World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 875: Eight seven seven: get the space scroll! Repair it again!

Chapter 875, August 7th, get the space scroll! Repair it again!

In the impression, the laboratory should be extremely complex and have many instruments.

However, the laboratory of the Dragon Temple is very simple, there are very few instruments, only the energy environment of various energy spar.

In front of this space laboratory, there is no doubt that Lanling has seen the cleanest laboratory.

The entire lab has nothing but a twisted space.

Everything in this lab can be twisted into any shape, including walls made of special energy bodies.

In all previous laboratories, the walls were all kinds of spar, with a variety of energy arrays.

The walls of this space laboratory are almost pure energy bodies.

Why is it almost?

The true pure energy body is the kind of heaven and earth barrier. Without any tangible material, it is just a powerful energy wall that runs through the heavens and the earth.

The energy body of this space laboratory is still tangible, it is like a liquid.

Moreover, the entire space laboratory is completely zero-gravity, and Lanling gently floats over, and gently touches the finger to the liquid energy wall.

Terrible things happen...

His fingertips were swallowed up...

It was the kind of real devouring that completely disappeared.

Lanling was so horrified that he struggled to break free, but he could not break free. And this terrible liquid energy wall spreads along his fingers, engulfing the entire body of Lanling.

Last resort...

"Oh..." Lan Ling applied energy and broke his index finger.

Then, the broken limb was completely swallowed and completely disappeared.

Lanling heart jumps and hurries away from this terrible liquid energy wall.

Then, Lanling looked for the most important thing in this distorted lab space, the space scroll!

Because the space in this lab is always distorted.

And once the distortion exceeds a certain degree, the body will be broken, oppressed, and will burst!

So in just a few dozen seconds, Lan Ling's body can not withstand all kinds of folding and various distortions, one inch inch of broken bones.

It’s a day!

It’s hard to break through to the three-star Devil, and it falls to the next level.

Lanling Road: "The demon star, you prevent my body from recovering automatically, otherwise I will continue to smash the bones and repair it and keep falling."

Demon Star: "Master, this is your body's instinct, almost impossible to stop. Unless directly at the heart of the energy, directly close the energy to the muscles of the body."

Lanling Road: "That is closed."

Demon Star said: "But this way, you lose your repairs and you can't fight at all."

Lanling Road: "In this ghost place, there is no need to fight."

The demon star suddenly closed the energy heart, except for the energy veins leading to the brain domain.

As a result, Lanling became a forceless hand.

His soul light and shadow floated in this strangely distorted space laboratory, looking for space scrolls.

The laboratory is small, and the maximum should be only a few hundred thousand square meters. If it is converted into space, it will be about 10,000 cubic meters.

But the **** is that the space of this 10,000 m3 is distorted, overlapping, changing from time to time, like a labyrinth, and a labyrinth without any regularity.

In addition to the tens of square meters of space around it, Lan Ling can hardly see any other space. Also be careful of the energy-filled walls that are tumbling around, and once they are smashed, they will be completely swallowed up.

It is reasonable to say that this space laboratory has been abandoned for two thousand years, and certainly does not know how many people and how many things have come in.

However, Lanling did not see anyone, anything, must have been swallowed up by this terrible liquid energy wall.

Lanling's soul light and shadow carefully navigated through the labyrinth of this labyrinth.

This is really a huge project!

Because Lanling intercepted the flow of energy in the energy heart, he lost his cultivation and could only drift slowly and under zero gravity.

The most **** thing is that this space is changing all the time. Each target may still be in a certain coordinate position for one second, but the next second will change.

The soul and shadow of Lanling has been floating, always looking for.

However, after twenty or thirty hours passed, the so-called aerial scrolls were still not found, and nothing was found.

This made him very depressed.

There are two situations.

In the first case, there is no space scroll at all, even if the space scroll has been destroyed, or swallowed by this energy wall.

In the second case, there is a space reel, but the speed of Lanling's movement is far less than the speed of this space distortion, so the distance between him and the two points of the space reel will never be close.

Lan Ling tends to the latter.

Because of the major accidents in the Temple of the Dragon, the big reason is related to the space scroll.

And the energy level of the space reel should not be lower than this energy wall, so it should not be swallowed.

If it is the second case, Lanling's moving speed is far less than the speed of space distortion, then it is necessary for Lanling to speed up. How to speed up and release blood energy.

"The demon star, release energy..." Lanling Road.

In this way, Lan Ling will find a space scroll that does not know whether it exists in a short time.

Because the space here is always twisted, Lanling's body is crushing every second, about an average of less than a minute, it will be broken once.

And every time the body is broken, it means that the repair is down one level.

If you come to the body for ten times and eight times, Lanling’s cultivation in the secret prison is completely in vain. If it is completely gone back to the devil, it will be tragedy.

At the moment when the demon star releases blood energy, Lan Ling’s body is like a meteor.

At this point, his movement in the abandoned space laboratory far exceeds the speed of space distortion.

"Hey..." He quickly shuttled through the twisted space of this labyrinth.

Almost every second, his body is recovering, and then he is broken.

His blood energy is consumed violently every second.

If you can calculate the price, Lanling’s flight price per second in this distorted space may exceed that of the Earth’s spaceship.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Four seconds...

Lanling's flight speed is more than a few hundred kilometers per hour, and it must be extremely careful not to hit any energy wall.

Five seconds.

Six seconds.

Seven seconds...

After nine seconds!

Lanling ecstasy...

Because, he saw the space scroll, of course, it may be a copy of the space scroll, a copy and the like.

Beyond this space reel, there is an energy hood. This energy hood is really different from the general energy hood. The general energy hood is either transparent or solid, and the energy hood is indeed chaotic.

Within the energy cover, there are four people!

These four people are skinny, but... they are still alive.

Yes, they are still alive.

However, it is completely crazy. Their eyes are scattered and their mouths are completely chattering. Most of the time, floating in the energy hood, motionless, and occasionally danced.

Ji Xianning said that this space laboratory accident killed two sky priests and four alternate sky priests.

The four lunatics in the chaotic energy hood should be the alternate sky priests.

That's right, yes, their clothes are very similar to the gray.

These four alternate sky priests are still alive, but they are trapped here and can't go out. But what about the two sky priests?

died? Powdered bones? Engulfed by the energy wall?

Everything around, there are no traces of two sky priests.

This abandoned space laboratory is distorted everywhere. The energy cover of this space scroll is eternal and still in the center of this space.

Lan Ling saw this aerial scroll, it is a roll of energy, the darkness to the extreme, looks like a group of black shadows.

In the energy hood, in addition to the space scroll, four madmen, there is one more thing.

A look, very mysterious, very eccentric device.

This device is like a small energy tower, about three meters high, thick places like thighs, thin places like little fingers.

The structure is very complicated, and there is an energy ball in the middle. The transparent and colorless energy ball constantly hits and continuously releases powerful energy.

This energy cover, as if it was released by this device.

Lan Ling does not know what this is, but it is certain that this thing represents the very sophisticated energy of the Temple of the Dragon. It is also an indispensable device for conducting space research.

Next, Lan Ling wants to find a way to enter this energy cover.

Even if you want to stop yourself from smashing your bones, you should enter this energy hood.

The outer space is collapsing all the time, and it is twisting and changing.

Only in this energy hood, it is absolutely still!

But the question is, how do you get into this energy hood?

Lanling is close to the energy cover and carefully reaches out to the energy cover.


Just touching this energy cover, Lanling was sucked in, and it was easy to go directly into the energy cover.

The energy-responsive device at the tip of this Shenlong Temple is just around the corner.

A copy of this space reel, or perhaps the original volume, is in front of you.

Of course, there are four madmen waiting for the sky priest.

The moment Lan Lan came in...

These four madmen stopped madness in an instant and then surrounded Lanling.


They just stared at Lanling so much, their eyes were still scattered, and they didn't do anything. They just looked around and didn't attack.

Lanling was horrified by the four Asian-level madmen. It was a bit creepy.

In order to avoid their possible attacks, but also to make up their own energy.

Lan Ling was directly on the neck of one of the alternate sky priests, and opened his teeth and slammed it down and began to swallow.

When he swallowed the alternate sky priest, the other side's scattered eyes instantly awake for a moment, and then the vitality was constantly swallowed, completely unable to stop.

If it is the Lanling of the Holy Order, when you devour the Asian King, there may be a fierce resistance.

However, Lanling is now a sub-level. These alternate sky priests may be much higher than him, but they should still be among the kings of the magical order, so this alternate sky priest can only watch as he is swallowed by blood.

The skinny body was sucked into a dry body.

While Lanling was sucking blood to engulf the first alternate sky priest, the other three lunatics looked so dumbly, and they continued to chatter, without any intention to stop.

In this way, Lanling sucked the blood, the second, the third, the fourth!

The four madman Yawangs were all sucked into dry corpses, floating in the energy hood and standing still.

The Lanling plate sits in the energy hood to quench the body and veins.

It’s not that Lanling’s greed is done, and I’m not in a hurry to learn the space scroll. But the time inside this energy hood is completely static, and it is a very uneasy factor to learn the space scroll and store so much external energy in the blood.

After a few hours!

Energy quenching is complete...

Lanling engulfed the alternate sky priests of the four top magical kings. It was not only returned to the three-star Yawang, but also broke through the first level. It came to the four-star Yawang, which was a small surprise.

Of course, these four alternate sky priests can not become death warriors, it is not known.


Next, it's time to learn the space scroll!

Lan Ling took a deep breath and looked at the space scroll.

Across the meter, you can feel the powerful energy in the space scroll. The whole scroll is completely dark, but when you look closely, it seems to have a little bit of stars, and countless rays of light.

The entire dark scroll is like an independent energy universe.

On the surface, it is extremely small. And the energy world inside it is extremely incomparably huge.

At this time, Lanling's body has completely recovered, and the heart is jumping wildly.

He was suddenly able to determine at this time, this is the original space scroll.

Because such things can't be copied at all, it's impossible to write a copy or the like. This is the culmination of the great energy of the Mozu civilization, which was written by the Emperor of Heaven, and cannot be copied.

Doom the Great learned this scroll.

Dragon Emperor, perhaps also learned this scroll.

The two sky priests of the Shenlong Temple may also try to learn the space scroll, and the result will be completely destroyed and collapsed.

Lanling is almost certain that the accident in the space laboratory was because the sky priest of the Dragon Temple tried to force the space scroll.

In order to learn this scroll, they even demonized, injected the blood of the body into the body, and even injected some blood of the Dragon Emperor. In order to avoid terrible disasters, the Temple of the Dragon also created this laboratory.

However, this space scroll should not be learned by the people of the Temple of the Dragon, nor should they master it.

Therefore, the biggest accident caused by the Dragon Temple in the millennium was directly caused by them to stop the study of space experiments.

Then Lanling goes to touch, to master, to learn this space scroll? What will happen?

Taking a deep breath, Lan Ling reached out and took the space scroll.



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(End of this chapter)

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