World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 437: Four thirty-nine: Volt! Demon girl!

Chapter 437, 439, 伏, 兮 兮 跪! Demon girl!

"Please ask the Duke of Sauron to show mercy." Volunteer once again pleaded for help.

Every time Sauron sees Volunteer, he will sigh, will time flow back?

This woman is getting younger and younger, not only young, but also young.

After a woman is old, her body will inevitably become rich and mature. And the body of Voluntein is really a graceful girl.

Soren Road: "You mean the Marquis of Vue?"

"Yes." Volunter shouted.

Sauron sat down and said, "Ms. Vol., I have a problem."

"Excuse me." Volt.

Sauron said: "Before, because of the deterioration of my relationship between my wife and Yannai, I can understand this. But after the defeat, according to your personality, you should immediately ease the relationship with me. So that I will not retaliate against the Fu family. When Gao Wen asks you to rescue my son, it should be the best chance for me to forgive. You have already promised, why should you repent?"

Volunting said: "Because people are detained by the Naru priest, I can't do anything."

Soren said: "No, you are lying. Naru is a private person, and it is illegal to detain the hostage in the Temple of the Dragon. And you are standing behind the Grand Chancellor Rogo. If you really want to save the mother-in-law, He couldn't stop it, not to mention the baby is your grandson, and he is more justified. Suining told me that you had taken the baby away, but one person came to your ear and said a word, you will regret it. The baby gave it to Suining."

When I heard this, Volunteer’s beauty trembled slightly.

Soren said: "What did you hear? So you just repented, trying to put your grandson to death? And your expression is still very exciting!"

Suddenly, Volunteer stood up straight and quietly said: "Sauron, my father does have a place that can't help you, but he is your grandfather after all. If you really kill him, there is a huge reputation for you. s damage."

Sauron said: "I don't care about fame, but I am very curious. How can the old tycoon of Fueer stay with the madness at the last minute? It is hard to understand? And at the last moment, I gave up and saved me. Son, your grandson. What is the reason behind this, what secret?"

Volunteer’s face has completely become a wave of ancient wells, and people can’t see any mood swings.

Soren said: "Tell me the reason, I will let my life go, and I will not go to Fire City."

Volunteer shook his head and said: "Sorry, the matter is shut down, please forgive me."

Then, Volunteer's eyes showed a sorrow, saying: "But Vohe is my father, I have to save. I can't tell what you want to know, so I can only do one thing."

Then Volunteer's legs bent and squatted directly in front of Sauron.

There is a saying that if a person puts his parents in front of him, he will be beaten by the sky.

If this is in ancient China, even if Sauron sat on the emperor, his mother would immediately be defeated.

But at this time, Sauron looked at Voluntein so quietly, without any mental pressure.

This woman tried to use ethics to suppress Sauron and conduct spiritual deceitfulness. Then she would look at the wrong person completely. Where would he care about this?

Suddenly, Sauron smiled. "I have to go back to eat with my family. You are willing to squat."

As soon as this was said, Voltling’s face changed and his eyes looked cold: “Sauron, do you really want to completely sin the Temple of the Dragon?”

Sauron squinted: "Since you, is it to offend the Temple of the Dragon?"

Then he left directly, leaving Volunteer alone in the living room.

After a few seconds, Voltary's face returned to calm, without any anger, stood up directly, then turned and left.


The night is already deep.

Fang Qinglan’s two little daughters have already slept in another room.

Suining finally took the baby to sleep.

"The baby's sleeping position is so cute." Fang Qing said.

The baby is sleeping sideways, two small hands holding his head, and the small body is turned into a small shrimp, which is really cute.

"Xunzi, are you really relieved, or are you smiling?" asked Suining.

Fang Qing said: "You are referring to the detachment. I have revealed that I have been arrested by the Temple of the Dragon and there is no other way to live?"

Suining regretted it, and when she saw her nephew, she should be happy, why should she mention this matter?

Fang Qing said: "I was really relieved, especially at the last moment before the arrest, and the deviance of humanity returned again, which made me feel more peaceful. Since I lost with Sauron, I planted the blood of the devil. After that, he completely changed a person, and even became a person. He was able to return to humanity at the last moment, even if only for a moment, I felt very satisfied."

Suining nodded. Dao: "I have long since let go of my heart. I have already died completely. Anyway, I have only a baby in the whole world. As long as he is healthy and safe, I don't care."

Fang Qing said: "You didn't want to be with Soren?"

Suining shook his head and said: "It's impossible. He slept me at that time, just to use me to save Tianshui City. That passion burning has already consumed all our shackles."

Fang Qing said: "But, the birth of the baby, let your fate continue, do you plan to be single in your life?"

Suining said: "There is nothing wrong with it."

"Of course not good." Fang Qing said: "You are different from me, you are still very young. And my husband is dead, and Sauron is still alive."

Suining Meiyi stunned and shook his head: "I can't be with Soren. I am as light as he is in his mind. And my feelings for him are not necessarily attached. Even if Not going back to the Wrath Kingdom, I have already forgotten him. None of us will take the initiative, so it is impossible."

Fang Qingying’s face was slightly red, and he was embarrassed. “That night, he... When he started to pinch you, didn’t you feel it?”

Suining remembered the scene at night.

Because Sauron made it worse, and gave the baby a green vegetable with pepper, he couldn’t help but slap him. And Sauron took her down and screwed her ass.

How do you feel that?

In the empire of the empire, she forced herself to be strong, and the whole world was born soon.

After the baby was born, her heart was filled with baby, and it was really almost to forget Soren.

However, since Sauron rescued her and her baby at a critical moment, especially when she saw the baby in his arms, Suining felt that his heart was gradually dissolved.

This evening, when everyone is sitting and eating together, the baby is in the arms of Sauron.

The warm feeling, like the tide, flooded her whole body.

In order to protect her baby, she has always been able to strengthen herself and wrap a hard outer shell around her body.

But now that Sauron appeared, it was easy to take the baby away from her arms and become a new protector.

Suddenly, Suining felt that his body was lazy and unconsciously wanted to rely on it.

What she is very concerned about is that when she was with Soren, the two were full of diaphragms, as if there was nothing to say. This made her wonder if there is still a relationship between the two?

However, Sauron made a bad noise to the baby, she blamed, even hit Sauron.

This kind of flirtatious, seemingly incomparable nature completely dilutes the kind of diaphragm that has nothing to say.

And Sauron screwed it on her ass!

how to say? Suining was embarrassed to say it. She felt that the whole body was numb, and her body was very mature. At the moment she was screwed, she even felt some itch between the thighs.

Of course, she will not say anything like this.

"I don't feel it. In short, I won't forgive him." Suining got into the bed and turned his back to Fang Qing. "Okay, I am going to sleep."


After the family had slept, Sauron still worked late into the night.

The dynasty official system of the Wrath Kingdom is also inherited from the Dragon Emperor's Yanlong Empire.

The cabinet and the commanding department are standing side by side.

The cabinet has a prime minister, two vice ministers, and six ministers.

In some cases, the vice-president is full-time, and sometimes the six ministers are part-time.

The six parts are modeled after the six parts of the ancient Chinese dynasty, divided into cadres, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Criminal Law, and the Ministry of Industry.

However, the authority of the military department here has been greatly suppressed. Basically, it can only control the second-line army of various provinces and counties.

In this world, the level of force is far more than that of ancient China, and the martial arts are above the literati.

Moreover, the theme of the Wrath Kingdom in the past hundred years is the expansion of force, so the commanding department not only keeps pace with the cabinet, but even above the cabinet.

The members of the commanding department basically have six to seven people.

The first Marshal, the head of the four army, and the commander of the Guards Army have a total of six people.

In some cases, the Crown Prince will be part-time in the commanding department, so there are seven people.

The cabinet plus the commander-in-chief is the core ruling body of the entire Wrath Kingdom. Soren’s exchange of blood against the dynasty of the Wrath Kingdom begins with these two core areas.

The political power in the guns, the exchange of blood of the commanding department has been completed, and even did not inform the cabinet.

Sauron personally served as the first marshal of the commanding department, Chuye served as the head of the Dragon Guards, the father-in-law Yan Yan served as the head of the Northern Army, the Count of the Lieutenant was the head of the Southwest Army, and the head of the Southeast Army was temporarily occupied by Soren.

The blood transfusion of the cabinet has just begun.

The Duke of Yuting replaced the words and became the Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

Next, if you have no words and no return to the cabinet, you will enter the cabinet and return to the criminal law department to master the world's prison. This will help the next major cleansing of the officialdom of the Wrath Kingdom.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Blackwood, is his own, and he will certainly cooperate.

It is said that the governor of the capital will enter the cabinet.

Although it is not a province, it has five counties and thirty-seven counties in addition to a king city. No matter the area or the population, it is no less than a province.

The last governor of the capital was the one who had personally served, so the Wangchengcheng Guards had been left in the hands of the squadron. This army was the main goal of Sauron’s next major cleansing and big blood transfusion.

Among the cabinet members, there is still one person in Sauron who must change it.

That is the Finance Minister Soave, yes, he is also surnamed, but has nothing to do with the Tianshui City Soxh, and he is the absolute relationship of separation, this person Sauron must be killed.

Then the vacant Minister of Finance will let the meeting do it?

Sauron is really no one on hand, not half at all.

He has two ideas, one is to let the Duke of Yuting temporarily serve, although some do not meet the rules, but there is no precedent. For example, if one of the members of the cabinet is violent, or if it is arrested for greed, the Prime Minister or the vice-president will temporarily serve as a vacancy for a minister.

Another idea is to let Haishu come to serve.

Because Haishu is writing a memorial at this time, requesting the Weilang Island to attach to the Wrath Kingdom, this is a gift for the Princess of Sissi.

From then on, the Haizhou family of Weizhou Island will become the 19th prince of the Wrath Kingdom, and will replace the Ashi family and become the first prince of the Wrath Kingdom.

Haishu’s ability to fight is only good, but it’s great in making money and spending money.

However, it is still inappropriate for him to enter the cabinet just after attaching the Wrath Kingdom.

If there is no way, then you can only let the Duke of Yuting take up the post.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites also has to change it, but it is not replaced immediately.

The Minister of the Ministry of Rites is very important, not only in charge of the kingdom diplomacy, but also in charge of the Temple of the Dragon, and the affairs of the kingdom princes are also the responsibility of the Ministry of Rites. Not only that, Wangcheng College, as well as various provincial colleges, county colleges, are also under the control of the Ministry of Rites.

Sauron intends to give Jane an opportunity. He is the dean of Wangcheng College. Soren intends to let him be the deputy minister of the Ministry of Rites. If he is sensible, let him go further and become the minister of the Ministry of Rites and enter the cabinet.

After the exchange of blood between the cabinet and the commanding department, it is the turn of the provinces and counties below!

This is a long process. In order not to cause political instability in the kingdom, it is necessary to warm the frog as much as possible.

The transition to the entire bureau will take at least two years.

As for the expansion of the barbarian field in the south, it is at least five years later.

It is absolutely imperative to cure a big country like a small dish.


"Master!" The sound of Zhuang Zhisheng sounded outside.

Sauron noticed that Zhuang Zhi's voice was full of tremors, which was never before.

"What's wrong?" asked Soren.

"My former master is coming." Zhuang Zhi said.

Then, the entire princess house is filled with a charming fragrance.

The Princess of the Demon Chae slowly stepped in, and made a fascinating eye to Sauron. "Shen, don't think of it for three days. When you look at it, you don't think that today's Lord Sauron has become a country's respect."

Sauron looked at the demon girl and said coldly: "Where are you coming to me, what are you doing?"

The Princess of the Devils said: "I am coming to Zhuang Zhi, dear, go, go home with me."


Note: The first four thousand words are sent, please support, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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