World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 834: Eight three three: Lan Ling Di Ni, a historic meeting!

Chapter 834, August 3, Lan Ling Di Ni, a historic meeting!

Lanling quickly went back to worship and said: "The younger generation, I met Jiang Shang."

Then, the Tang people followed the front and said: "The younger generation of Tang people, see Jiang Shangxia!"

The Tang people also claimed to be juniors. It seems that the two had had contact before.

After the Tang people’s salute, the Sorcerer also bowed and bowed.

In the east, Wang Jiang went back to the two men and then returned to the Tang Dynasty: "Don't come innocent, Tang people."

The two really know each other, and both of them like to take risks, so it is not surprising that there has been an intersection before.

Jiang Shangdao said: "Lanling Majesty, before you suffered a major disaster in the human kingdom, I am far away from tens of thousands of miles, so I can't get back in time, I am very sorry!"

His words directly broke Lan Lan's identity as Sauron.

Lanling Road: "Where? Jiang Shangyu has no obligation to help me."

"There is still." Jiang Shangdao.

Lan Ling hesitated for a moment: "Ginger, you can have a fall about my family?"

"Most of them were caught, and a small part of them escaped." Jiang Shangdao said: "The Rock Queen escaped, and the people once fled to my east with my mother-in-law. I am not here, my East is leaving the Prince to refuse to be sheltered. People and Suining mother and child, so they fled from the sea, and in the middle of the encounter with the Shenlong Temple flying.

When I heard it, Lanling could barely breathe.

He prayed many times before, hoping that he would be fine, and hope that his son, Saitama, would be fine. Listening to Jiang said so, has it already...

Jiang Shangdao said: "When I return to the East from the Kingdom, it has been a long time. I went to the Yanjing Temple to ask for Ashi to leave. The sky priest told me that the priests did not succeed in arresting people. She should be fine. Then I searched for two years and didn't find someone to leave."

Lanling Road: "Then you think, where should they be?"

Ginger silently said: "The blood from the people is very special, similar to the witch country. I have also visited the witch country, but I was expelled without entering the territory of the witch country..."

Ginger was expelled from the witch country, and there should be a story behind it.

Lanling said with amazement: "What you mean is that A Shi and the mother of Suining may be in the witch's country."

Jiang Shangdao said: "This is a very big possibility. From the attitude of the demon queen, I can see some clues, so I am relieved to leave."

Lanling Road: "A Shi is not a biological daughter of A Shimo?"

Ginger shook his head and said: "No, it was his coming. With the blood of his wife and his wife, he still couldn't give birth."

They are alive, this is the best news for Lan Ling.

Lan Ling asked: "Ginger squats, you come to my inflammatory empire, what advice?"

Jiang Shangdao said: "I do have very important things to look for. After the conclusion of your founding ceremony, we will discuss it again."

Lanling Road: "Can't you say it now?"

Jiang Shangdao said: "Now, it's really hard to say."

Lanling Road: "That's good, then wait until after the founding of the National Day!"


After entering the city of Yancheng, Lanling treated the highest courtesy with Wang Jiang on the east. At the time of the banquet, not only all the members of the Inflammatory Council came to accompany, but also all their wives and children.

Whether it is Yin Ji or the princess of Sayan, seeing the first sight of Wang Jiang on the east, it is full of worship.

Ginger's fame is much larger than Lanling's imagination. Even in the southern wilderness of the princess, the singer Wang Hao, also knows his great achievements.

After Yin Ji saw Jiang, he even wanted to rush directly. When he was not close, he shouted directly: "Ginger Master."

As the princess of the Principality of the Night, she once visited the East with her father twice. When he was studying at the Bengdu Shenlong Academy, he also went to the East to study abroad for half a year, like Ji Xianning and Yan.

East is away from Wang Jiangshang, the martial arts leader of the entire human kingdom. In order to make good friends with him, the Shenlong Temple will send high-level students from Shenlong Academy to study the martial arts in the east. This is a kind of glory.

Therefore, all the kingdoms of the human kingdom, the sons of the Principality, are regarded as the registered disciples of Jiang, and Ashi Liren was once their sister.

"Lan Yin, the daughter of Lanshi?" Jiang remembered Yin Ji.

"It's me, it's me..." Yin Ji didn't hold back, or she plunged into the arms of Jiang and cried.

The relationship between Yin Ji and Jiang Shang is not so close. After all, she is only half a year away from the kingdom and one of dozens of students. However, she has always regarded **** as an idol and even created music for Jiang Shang and her wife. When he saw him, he instinctively treated him like his father.

Ginger went to a sigh, he was really not used to being so intimate with his children, even if he was separated from Ashi, Jiang Xue was not so intimate.

Then he looked at Lan Ling and asked for a look. Of course, he knew that Sauron had killed the Lanshi Dagong couple. Now Yin Ji is here. He wants to ask if Yin Ji knows that he is Sauron.

Lan Ling nodded and said that Yin Ji already knew.

Ginger couldn't help but feel pity, gently patted Yin Ji's head and said nothing, the inside is not too complicated.

When eating, Yin Ji sat on the side of Jiang, diligently pouring wine for him, picking vegetables.

She lost her parents and family and originally found the man she loved, but the man was the father of the enemy. Therefore, she is especially lonely, especially insecure.

Ginger came up, she instinctively regarded **** as her elder, as her family came.

"Master Jiang, is it better to be a teacher? Is the Jiang Xueshi sister okay?" Yin Ji asked as he served diligently.

Jiang Shangdao said: "Not too good."

Yin Jidao: "What happened? I like Jiang Xueshi sister most. What happened to her?"

Jiang Shangdao said: "It seems to have suffered some interference and penetration."

It can be seen that Jiang Shang is really a sincere, yet another person. Otherwise, like Yin Ji, this small child problem, he can not answer, but as long as he answers, he will not be perfunctory.

Yin Ji waited to ask again, but was stopped by Sha Yan: "Lan Yin, don't ask. If necessary, Jiang Shangyu will talk to Fu Jun."

Lanling cut the venison and asked, "What about the human kingdom?"

Jiang Shangdao said: "The Kingdom of the Wrath is controlled by the Temple of the Dragon. The Temple Army has almost mastered the border between the entire Wrath Kingdom and the Mozu. In the past few years, the Temple of the Dragon has lifted the martial arts. Every year, tens of thousands of people go to the Dragon. The temple studies energy martial arts, they are preparing for the world war."

Slightly hesitating, Princess Shayan asked Lanling: "What about the Queen?"

Jiang Shangdao said: "Before I came to the Mozu area, I used to visit the Queen, but she was not. In the past few years, she has not been in the country for most of the time, and the Wrath Kingdom is basically governed by the Cabinet."

At the banquet, Jiang accepted many people's inquiries as idols. Instead, he was like a raccoon. Dina, who was born at the bottom, was not familiar with him.

In the human kingdom, Lan Ling almost regarded Jiang as a god, because his martial arts is too strong, the master of the human empire.

After coming to the Mozu area, he felt that his martial arts should be nothing compared to the Mozu.

But now that Jiang came to the Yan Mo Empire, he realized that Jiang is really powerful. His martial arts is not only the first in the human kingdom, but also the top in the Mozu world. It is possible that the Heavenly King, even and The magical emperor is always on the same page.

After the banquet, Lan Ling privately visited Jiang.

"Ginger up and down, the energy of the Tang people was attacked by the sky priests, and there was a black hole vortex. Only twenty days of life, I can't get a solution to my thoughts. Can you teach me anything?" "Lan Ling asked.

Jiang looked at Lanling for a while and said: "Black hole vortex? Is it the advanced state of the starry magic?"

Lan Ling nodded: "Yes."

Ginger nodded: "I have an idea."

Lan Ling suddenly had a great surprise. He really asked Jiang on the attitude of trying it out. He didn't think that the other party actually had a way.

This East is really the only one in the world.

Then, Jiang Shangdao said: "But, after the founding of the National Day, let's talk about it? It's not because I sell the Guan, it's because the things that save the Tang people and the things I want to talk to you are one. And the things I am going to talk with you are too important. Even the fate of the whole world, can you understand?"

Lanling Road: "Of course, I can go down the ginger!"

"Don't dare..." Jiang Shangdao.

Lanling Road: "You just said that the Princess of Jiang blood seems to have been infiltrated and interfered. What happened?"

Jiang Shangdao said: "In the **** case, she got a sword."

Lan Ling nodded: "I know this thing, she even threw the dragon golden sword."

Jiang Shangdao said: "The sword he got from the **** city of the city has a very dark and evil power that has penetrated into her soul and cannot be removed. This power makes her very powerful, but she is very magical. Because I was looking for the whereabouts of the Emperor Long, and I traveled all the year round. It was too late when I found out that she was abnormal. At that time, I needed to find the whereabouts of the person and then save the **** blood, so I sealed her up and hoped to find it. After people, try to find a way to save the blood of the ginger."

I heard that Lan Ling is really full of admiration for Jiang.

A Shi is a disciple of his people, and Jiang Xue is his daughter.

However, he chose to go first to find a way to save someone, and put his daughter's **** blood away from people. This is not because he does not love his daughter, but because he feels that he is more responsible for protecting people.

"But, when I returned to the East to leave the country, Jiang Xue had already broken the seal, and I did not know where I was." Jiang sighed.

Lanling Road: "If she came to the Mozu area, I will definitely pay attention."

At this time, the voice of the thickens in the brain of Lanling.

Her voice was shocked and she was completely shaking.

"His Majesty... Princess Digne is visiting!"

Suddenly, Lanling was also shocked.

The founding of the empire of the empire, Princess Dini actually came in person?

To know that in the united front of the Mozu Empire, her status and the Heavenly King are level, even slightly higher. Because the winged and witch country, only follow the Princess of Digne, not the King of Heaven.

Di Nico was the undisputed leader of the united front of the Mozu Empire. Not long ago, she had just hit her face and sent troops to capture the three great demons in the south.

At this time, in her hands, she mastered the four major demon areas, plus the witch country.

In the eight wilderness areas of the wilderness in the south, she has mastered five, more than half of the country, and her territory even surpassed the ghost king empire three thousand years ago.

And her shelf is incomparably large, whether it is the king of the earth, or other people, in her eyes are like ants, only Tang talents are personally received by her.

Unexpectedly, she went to the door and visited the empire empire!

After the shock, Lan Ling looked at the **** and said that he wanted to ask the Princess of Digne, the leader of the united front of the Mozu Empire.

Ginger shook his head and said: "I don't think it is good to see Na Na or Di Ni."

Lanling nodded, so he once again took the Tang and the Sorcerer and went to meet Princess Dnie!


Like Ginger, Princess Dnie is single-handed, not even flying mounts. She is descending directly from the sky.

On her back, there is a pair of blue-violet wings!

When she descended from the sky, the entire city of the City of Fire stopped all actions and stood in the spot and stared at her.

Although she is very fast, her face seems to be in the eyes of everyone, in the brains of everyone.

Pour the country into the city, reverse the sentient beings, and be peerless!

Still can't use words to describe her beauty and magic, because this has risen to the energy science, rising to the point of metaphysics.

Sure enough, in this world, the only one who can match her is the Princess of the Blood.

Di Nie and Na blood princess, and sure enough, the entire genius of the Mozu field.

Lan Ling...

The first time I saw Princess Digne, like a lightning strike!

A burst of bang, the whole brain seems to be blank!


Note: The second one is sent, brothers, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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