World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 829: Eight three one: the fate of the emperor! Sword refers to Na blood!

Chapter 829: Eighty-one Emperor's fate! Sword refers to Na blood!

Upon hearing this news, Princess Na's blood trembled fiercely, then she immediately closed her eyes and must not let any emotions of hers emerge.

Whether it is sad or shocked, she is not willing to show it.

Isn't it completely certain that the empire empire is not a sub-king powerhouse?

Isn't the so-called super-killer of Lanling not completely incapable of the Asian-level powerhouse?

The reason why Princess Na blood did not go to the empire of the empire and gave everything to the emperor was to establish the majesty of the emperor.

It doesn't even climb from where it fell from, but where it was hit, it is ten times more. In short, we must let the emperor save all the prestige in front of the six wild devils in front of the wild devils in the south.

And the most important point, she is completely sure that there is no Asian king in the empire empire, because the king of the world is completely counted, otherwise Princess Na blood will not let the emperor alone to take risks.

For her, the emperor is not only a confidant, nor an emergency. It is a courtier, but a relative, or even the only relative.

Na blood desperately suppresses her emotions.

Her chest began to undulate.

Desperately suppress, suppress...

But still can not suppress, the gorgeous magic lines emerge from her white skin.

Suddenly, the messenger immediately put his forehead on the ground, and did not dare to look at it.

"Boom..." The **** red dress on Princess Na's blood instantly burned and turned into a gorgeous blood wing.

At the same time, half of her body is a burning flame, and half is a terrible ice.

Her serpent throne made a scream of screams, and countless snakes were burned to death, and they were frozen to death.

The messenger, though unable to see anything, could feel a powerful energy filled with all the air here, so that she could not breathe, and there seemed to be a mountain on her head.

Then she clearly felt that the armor on her body was crushed and the smoke was gone.

Then, the skin on her back was burned out in an inch and an inch.

Her incomparable pain, incomparably scared, but completely afraid to make any sound.

Na blood does not intend to hurt her, but because she is difficult to suppress the anger in the body, shocking, so the energy leaked out, causing fatal lethality to everything around.

After half a minute, the terrible lethality disappeared.

The poor woman who was lying on the ground was dying, and all her bodies were burnt.

She is a strong demon, and can not withstand the energy leakage caused by the **** princess because of the inner shock.

Princess Na blood recovered her calmness, and the magic lines disappeared. The gorgeous blood red dress appeared on her again.

She came to the female messenger and the jade hand waved.

The blackness of the female messenger disappeared and her body was completely healed.

It was as if a spring breeze had blown through, and the wilted squid once again opened the green leaves and opened the safflower.

Princess Na blood faintly said: "You go to the city of Fire, tell Lanling! I don't think of the sorcerer as a relative, because at that time it was too young, many things were forgotten. So the emperor became my only relative, after the age of seven The day is that he is accompanying me and protecting me. If there is something in the emperor, I will retaliate regardless of any consequences, and kill the important figures of the empire empire, including..."

She did not say who included, but she has shown the greatest will.

When she heard her, the woman messenger could not help but feel envious and jealous.

Princess Na's heart is as hard as a cold iron, and someone can take a weight in her heart. How happy it is, how difficult it is.


The Enchanted Empire, the City of Fire!

The emperor has completely quieted down and looked at Lanling Road: "Kill me, don't try to trade with me and Na, don't try to let her pay anything, kill me!"

Separated by the energy prison, Lan Ling plate sat down and said: "The emperor, you love the blood."

Emperor said: "Of course, but I will not marry her, I will not have any thoughts about her."

Lanling Road: "Why? You can take care of her."

Emperor said: "She also loves me, but it is only the feelings of her loved ones, not the feelings of men and women. If I have an attempt to her, it will only make her unhappy, only to make her sad, why should I do this? ""

Lanling Road: "Nana blood has no feelings for Nether, why do you want to combine two?"

Emperor said: "Because the emperor is a good candidate, she and the emperor can get married without men and women, but she and I can't."

Lan Ling fully understands this.

Lanling Road: "Before you and her, you should be very sinister, suspicious, fierce, lonely, why are you so trusting and intimate."

Emperor said: "We have been living together for 22 years. I have protected her for the first fifteen years because I am 11 years older than her. She protects me for the next seven years because she is stronger than me."

"You protect her?" Lanling doubts.

Emperor Yao said: "When the Emperor of the Imperial War sent troops to destroy the shuttle, I also accompanied the army. The Prince of the Imperial War killed her mother and killed her. I saved her life and she became my Little servant. I was seventeen years old at the time, she was six years old. Later, Prince Disha saw her talent amazing, and she killed her many times and was stopped by me."

"Be stopped by you, what is your identity?" Lan Ling asked.

"On the surface is the son of the Prince of Disha, actually the illegitimate son of Emperor Motuo, the Emperor Tuo sleeps the woman of the Prince of the Emperor, and gave birth to my illegitimate child."

Lanling was shocked. I didn’t think there was such a past event. Was it not a rumor that the emperor was a far-flung member of the blood-sucking royal family?

Emperor said: "Since I stopped it, the emperor couldn't kill Na's blood. And Na's blood showed an amazing talent, so the emperor kissed Na's blood personally. The result... Na's blood is completely different. After being kissed, she has no characteristics of any vampires. The high blood talent is shocking, and she does not show any energy characteristics that she is the prince of the emperor. The energy of her body is completely independent. Since then, her cultivation has been a thousand miles, and she has been unable to clean it up. The Prince of the Imperial War will accept her as a righteous girl!"

Lanling Road: "But she eventually killed all the sons of Princes of the Imperial War, and finally killed the Prince of the Imperial War, replacing all the blood-sucking demon corps of the Prince of the Imperial War, completely replacing the Prince of the Imperial The location of the Tuo Empire."

The emperor sneered: "That is because the Prince of the Emperor did not want Na's blood to be a daughter, and wanted her to be a wife. So, Na Na will kill the whole temple, and of course I will help kill it. Then, the prince of Moto, who is my half-brother, wants to marry the blood. So there is a struggle between Na and the Prince, and I am faced with the choice. Standing on the side of the Prince, I will become a blood-sucking royal family. Member, one of the princes of the Motuo Empire. The Emperor of the Magic will also admit that I am his son and give me the energy to break through the King of Asia. You may know that all the princes of the Motuo Empire, all the sub-kings They were all broken by the gift of the Emperor."

This choice is superficially difficult to see.

On the left, the loyalty to the Prince will receive a powerful energy gift, become the prince of the Motuo Empire, and become the Asian king.

On the right, continue to loyalty to protect the blood of the Na, which may have nothing, even the disaster.

Lanling Road: "This choice must be easy to do."

Emperor said: "Yeah, it is very easy to do, it does not take a second to decide. So I was expelled from the blood-sucking royal family, but Na blood gave me the golden blood in my heart, I... broke through Yawang, then followed her south and went to the south."

After that, the two people fell into a short silence.

The emperor raised his head and said: "Lanling, if the blood can be compromised, she has already compromised. Although the Prince of Disha is a jerk, he is good no matter which aspect."

It’s not bad, the prince of the Motuo Empire, the power of the sky, the martial arts.

Emperor said: "But when Na's blood was in his teens, he refused him. He even killed him and expressed his will. The Prince of Magic is not bad."

It’s not bad. It’s just a figure standing on the tip of the world’s pyramids, because he is the emperor of the future.

Emperor Dao said: "The sorcerer's pursuit of Na's blood for three years has exhausted all means, but Na Na refused, why?"

Lanling Road: "Because she wants to be above, she has to master the fate."

"Yes!" Emperor said: "Prince of the emperor, Prince Moto is very powerful, very against the sky, of course, very idiot. You Lanling is also very against the sky, very powerful, but also very bastard. Na blood would rather pay any price Don't compromise with the emperor, nor compromise with the prince of the magic, why do you let her compromise with you, because you are the demon emperor, because you are the master of the demon star? Why?"

Lan Ling did not speak.

Emperor said: "You have never compromised with Lanling. You must master the fate of others and ride on the heads of others. The same is true of Na's blood. The character of both of you is the same. Na blood does not want to be people. Riding on my head, I don't want her to be riding on her head, for which I am willing to pay any price."

"So... don't use my brain on my head." The emperor said: "I know that you are a demon emperor. I know that you can make me fly out when you want to move, but... what about it? Kill me. Let me kill you..."

The eyes of the emperor at this time can no longer be described as dead.

Lan Ling looked at the emperor for a long time!

The man’s feelings for Na’s blood are already deep and complicated.

He worships Na's blood and loyal to Na's blood, because Na's blood is extremely powerful.

But he also pity the blood, desperately want to protect the blood, because in his eyes, Na blood may always be the little girl twenty years ago, the six-year-old girl, the one he saved from the knife little girl.

Not just love, but also affection.

There is no eternal loyalty in this world. The so-called loyalty is just that the weight of betrayal is not enough.

This is a good word.

But sometimes loyalty and emotions become part of the body. Once betrayed, it means that a part of the body is cut from the body and will live and bleed to death.

Many parents love their children, even more than their own lives, which is the truth.

Lanling constantly breathes and then opens his eyes.

Then he unlocked the energy prison and opened a door.

"Go out, let's go, go back to Na's blood." Lanling Road.

The emperor trembled and could hardly believe his ears.

But next to the next second, he flashed out and came to Lanling's face, slamming his palms and pointing to Lanling.

Lan Ling just released him, he will die in the palm of his hand, because only the death of Lan Ling, Princess Na blood did not have the greatest threat.

However, after Emperor’s hand was lifted, he stopped in the air, and finally did not kneel down.

It is not because he is afraid of death, because Lan Ling’s thoughts can easily kill his emperor.

The emperor is not afraid of death. If he can kill Lanling, he does not care about it. The key is that he can't kill Lanling.

Lanling is almost immortal.

"I will not promise you any conditions, and you should not try to get anything from Na Na." Emperor said: "You let me go, don't try to get any gratitude from me."

Lanling Road: "I let you go, I am worried that Na is crazy, understand? After returning, I will tell you the blood, let her personally come and talk to me, I am waiting for her, for the second negotiation. Of course, the content of the negotiations and It doesn't matter to release you, I release you without any human feelings, just let you recognize the status quo and then make real negotiations."

The Emperor looked at Lanling and said, "I will tell you."

Then, he left the underground prison directly, flew directly into the air, and flew toward the Na blood army on the north side of the sea with the fastest speed.

Ten hours later, the emperor entered the air hall and appeared in front of Princess Na.


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(End of this chapter)

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