World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 903: Nine-five: One-sided slaughter! Heavenly King is desperate!

Chapter 903, nine zero five, one-sided slaughter! Heavenly King is desperate!

Energy light ball, specializing in the top martial arts regiment.

A huge fireball containing bright spar, specializing in the blood-sucking demon army.

The fireball of the ordinary purple stone spar, specializing in the ordinary army of the blood and the king of the heavens.

Na blood and Tiansha Wang add up, there are nearly two million top martial arts regiments, but the undead warrior regiments account for a small half. Just a few seconds ago, the millions of undead warrior regiments of Na’s blood disappeared completely and the whole army was destroyed. There are now 1.2 million top martial arts regiments.

The 1.2 million top martial arts regiments were divided into dozens of arrays, scattered among the various armies.

But the energy ball of Hell's enchantment is able to aim at it with great precision!

Because the undead warrior regiment was suddenly destroyed, the highest command system of Na Blood and Heavenly King was temporarily lost. The top martial arts regiment on the ground only looked at the light ball in the sky and flew lightning, but did not know that it would fall in the concrete. where.

There are 290,000 top martial arts regiments in the city of Yanmo, including a large number of nine Asian kings.

The energy released by the 290,000 top warriors was absorbed by the five hells, and they spurred out five energy **** of light, because they were compressed to the extreme because of the energy of the sub-king.

Therefore, the speed of these five **** of light is reaching the extreme, reaching an astonishing three kilometers per second, and the distance of one hundred miles has only arrived in sixteen seconds.

The blood and the top martial arts corps of the Heavenly Kings have waited until these light **** are close to three or four kilometers before they know that they are hitting themselves.

"Dodge, dodge, dodge..." The commander of the top martial arts regiment is desperate.

Then, the entire array of 20,000 people avoided the fastest speed.

However, their speed is too slow compared to the energy ball. Just one second later, this tens of meters of energy light ball smashed into the array of this top warrior.


There is no loud noise, only the dazzling light, and the blue light.

This terrible light instantly overshadowed the sun in the sky, instantly making the soldiers on the entire battlefield almost instantaneously blind.


The entire array, 20,000 top warriors, all smouldering.

Within the area of ​​100,000 square meters, there is no trace of life.


Then, the second light ball, the third light ball, the fourth, the fifth...

The five **** of light squat almost at the same time, and at the same time burst open...

The array of the five top martial arts regiments of Na's Blood and Heavenly Kings was completely erased, and the real humans evaporate and disappear without a trace.

Five light balls, each of which contains the energy of 60,000 top warriors, contains the energy of two Asian kings.

This amazing power, the strongest below the level of the demon, is a complete spike!

In just a dozen seconds of effort, Na Blood and Heaven's top martial arts regiment lost 100,000 people.

The other dozens of huge fireballs will be much slower, and the distance of more than one hundred miles will fly for two minutes!

Then, slammed into the array of vampires, the array of the Kings of the Templars.


Dozens of amazing fireballs blasted open!

It’s shaking, it’s deafening!

Although the power is far less than the energy ball of Hell's enchantment, the visual effect is far more powerful.

After the huge fireball with a diameter of several tens of meters fell, a few hundred meters of fire broke out in an instant, and then a terrible mushroom cloud rose.

How powerful is this fireball?

Every fireball is the energy that erupted after the reaction of a hundred kilograms of purple crystal spar. The energy equivalent to three thousand pounds of potent gunpowder a year ago was equivalent to 10,000 kilograms six months ago, equivalent to three months ago. One thousand three thousand pounds. As the research progresses, its energy response becomes more and more sufficient.

Nowadays, the energy that erupted after a hundred kilograms of purple spar fully reacted was equivalent to 16,000 kilograms of strong explosives.

It kills the top warriors, but killing ordinary soldiers is easy, like powder.

This fireball smashed down, and all the soldiers within a radius of 100 meters were all broken. Soldiers within three hundred meters, all the bones and broken bones, soldiers within one kilometer were directly blown out by the shock wave.

"Booming and banging..."

Twenty dozen amazing fireballs smashed down in succession, and each fireball was equivalent to 16,000 kilograms of potent gunpowder.

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were killed directly, and more than 200,000 were seriously injured.

Na's blood-sucking demon army is very powerful, almost possessing an undead body, which was originally fried.

However, these energy arrays are mixed with bright quartz, which can emit terrible rays after intense reaction. This kind of bright ray has a lethal lethal effect on the vampire, as if the ultraviolet light is deadly to the vampire.

For a time, these incomparable vampires were torn open by the horrible light rays of the road, and they were wiped out by an inch.

Even the mighty infernal **** dogs are also torn apart and die.

This momentary attack completely ruined the Na Blood Corps and the Tiansha Wang Legion.

In just three minutes of war, he lost one million undead warrior regiments, 100,000 martial arts regiments, and 400,000 ordinary legions.

Na Blood and Heaven King in the 6 million army of the City of Fire, only 4,500,000 in an instant.

This loss is terrible!

Because it was too unexpected and shocking, the entire army temporarily lost its command system and was in a mess.

Then, the second wave of energy light **** came again.

The fireball of the second wave of spar energy array came again.

The energy ball is still too fast to escape.

"Booming and banging..."

In the array of the vast oceans of the ocean and the sea, once again, the sun shines hundreds of times. Everyone instinctively closes their eyes, otherwise they will fall into temporary blindness.

There are also five top martial arts corps arrays that have been completely destroyed by smog.

The speed of the huge fireball from the spar energy is not fast, but it is also relative. It is an array of ordinary soldiers. These military formations are slower and more difficult to escape.


In the earth-shattering explosion, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were completely wiped out.

These evil enemies in the Enchanted City, as well as the spar energy array, the energy ball and the fireball that are played out are incomparably precise, even if there are few errors within a hundred miles.

Can you not be allowed?

After the mirror demon has been counted countless times, it can be accurate to the centimeter level.


At this time, the most desperate is not the blood of the Na, but the King of Heaven!

He is really cold and desperate!

Full of despair and darkness!

All the aspirations, all the grand plans, are gone.

There is only one thought in the brain: finished, finished, finished...

In this battle, I still have a fart!

In less than five minutes of war, it lost two million troops!

The key is that even the shadows of Lanling are invisible. Even the shadows of the Lanling army are invisible, and they lost two million troops.

It was completely beaten and there was almost no room for resignation.

The most elite and most ace of the undead warrior regiments were finished without being close, and the whole army was destroyed within three seconds.

The Heavenly Kings really had an endless fear and panic.

Before he was disdainful to the Emperor, every demon was finished, and the Lord of the Demon Star directly betrayed to become the Dragon Emperor.

However, now... The magical emperor of Lanling has a mysterious sense of infinity, which gives people a sense of fear.

Half a year ago, he unconsciously let the Dinet army evaporate in the world.

Nowadays, he is even more fascinating, letting a million undead warriors disappear, and let the millions of troops directly smash.

At this time, Lanling was just a demon sage (he did not know that Lanling broke through the king of Asia), so terrible, then he broke through the king of Asia, after breaking through the devil?

The most important thing is, after the defeat, what is his celestial king?

Do you go to the Dragon Temple to be a real dog leg and become a dark priest in the Devil's Court?

The Prince of Heaven on the side, already cold and trembled.

All of this is really magical.

The emperor, but became unsuccessful, so quietly watching.

Only Du Shu, the king of the snake spirit, is full of anger and horror.

"Father, what should I do? What should I do? Do you want to retreat?" The Prince of Heavenly shouted loudly.


The army of the Tiansha King, from the assembly to the marching empire empire, finally surrounded the five major cities of the empire empire, spent nearly four months. I have walked more than 20,000 miles.

However, in less than ten minutes, it is necessary to retreat.

This... this is really a big joke.

His more than 20 million army, more than 20,000 miles away, is it to the enchanted empire to see a thrilling fireworks show, and then lose millions of lives?

Prince of Heaven brakes loudly: "Father, the other four big cities will certainly not be so miserable. Lanling must put all mysterious force in the city of Fire. We still have 20 million troops, we can return to the sky. We can still rule the half of the wild land in the south, and we can still split the party!"

Tianshu Wang’s heart is moving!

Yes, now retiring, perhaps still able to save strength.

Na blood is a crazy gambler, not gambling until the last moment will never give up, but he is not the king of heaven.

Yes, retreat, retreat! He can still be king!

"Retreat!" Tianshu Wang shouted!


In the next second, he couldn't make a sound.

Because Princess Na blood slashed the dark undead ghost sword across his neck.

The emperor and the king of the snake spirit also swayed the sword on the neck of the Prince of Heaven.

Tianshu Wang cold channel: "What do you want to do?"

Then he shouted: "Devil's Court, what are you waiting for?"


Suddenly, dozens of shadows flashed instantly and appeared on the air hall of Na Na.

This is the dark priest of the demon pavilion of the Dragon God Temple, eight Asian kings, fifty devils!

They surrounded the Princess of Blood, Emperor, Du Shu and others!

But in the next moment, there are dozens of shadows flashing.

The snake spirit warrior, the high bloodsucking demon and other dozens of demon saints, and the dark priests of the devil's pavilion!

This is the ally of the same bed dream, once there is a change, immediately draw a knife!

On the ground, the Princess of the Blood Princess and the King of Heavenly Kings are encountering a terrible massacre, while the Air Hall Command, Na Blood and Heavenly Kings are to kill each other.

Swords and arrogance, one touch!


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(End of this chapter)

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