World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 882: Eight eight four: one defeated! Na blood falls!

Chapter 882, eight eight four one defeated! Na blood falls!

When the Princess of Blood and the King of Heavenly Kings approached 50 miles.

Lan Ling has used space technology to demarcate the independent dead space plane.

Next, the space energy device is used to open the space door on this plane, so that the Diners can continuously enter this independent dead space.

"Enter!" With Lan Ling ordered.

"Oh..." The warrior of the Dinet Army rushed into the space door opened by Lanling like a lightning, and then completely disappeared into the real space, and entered the dead space created by the power of the pseudo-stars.

No need for any command, whether it is a warrior of the Witch country, a warrior of the wing, or even a warrior who is willing to follow Dini, is the most elite force.

They used the fastest speed, but they flowed into this independent dead space in an orderly manner. Instead of going in, but using the power of martial arts to eject.

Lanling opened three large space doors, and the number of people pouring in every second exceeded two or three hundred.

With the approach of the Na's Blood Corps and the Tiansha Wang Legion, more and more people have entered the dead space.

When the enemy soldiers are under the city.

There are still 100,000 people outside the Dinet Army!

Princess Na blood gave a command: "Start the war!"

There are still 80,000 people left by the Dini Army.

Then, the most elite force of the Na's Blood Legion, the most elite power of the Heavenly King, the dark priests of the Dragon and the Temple of the Demon, the tides flooded into the city of Yune.

There are still 50,000 people left by the Dini Army.

The enemy found that the city of Yune was empty, and countless undead warriors began to search frantically, and it was easy to drill into every cave.

At this time, there were still 30,000 people outside the Diners.

Only these 30,000 people are the highest group.


These 30,000 people, like a meteor group, intensively poured into the dead space.

Then, the three space doors are closed. The dead space and the reality plane were completely isolated, and the Dinet army completely disappeared from the world.

After only two or three seconds, countless undead warriors rushed into this huge cave and began searching for every inch of space.

However, they are doomed to nothing!


The 700,000 people surviving the Diners and 400,000 bodies were brought into this isolated dead space.

This space is neither the kind of independent space of the ruins of the Devils, and the soul needs to enter after the bones are broken. It is not like the eternal curse of the world. After entering, you can live forever.

The dead space of Lanling has not evolved to the level of the eternal curse of the world.

Entering this space, it will not be broken. But there is no oxygen here, and ordinary people will suffocate and die after entering.

Even if you have been trained to become a master of magic, you can only stay in this dead space for twelve hours.

Therefore, the first time after the 700,000-strong army of the Dini Army entered this space, Lanling needed to completely sleep them.

The so-called thorough sleep, a bit similar to the earth, will be completely frozen with liquid nitrogen. The heartbeat stops, the breathing stops, and even the activity of the brain is completely stopped. The whole person enters a complete state of suspended animation and does not need oxygen.

Wait until the security is determined, then let them recover and leave this dead space.

Lanling is a strong king of the Asian kings. It is also difficult for 700,000 people to enter the suspended animation momentarily and sleep completely.

However, here is the plane he created, and his spiritual power can control everything. Not to mention the Devil Queen, and the two Asian kings of Digne.

Under the joint efforts of the three Asian-level powerhouses, within seven quarters of an hour, the brains and energy of the 700,000 people in the entire dead space were completely frozen, and they entered a suspended life.

Of course, the strong above the Mozong level does not need a fake scene, because their blood energy can maintain the whole brain and body vitality, even if it stays in the dead space for a few days and nights no problem.

Next, Lanling has to wait, waiting for the retreat of Digne and Heavenly King!

In order to minimize the consumption of vitality, even the king of the winged family, the top-level magical level of the princes of the winged family, also closed their eyes.

Only Lanling, the demon queen, and the three sub-kings of Digne can do as they please, and of course the death warrior.

"Su Ning, what about jade jade?" asked Lan Ling.

A Shi is human: "Well, it is safe in the King's City of the Witch."

Some questions ask A Shi to leave the person completely asking about blindness. She is so speechless and her expression ability is almost zero.

It is better to have Suining and Daiyu baby stay in the Witch King City. It is even better than Jia Baoyu.

The entire witch king city, countless beauty and little beauty, is a boy, and is such a beautiful boy. So his life is completely imaginable.

He is less than ten years old this year and has already upgraded to the witch country.

I want to eat whichever to eat, and which one to sleep on.

Whether it is reading, or practicing three days of fishing for two days, it is not reliable than Ashi Yuanzhen.

Therefore, Suining needs to go to the little ancestor for three days and then bring him home with his ears. Hit the palm, slate, hungry, what moves are used all over.


This little ancestor has a pile of backing, and all the beautiful beauty of the entire witch country is his backing.

Because he is the Lord of the demon star, the son of the demon emperor Soren.

Although the Witch Country did not know that Sauron was Lan Ling, his identity as the successor of the Emperor was certain. The whole witch country regards the emperor as the supreme leader and the supreme king.

Therefore, this little **** of Saitama became a Prince, and his status was higher than that of his mother.

Ah Shi was hesitant for a while and said: "I think you should bring the jade to the Yancheng City to discipline."

"I don't listen very much?" Lan Ling asked.

"Yeah!" Ah Shi is human.

Lanling Road: "Then I will give him a father-in-law after I have reunited with my father and son."

Then Lan Ling couldn't help but imagine in his mind what it has been like, and it has not been seen for more than seven years. At that time, he was still a one-year-old baby, a beautiful baby who loves to cry and spoil.

Lan Ling also clearly remembers that at that time he was still too small to eat something that smelled, and Lanling made the dishes that he had eaten by the adults, and also brought the spicy taste, and the baby was so hot that he was crying, and then shouted after crying. I want to eat. At that time, Suining hated to gnash his teeth and often quarreled with Lanling.

It has been more than seven years since it passed.

But some pictures, it seems that it was just yesterday, still vivid.


Lanling disappeared, Princess Dini disappeared, the demon queen disappeared, hundreds of thousands of people disappeared completely, and even hundreds of thousands of bodies disappeared.

A little trace of the traces did not stay, as if the world had evaporated.

This shocking news instantly killed the Princess of Blood and the King of Heaven.

These two people instantly squinted their eyes to the maximum, completely unable to believe this fact.

"Impossible, impossible, impossible..."

Princess Na blood was completely out of order, and her face became extremely ugly for the first time. Her eyes are almost in a state of madness.

This... how is this possible?

The whole city of Yune is surrounded by water, and it is difficult to fly!

There is no possibility of breaking through at all, and it has disappeared silently. How is it possible?

Is it to dig the ground and escape? Secretly excavated a few hundred thousand miles of secret passages in the underground, and then escaped?

This is completely impossible, because the encirclement of Nahe and Tiansha Wang is underground, ground, and air trinity. Even if you dig into the tunnel, you will not want to hide the past.

But even so, the Princess of Blood and the King of Heavenly Kings ordered the excavation of thousands of feet.

Hundreds of thousands of excavated monsters, really dig the land of the city of Yune a few thousand feet, fully dug for days and nights.

The entire land under the Yunewang City was dug up and hollowed out.


Still nothing was achieved, not only did the 100,000 people of the Dinet Army disappear, but even all the bodies disappeared.

Consternation, puzzling!

Tiansha Wang and Na blood can't imagine the brains. Where did the Diners and Lan Ling go? It really seems to have evaporated from the world.

Finally, Tianchao Prince said: "Lan Ling and Di Nie are extremely proud. His only killer is Hell Lightning. However, he was seen by Princess Na, and he retreated a hundred miles earlier, so his Hell Lightning did not play any role. Willing to fall into our hands, so do yourself? Detonate the star magic bomb, kill yourself!"

It is well known that the Magic Empire has mastered the Star Magic Bomb. Lanling is using this thing to completely erase the Fire Mountain from this world.

Therefore, Na's blood closed Lanling and Digne signed a ban on the magic of the stars.

"Impossible..." Na's blood: "It's really a crucial moment, and the Stars Magic ban can't stop Lanling. Even if he throws the Star Magic Bomb on our head, it won't be used up!"

Prince of Heaven Tianzhu: "If it is not self-sufficient, where did Lanling and the Diners go?"

This question is really no one can answer.

Na blood feels that she is suffering from a headache!

The subversion caused her to be even more powerful than the defeat of her and Princess Digne at the time.

Lanling self-defense? This is what she will never believe.

Since Lan Ling did not kill himself, there was only one answer. He led the Dini Army to break through. And it is silent, and God breaks out without knowing it.

In order to eliminate Digne, in order to eliminate Lanling, how much did Na’s blood pay?

Of course, the so-called pay is not the strength, but the will and the soul!

In order to safely kill Lanling, Na's blood forced himself to use his strategic theory of Emperor Moto to wash his brain over and over again. Be sure to raise your own actions to kill Lanling to a very high level of justice.

Because this is the emperor, this is the Lord of the Mozu, this is also the man who makes her heart.

Eliminate tradition, eliminate decay, destroy demons, and move toward the future.

This is the new Mozu revolutionary program of Emperor Motuo. Na's blood was not very concerned, but in order to eliminate the emperor, this theoretical program had to be instilled in his own mind.

What a proud person is she? In order to eliminate Digne, in order to eliminate Lanling, he did not hesitate to collude with garbage like Tiansha Wang.

The top masters in the Tianzhan Wangjun camp are hiding from the top masters. They are definitely not the Tianlu people. They are not completely unclear.

But in order to destroy Digne, in order to eliminate Lanling, she had to pretend that everything was unknown.

For the proud soul, it is a kind of depravity, a torture and betrayal, but she still bears her teeth.

As long as the result is noble, then the fall of the process can be forgiven!

However, now that her soul has paid such a big price, she has nothing to gain!

Lan Ling actually took the place where Digne disappeared without a trace, and actually broke through.

The key is that she still does not know how Lanling broke out! Which method is used, this is completely unpredictable!

She sent out a million troops, countless undead corps, and dig thousands of feet in a thousand miles.

Still nothing!

"not found!"

"not found!"

"not found!"

Incomparable anger, incomparable unwillingness, anger and the powerful energy that did not dare to rush, slammed in the blood of Na, as if to tear her body.

No one knows how painful she is this time? What a torture and anxiety.

Not because of the war, but because of the self-torture of the heart and soul.

In order to win, she can use all means to collude with the King of Heaven, and even hide the dark priest who does not know the Temple of the Dragon to hide in the army.

This means that her Princess Blood Princess and the enemies of the Dragon Temple are colluding together.

This is the biggest fall!

And her proud soul can't bear the pain of corruption.

So every day, she is tearing herself and afflicting herself.

Today, this torture and tearing becomes meaningless!

In this battle, she finally lost!

The emperor came to her side and said in the most gentle voice: "His Royal Highness, it should be withdrawn!"

The energy that ran rampant in the body could not be suppressed and spurted out.

With a terrible **** rain!

Princess Blood Princess squirted a few tens of meters high and fainted directly to the ground!


Note: The second one is sent, and you are asked for a monthly pass. Thank you brothers and sisters.

Double monthly ticket, don't make the ranking too ugly, please!

(End of this chapter)

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