World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 852: Eight five four: Lanling fanna blood! Hell Knight

Chapter 852 Eight and Five Four Lanling Fanna Blood! Hell Knight Trap

Tomorrow, Lanling will leave the sacred empire and go to the magic prison to try it out.

In the evening, he had a dinner with Lansie alone, and then the two had a fever.

He found out that there was a scar on the chest of the silk, black scars.

Although the scar is not large, it is particularly eye-catching on the seductive chest.

Lanling would have to bite his fingers and put his blood on the wound so that any scars would disappear.

"No, it's useless." Lan Sisi said: "It was cut with the magic of the stars, and it could not be removed."

Then, after Lan Ling discovered that Lansi took off her shoes, the toenails on the ten toes were gone. Not only that, there are fewer skins on the inner side of the thigh, and all other intimate skins are stripped off, which is torn off one by one.

In time, Lan Ling’s face is full of absolute murderousness.

After Lansie was arrested, she was tortured by inhuman people?

Na blood **** it!

Lan Ling cold channel: "When you come back, why don't you say a word?"

When Lansie was released, she completely laughed and said that she had been tortured and abused, and there was no scar on her body surface.

In fact, she was tortured for a day and night.

At that time, Ying Jun wanted to use the Razer to scare Lan Sisi. She did not think that Lan Si Si was the queen of snakes. The Razer became her slave when she saw her, so she did not bite Lansi. Instead, it directly attacks Ying Jun.

Of course, the Razer did not succeed, and was smashed into a meat by a lightning-fast sword.

Then... Lansi was tortured by terrible.

Ying Jun is very vicious and completely picks up the invisible place.

After suppressing the blood of Lan Sisi, she unplugged her toenails and cut her chest with the magic of the stars.

Filled with the diluted toxic poison into the belly of Lansi, not letting her die, but let her belly intestines erode a layer.

Using delicate means, the skin on the inside of her thigh, and even more hidden places, is peeled off.

"Fortunately, I was released in time, otherwise she would inject a corrosive venom into my womb, completely destroying my mother's power." Lan Sisi said.

Lanling’s gaze seemed to be a fire-breathing, full of murderousness in the sky.

Obviously know that Lan Sisi is his little sister, but still torture her like this poisonously?

Na blood **** it!

"The first time you came back, why didn't you say that?" Lan Ling cold channel.

Lan Sisi said: "I feel that it will make a big difference and destroy the overall situation! Especially, let other people know, lest you be embarrassed."

"You don't tell, it makes me embarrassed..." Lan Lingdao: "Who did it?"

"Should be king..." Lansie said.

"That slut..." Lan Ling cold channel.

Then he immediately got up and walked outside.

"French..." Lanssi shouted: "No, now everything is in the battle of Princess Digne and Na's blood. Don't be extravagant because of my affairs, disrupting the rhythm and deployment."

"Give me a lay down, take care of you!" Lan Ling pointed to Lan Sisi, and then left the room!

Lanling rode on three Chimera beasts and vacated, awakening the Tang people.

"This is going, isn't it tomorrow?" Tang Rendao.

"I went to the Fortress of the Devil City, but I saw the blood of the Na." Lanling Road.

The Tang people changed their face: "I... can I ask why?"

Lanling Road: "Lan Sisi was tortured by Ying Jun, and the body was peeled more than 30 places. The body was filled with diluted venom more than a dozen places, and even almost destroyed the power to be a mother."

"This monk..." The Tang people burst into the cold and murderous, saying: "I know, you haven't come back for more than twenty-four hours. We will cross the border to attack the Vampires and send a signal directly to Princess Digne. ""

Lan Ling nodded and rode three Chimera beasts and flew toward the Tian Mo Cheng Fort.


When Lanling reached the sky above the Fortress of the Devil, it was already late at night.

More than a hundred miles away from the Naphtha of the Blood, Lanling was stopped by three vampires.

"I, Lan Ling, I want to see the blood!"

After hearing the words of Lanling, the vampire of the demon level frightened a big jump, and then immediately went to report.

Na blood has not slept yet, she is meditating.

Of course, her meditation is not a practice, but a battle.

The upcoming cloud-decision battle is too crucial, directly related to her fate, and even the fate of the entire southern wilderness.

When it is victorious, Na's blood will fly to the sky and become the strongest force in the southern wilderness. In the future, it will even be the wilderness of the whole southern part.

And once it fails, probably her ambitions will be lost.

Suddenly, the **** Yune prince whispered: "His Royal Highness, Lan Ling visit!"

Suddenly, Na's blood scared a big jump.

Lanling is visiting? What did Lanling do at this time?

There is absolutely no reason. Before he was almost forced to go nowhere, he didn’t come to Nata to bow down and compromise. This time it is even more impossible to come.

"Let him come in, everyone goes out!" Na blood.


Once again, Lan Ling saw the blood of Na, he was the first time to come to the air hall of Na Na.

It’s amazing, the tens of thousands of square meters of the hall, so floating in the air.

Her throne is composed of viper, and the ground here is not white jade but better than white jade. Because all the bones are crushed and then re-extruded. And it's still a very young bone, the color is very white.

"What?" asked Na's blood.

"Hand over the king, let me take it away." Lanling Road.

Na blood frowned: "Why?"

Lanling Road: "She tortured my little 妾 丝 silk, pulled out all her toenails, peeled off the skin of her body thirty-seven, and injected a dozen poisonous poisons into her body. It’s a day and night that makes her feel uncomfortable and has no dignity.”

Na blood road: "Let Ying Jun come over."

After a while, Ying Jun came over. Her expression was very calm, not fearful, and she did not even look at Lan Ling.

"Slaves meet the Princess of the Royal Highness!" Ying Jun bowed down to the Princess of Blood, every movement is extremely gentle, flowing in the water, with her charming body is simply a visual enjoyment.

This is really a gentle woman, who knows that the heart is so vicious.

Na blood road: "Lan Ling said that you abused her little 妾 丝 丝, can this be?"

"Yes!" Ying Jun said: "I used her punishment and forced him to ask some secrets."

"What secret?" Na Na asked.

Ying Jundao: "What do the enchanted empire want to do with so many stars and magic stones? There is already a mine, why can't wait to find a second mine? I am worried about whether the empire empire should use the magic of the stars to carry out some terrible action."

Lanling Road: "Na Na, let me take her, this thing will stop here!"

After Ying Jun listened, he squatted on the ground and did not move.

Princess Na blood closed her eyes and entered into contemplation. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and shook her head: "No!"

Lanling Road: "Why?"

"Let you take me from the face of me, take me away, this is a trampling of my majesty." Na blood.

Lan Ling screamed: "Then you directly cross the border to catch people, take my little sister, can you consider my dignity?"

Na blood fell silent and did not speak.

"Answer me!" Lan Ling shouted.

"Weak meat and strong food, this world only has a strong person to talk about dignity." Na blood.

When this was said, Lan Ling’s face changed dramatically.

This sentence is completely the most fierce face.

"That is in your eyes, I am the weak?" Lan Ling sneered.

Na blood said: "The truth is so ugly, you may be strong in the future, but at least not now!"

Lanling Road: "Na Na, I think we should have some kind of tacit understanding, you have to ruin all this for the guilty woman who should be speculative?"

After Na’s blood was silenced for a long time, she said, “If I let you take people away, I will have no face, so this is impossible.”

Lanling Road: "Then my little sister was caught by you across the border, tortured for a day and night, that's it? You just trampled on my dignity?"

Na's blood was silent for a while: "Compared to my dignity, I can only choose to trample on your dignity."

Lan Ling suddenly laughed: "Na blood, I sent troops to occupy the city of Rakshasa, is to hit your face, and you lived and endured, and made a very decisive decision, I immediately negotiated, retreat and compromise a lot, even The blood-sucking demon territory is one-third less. You are willing to sacrifice such a big sacrifice. How wise is your move? Why is it that the district is a king, but is not willing to hand it over? It seems so faint?"

Na Na's blood is a cold road: "The character makes it, and there is nothing to retreat in the big picture. But when I take my person away from me, I will face it directly, then I can't."

Then, Na blood smiled coldly: "Why are you not so? You would rather give up the city of Rakshasa, but even the little hatred of Lansi is not let go, why not cherish your face, isn’t this a 50-step laugh? ?"

This made Lan Ling's face twitch.

Na blood waved her hand: "Go back to Lanling, I can't hand you the Yingjun. Your little torture is tormented, even if you kill her, there is nothing."

Lanling stared at Princess Na, saying: "You know that Yingjun is doing a poisonous conspiracy. She is still doing things for the Prince of Magic, she is deliberately tormenting Lan Sisi to hit my face. She I know that when I see Lansie’s wound, I will immediately come to the teacher to ask for sin, and will force you to hand over the prince. And once you refuse, it is a complete break with me. Her purpose is to make you my future. Breaking, she is doing things for the master, the prince, and don't you know?"

Princess Na blood nodded and said: "I am not stupid, of course I know."

Lanling Road: "Do you know that this is the conspiracy of Yingjun, but still willing to let her succeed? Even at the expense of my dignity? Even at the expense of our future? Is your dignity so valuable?"

"Yes, my dignity is so inviolable." Na blood said: "Of course, not only the things you said."

Lan Ling glanced at him and said: "I understand, you... is this forcing yourself to break with me? You should see that after defeating the emperor, I have retreated to you many times. I propose to you. You crossed my little blue silk across the border, and I didn't turn my face directly. Everything is for a possibility, that is, we can fight side by side in the future. And you have to break this possibility? Will the future possible combination be completely smashed into the bud?"

"Yes!" Na blood.

"Why? Is your brain broken?" Lan Ling said: "Don't forget, at first you came to propose to me and approached me. When I approached you, you turned your face. I am not for the sake of any children, nor what I want to get from you? I want to fight with you in the future, for the great devil! Don’t forget, I am a demon, I am a demon Emperor! I am your king, I am the king of all of you."

Princess Na blood is silent, only the eyes are insane.

Lan Ling took a deep breath: "Na Na, handed over Ying Jun, then everything is possible in the future. Do not hand over Ying Jun, you and I will not die, everything in the future may be completely eliminated!"

“It’s impossible!” Na’s blood said in one sentence: “There is no dignity of strength matching, not worthy of dignity.”

Lanling stepped forward, aiming at the beautiful face of Na's blood, and slamming a slap in the face.


This slap, the fan is on the face of Na's blood.

Na blood did not have any resistance. Without any magic power, she was directly flying out of the Lanling fan for dozens of meters.

After landing, she gently wiped the blood at the corners of her mouth.

Then walked to the front of Lanling, aiming at his chest and slamming it out!

"Don't..." Emperor rushed out.

An incomparably powerful energy rushed into Lanling's body.


His body is instantly broken!

His energy heart splits in an inch and is almost broken.

His whole body veins, one inch inch split, gray smoke and smoke.

His brains are all spread out!

However, only a few seconds later.

All the broken energy hearts rejoin and all the broken energy veins re-agglomerate.

Less than half a minute later, the energy and light of Lanling re-agglomerated.

Lanling did not immediately restore the flesh, but stared at Na's blood with icy eyes, saying, "Na, you know the consequences of this attack."

Then, Lanling instantly turned into a light and shadow, disappeared without a trace.

The emperor couldn't help it anymore, and yelled at Na's blood: "You are crazy, you are crazy... Do you know what your palm means?"

Na blood said: "Of course I know!"

"Tell me, why?" The emperor was arrogant.

Na blood shook her head: "You don't understand!"

The people of the Temple of the Dragon have already entered the South, and they have already set their sights on Lanling.

If the emperor is not dead, then the death may be the rest of the **** knight.

In the eyes of Na, the Emperor is already a huge dangerous scourge, a terrible trap. The last time the Lord of the Demon Star killed one-third of the Hell Knights, and this time the Temple of the Dragon is to get rid of all!


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(End of this chapter)

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