The area is about four miles wide.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are densely packed, like ants, and can be hit with closed eyes.


Hundreds of solid shells rushed out of hundreds of blood. Wherever he went, all the bones flew and died.

A cannonball can kill dozens of people!

After a round of shelling, thousands of casualties were caused.

However, for a 400,000-strong army, it was completely sloppy, just like the splash of water in the pond, and soon disappeared.

The preparation time for each round of artillery firing is really too long. Even if the artillery of Sauron is sufficiently skilled now, it will take about six or seven minutes.

After the arrival of the rapid-fire gun, it is the real gospel.

Sauron’s brain fantased that if there were hundreds of high-speed shotguns, all of them used spontaneous shells, and the success of the strong explosives. That guarantees to kill these hundreds of thousands of people.

If there is a mark machine gun, don't use too much, one hundred will do! Soren dared to guarantee that the 400,000 people would be cleaned up within a few hours.

Unfortunately, none of these Sauron!

Not to mention the post-installation of the rapid-fire gun and Mark 沁, it will not be there in his lifetime, the strong explosives will not be there for a long time.

His only hope now is that these megalithic obstacle groups can be effective!


Hundreds of thousands of troops still screaming and charging.

It is only two miles away from the wind and thunder castle defense line.

From here on, the front ground is no longer flat.

Last night, after Solon finished his sleep, his mind was refreshing and suddenly he had a thought.

As a result, he sent tens of thousands of troops, thousands of hummers, and transported the megaliths that had not been used up in the construction of the wind and thunder defense line to the outside of the city wall, and placed them casually to create obstacles on the battlefield.

There are advantages and disadvantages to placing these things. The drawbacks are that they will affect the lethality of artillery and trebuchets, and they cannot completely prevent them from being separated from the army. They can only effectively delay.

But what is the most important thing for Sauron?

It's time!

The firing interval between the artillery and the trebuchet is too long, so it creates obstacles and delays the speed and time of the enemy.

Time is more precious to Sauron than gold.

Soon, the leader of the army has already rushed into a mile, and the various obstacles here are even more intensive.

The soldiers who used to take the siege ladder can still be helpless. At this time, they need to turn a thousand turns and the speed is slowed down.

"The trebuchet, launch!"


Hundreds of giant trebuchets slammed into the air.

All of this time was the original cluster bomb, and within a few hundred pounds of gunpowder pack, there were countless lead shots and steel bombs.

A huge gunpowder ball crossed an arc in the air.

Fall into the ocean of the enemy.


Earth-shattering explosion!

That terrible picture, once again appeared!

It was as if a metal storm had blown through the general, nearly a million steel balls, and the lead bomb exploded.

The entire area is completely empty!

Because of this area, boulder obstacles are placed everywhere. Countless steel ball lead bombs / shot above, causing the bounce to bounce, causing secondary damage.

A cloud of blood was violently swelled in the air.

After a good time, someone continued to climb!

"Chong, rush, rush..."

The officer next to him is desperately shouting!

Suddenly, the **** soldiers continued to move forward.

Some speeds slow down, and some rushed out a few steps and fell directly to the ground, never getting up again.

After countless army, it still rushed up.

However, within 800 meters of the city wall, it was immediately blocked by countless megalithic obstacles. It was like a huge wave slap on the reef and then directly blocked it.

Suddenly, the entire army’s charge was in chaos!


Sauron’s strategy is to stack boulder obstacles within a distance of 800 to 150 meters from the wall.

In this way, the enemy who is 800 meters away will be hit with a gun.

Enemies in the range of 100 meters to 500 meters are hit by trebuchets.

Enemies within a hundred and fifty meters, hit with artillery shells, and slings.

This obstacle-dividing tactic was originally a whimsical dream of Sauron. I think it might have a miraculous effect, but it is difficult to fundamentally change the situation.

However, I did not expect that it played such a big role.

If the number of people is small, it will not be enough. It is enough to shuttle directly between these obstacles.

However, apart from the hundreds of thousands of troops, once they are charged, they simply cannot stop.

The front wants to stop, but the back is constantly crowded up. What's more, this is a siege army. It is a siege ladder that needs to be carried more than ten meters long.

All of a sudden, the entire army was completely stuck in these obstacle areas, not only slowed down, but also numerous troops were crowded into a group.

On the battlefield, time is invaluable, especially for Sauron, every minute is gold.

Because of his trebuchet, his artillery can complete a launch every six or seven minutes.


Above the battlefield, the army was clearly divided into three parts by Sauron.

The first part, which has already rushed into the 150-meter radius, has already been attacked under the wall. There are very few people, only about 20,000 to 30,000.

The second part, stuck in the 800-meter megalithic obstacle, is very crowded, slow, and tens of thousands of people.

The third part, 800 meters away from the wall of the wind thunder, is full of hundreds of thousands of people, has been completely slowed down, waiting for the front of the army to pass through the boulder obstacle group.

This 800-meter megalithic obstacle group is like a filter, which reduces the number of enemies and looks like a speed bump to win the most precious time for Sauron.

Soon, the second round of shelling of hundreds of guns on the wind and thunder defense line is ready!

At this time, two or three thousand people have already rushed under the wall.

"The 投-type trebuchet is ready to launch!" Sauron ordered.

Hundreds of small and medium-sized sling-type trebuchets were launched, throwing out dozens of pounds of gunpowder balls.

This type of slinger is launched by elastic force and played relatively close to more than 100 meters. But the win is small and the launch speed is fast.


Hundreds of gunpowder **** flew more than a hundred meters, and they rushed to the 20,000-30,000 army under the wall.


The violent explosion shot countless steel ball lead pellets.

Harvested thousands of lives.

Soon, the second round of shelling is ready!

However, Sauron did not use artillery to attack the two or three thousand enemies under the wall, but used solid shells to attack enemies eight hundred meters away.

Because the enemies there are more crowded, can cause even more crazy killing.

As for the two or three thousand enemies under the wall, rush up and rush up!


Hundreds of artillery pieces, roar again!

Hundreds of solid iron balls, like lightning, screamed through the air and screamed toward the enemy eight hundred meters away!

Because of the obstacles in front of the megalithic obstacles, the army here is already crowded and there are people everywhere!

Hundreds of iron **** broke in!


The living plow opened hundreds of bloodways.

The bombardment of Sauron created an unprecedented kill.

Countless enemies, broken bones, died of extinction.

Even because of the tragic death, people are discolored!


At this time, the army that was far from the front had already rushed under the wall.

After two killings, there were only about 20,000 people rushing under the wall, but the back of the army continued to pass through the obstacles and rushed under the wall.

"Climb the wall, climb the wall!"


After a loud bang, hundreds of siege ladders were added to the wall, and countless soldiers climbed up like ants.

For this war, the squadrons and the city ladders have been specially renovated. Half of the siege ladders are welded with iron bars.

Although the siege ladder will be heavy and requires more than a dozen Lux, the siege ladder is very strong and not afraid of fire.

The person headed on the siege ladder, with a huge fire shield.

One out of every three people wears a fire cloak!


On the wall, countless fire barrels fell.

Then countless rockets were shot.

Suddenly, the burning ground beneath the entire city wall burned.


Soldiers without fire cloaks, immediately after being burnt by the fire, immediately made a terrible scream.

Struggling in the flames of the raging, soon there was no sound, and fell to the ground!

"Climb, climb, climb..."

The elite Dragon Guards, completely ignoring the terrible horror of their side, lacking the flames of the sky, madly climbing up!

at last……

Under this madness of desperation, today's decisive battle began less than an hour. After leaving the army to pay the price of 50,000 to 60,000 casualties, it finally climbed the wall of the wind and thunder defense for the first time!

Fight and enter the most cruel white-bladed battle!

Ten thousand rock thieves on the wall, like wild animals, waved their battles to kill them.


At this point, Sauron closed his eyes at this time!

Although the most cruel battle has just begun, but he has already vaguely seen it, he should win this decisive battle!

The most important reason for winning is that it is a group of megalithic obstacles that are not too eye-catching.

Slow down the enemy's speed, filter the number of enemies, and make the whole battle into a very subtle rhythm.

This megalithic obstacle group divides the battlefield into three parts. The most elite weapon of Sauron can maximize the lethality.

The artillery hit the long-range, the trebuchet hit the middle, the sling-type trebuchet hit the short-range, and the rock thieves were short-handed!

Once the battle enters this active rhythm, it really is to win!


Note: The second and more than 4,000 words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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