World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 883: Eight eight five: subvert the blood! engagement!

Chapter 883, 885, and subversion of the blood! engagement!

The fainting of Na's blood is not due to reasons such as lack of physical strength.

Although she has been sleeping for more than two months in the war, she is a strong Asian king and a very powerful Asian king, so it is impossible to have physical exhaustion.

The reason why it is fainting is completely a physical protection mechanism, so that her spirit is not traumatized.

After a few hours, the Princess of the Blood Princess woke up, and her emotional emotion finally calmed down.

Emperor once again used the softest tone: "Retreat!"

"No..." Na's blood gaze once again became crazy: "This war is not over yet, and I have not lost yet. I firmly believe that Lanling and Diene are still here, once they retreat, they will give up!"

The emperor’s face twitched.

This is the most admired and most loved woman in front of me. It is really paranoid to the extreme.

"I am serious, I am serious, do you believe me? Lanling and Dini are still here, but we can't find him." Princess Na's blood is calm, but her eyes are crazy: " Therefore, you must not retreat, and once you retreat, you will give up!"

"Na blood..." The emperor couldn't help but sound a few degrees high.

"Brother, I know what you think, you think I can't afford to lose, you think I'm in a hurry." Na blood said: "But my instinct tells me that Lanling and Digne are here, and the Dini Army does not. Leave. As long as you continue to surround it, one day you will be able to get rid of the two!"

The emperor was silent for a long time, saying: "I know that genius and madman are only one line apart. But no matter whether it is a genius or a madman's thinking, I can't understand it. I only know two things. First, we have been in the army for three months. Although many advanced blood-sucking demons do not need direct supplies, most of the monsters and the military need astronomical materials. It is impossible to support them only by the Nethered Rakshasa field. Don't forget, we Only half of the Raksha community is only the land. The materials we brought from the wilderness in the north are almost exhausted. Especially the spar can not be maintained for a few days."

Na Xuexue: "Then let Tianshuwang support, he now holds the sites and materials of the five Mozu areas."

"The kind of despicable person, he offers anything at a price, and his ultimate cost is to let you marry his son." Emperor said: "The second and most important point. Lanling The Hell Lightning exhausted the deathal ghost energy of these tens of thousands of square kilometers of land, which means that the undead warriors we are going to refine will soon completely lose the source of energy, can't change the corpse, and can't make the undead warrior. And once this is done, it will be a damaging injury to our vampires."

This point, let Na Na blood violently twitch.

This blood-sucking demon army has lost more than 10 million, only less than two million relatively complete bodies, ready to refine the body to become the undead warrior army.

Of course, it is not that two million bodies can refine two million undead warriors. It is remarkable to have 500,000 undead warriors.

In the process of cultivating the corpse, most of the corpses are just nourishment.

"The bodies that are about to become undead warriors are completely dying." Emperor said: "Our vampires are powerful, but the undead army is the ace power, the ultimate strength, the two months of the war. The Undead Corps suffered heavy losses. If it cannot be filled in time, we may not be able to recover."

"My master, the blood-sucking demon army, the undead warrior regiment is our root!" Emperor said: "If you lose a powerful force, even if you have eliminated Lanling and Digne, what is the use? It is not for the sky. Brake King made a wedding dress?"

Na blood said: "Dragon, you don't understand! You don't know how fast Lanling grows. Once you miss this opportunity to completely eliminate him, it may be impossible in the future."

Emperor said: "Since he grows so fast, he is so powerful? Why then destroy him? Doesn't that mean he is the devil's destiny?"

"You are fatalism, you are a decaying fatalism!" Na Na blood sounded high: "Why is the Lord of the demon star the Lord of the Mozu? Why should everyone crouch under his knees? The Emperor represents the decaying Tradition, in order to re-emerge the Mozu civilization, we must take a new path. We must revolutionize the decadent Mozu tradition and must defeat the dark mountain of the legend of the Emperor!"

Emperor said: "You didn't believe this before, which is obviously the theory of Emperor."

Then, the emperor said again: "Your purpose is the revival of the Mozu civilization. If Lanling represents a more powerful force, if he can lead the Mozu revival, then why is he said to be rotten?"

Na blood eyes chilled: "What do you mean?"

Emperor said: "The most fundamental reason is that you are not willing to be down, you are full of ambitious ambitions. In the north, you are not willing to succumb to the emperor. In the south, you are not willing to succumb to Lanling. Underneath. So what destroys the tradition and eliminates the decay is fake. You may want to rejuvenate the Mozu, but it is the renaissance of the Mozu under your blood. If it is not the renaissance of your rule, but the blue When the Mausoleum of the Mausoleum is revived, you will also completely eliminate Lanling, even if the Devil’s civilization is completely indulged!”

The words of the emperor directly tore all the cover!

The face of Na's blood twitched, and suddenly there was a murderous murmur!

Switching to anyone else, dare to expose her innermost feelings, dare to uncover her proud mask, must be broken. So even at this time, even to the emperor, she also showed the murderousness of the sky.

But very soon, she gradually suppressed this murderous, the beautiful face is full of flushing, long breathed a sigh of relief: "Imperial, you are right, I am not willing to go down, I am ambition It’s not the revival of the demon of my blood, I would rather not. For this goal, I am willing to pay any price! My fate can be mastered except me, whether it is the emperor or God. I have to sit on that. At the peak of the peak, even if it is only one second, even if the next second is immediately broken, the smoke will disappear. This way, my life is worth it!"

Suddenly, the emperor was completely quiet.

Na blood said: "If you want to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Mozu, if you think Lanling is a better candidate, you can leave!"

The emperor once again fell down.

"Na blood, I have said long ago, what the revival of the Mozu, I do not care about the Lord of the Destiny." The Emperor sighed: "I only care about you... I hope that you will live happily and be able to get what you want." The reason why I tear your mask is just to let you face the true self, instead of trying to put a layer of masks on your body, so that you will be crazy, you will destroy yourself. !"

"Forget the so-called lord of heaven, forget the so-called revival of the Mozu, you Na Na blood is fighting for yourself, fighting for your destiny, for your ambition." Emperor said: "No need for any noble purpose The so-called revival of the Mozu civilization can be completed well, and it does not matter if it cannot be completed. Because it is only a by-product of realizing ambition!"

Na blood fluttered and looked at the emperor.

Emperor said: "The time I have been in contact with Lan Ling is very short, but I feel that I have a good understanding of him. At least in his mind, the renaissance of the Mozu civilization, what is the dark justice, is completely shit. There is only one thought in his heart, I want to kill everyone in the Temple of the Dragon! So you are the same, extraordinary to make your mind simple, you are to achieve your own ambition, for this to pay any price, at all costs. What kind of ideals and ideals are to fool the world. The demon queen may have ideals, and the king of the wing may also have ideals, including the ideals of Digne, so they all become ministers. Lanling has no ideals, so he is a king. His ideal is to fulfill his own desires, and everything else that dies with greatness is only an accessory to his desires."

Na blood quietly looked at the emperor, suddenly stretched out his arms and gently patted the emperor's shoulders: "Thank you, thank you for awakening the dream, I am awkward!"

Emperor said: "Since we are awake, then we will retreat!"

"No, no..." Na's blood said: "I really can't. Once I retreat, I want to destroy Lanling again. This is a rare opportunity."

Emperor said: "You would rather lose the cost of the 500,000 undead warriors, waiting for an opportunity to eliminate Lanling and Digne, even if it is an empty opportunity?"

"Yes!" Na blood said: "Because I clearly know that if I let Lan Ling leave, the consequences are far more terrible than the loss of 500,000 undead corps!"

The Emperor looked at Na's blood and felt deeply, no wonder he was just a courtier.

Perhaps I can use a word to break the blood of the magic barrier, and even persuade her some thinking. But she can never change her will.

While Na’s thinking has just been subversively changed, it still does not follow the trend and still strengthens some of her will.

According to the general public's thoughts, Na's blood even strategic thinking has been changed by the imperial concubine, let alone the retreat of the district?

However, Na blood can change one's own doctrine, but it will not change one's will.

This is like some super-big men in history. Their beliefs and doctrines will change constantly, from republicanism to federalism, to communism, and to socialism. The only constant is the will to fight for the world, because the so-called doctrine and belief are all a tool.

It is this understanding that the Emperor, although he felt the pain of heartache, did not insist on letting Na's blood retreat because he could not determine whether his insistence was correct.

"Continue to be trapped, never retreat, wait for Lanling and Digne to appear again. At all costs, all means, to eliminate Lanling and Di Nie!" Na blood said: "Because the Heavenly King can be awkward and can compromise, and Lanling No compromise, no possibility of partnership!"



Na blood is very amazing!

Even in this almost desperate situation, she still sticks to her own opinion and never retreats!

Although no one has proved it, in fact her persistence and siege are correct! Lanling and Dinie are still here, not leaving.

But many times, things are not transferred by her will.

After five days of continuing to surround Yune Wangcheng, Tiansha Wang did not intend to persist. He wanted to retreat, and he would stop supplying supplies to the Na's Blood Legion!

Na's blood suddenly became furious, and roared in front of the emperor's face: "The lack of erection and the plot!"

Then, Na blood came to the front of the Heavenly King, once again stressed his opinion, Lanling and Di Nie did not leave, still in the Yune Wangcheng, but with a method that no one knows to hide .

She pleaded with Tianshuwang to insist on one and a half months. After one and a half months, if Lanling and Diene did not appear again, Na Blood and Tiansha Wang retired together!

Then, the eyes and tone of the King of Heavenly Kings became extremely gloomy: "His Royal Princess of Blood, you are so sure that Lanling and Diene are still in this Yune Wangcheng?"

"Yes!" Na blood said: "I believe in my instincts, I believe that I understand Lan Ling. I can guarantee that Lan Ling and Di Nie are still within the Yune Wangcheng!"

Heavenly King: "If you are wrong?"

"Impossible!" Na blood.

The sound of the Heavenly King changed: "How do we set up a contract? If Lanling and Dini do not appear in a month or a half, you will marry my son, Prince of Heaven, how?"

As soon as this was said, Princess Na’s face changed dramatically.

It turns out that King of Heaven does not really want to retreat, but is waiting for himself here.

This is really a mean person who is despicable to the extreme and who does everything in order to achieve his goal!

Now, some of her know why the **** oaths in the south can be used as a wiper paper, because this is the real ruin and the country of faith collapse, the only belief is power and interest!

In this environment where the goal is unscrupulous, it is not noble to stick to the spirit of the contract, but it is completely stupid!

Princess Na blood closed her eyes and was struggling! It’s not whether you are struggling or not, but you are struggling with yourself!

King of Heaven: "I don't force the Princess of the Royal Highness at all. If you are willing to stick to it, you will continue to hold on. I am going to retreat. Even from Magicism, I am willing to provide you with five days of supplies!"

Na's blood sneered, if the Tianshu Wang retired, Na Na blood still sticks to a fart.

The two can only join Lan Ling and Di Nie in one net, but the Na blood family, that is the same.

"I don't believe that Lanling and Digne are still here, but in order to welcome the Princess of Blood, I am willing to pay this huge price!" Tiansha Wangdao: "Even if you pay the price of astronomical figures, continue to besieged an empty city for a month and a half. So as long as you set up a contract, after a month and a half, Lanling and Digne will not appear, you will marry my son, Prince of Heaven, my millions of troops will accompany you in the end!"

Princess Na's **** peaks are constantly undulating, almost splitting.

However, she gradually calmed down and slowly said: "Okay, a word is fixed!"


Note: The first one is sent, please support, please ask for the monthly ticket, thank you!

I found that the author really can't fully grasp the fate of the characters. It is really the story that drives the fate of the characters.

(End of this chapter)

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