World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 950: Nine-five: The Emperor Lanling, the world's first!

Chapter 950, 925, the Emperor Lanling, the world's first!

The inheritance of the Emperor, this should be one of the greatest days, the most shocking days.

However, everything is silent.

There was no earth-shattering explosion, no sky shaking, no radiance.

Even all of this happened only in the meditation of Lanling. In fact, there is no grandeur, just like the two groups of water blend together.

In this way, all the powerful energy of the Devils, so the knowledge of understanding, all entered the brain of Lanling.

There are so many things pouring in, so that Lanling can hardly read it.

Even if the Devil of the Doom is a smog, it is definitely the first strongman in the world.

Only now, Lanling, I can't feel strong enough, because he is in the boundless sea of ​​the underworld, energy is everywhere, he is a part of countless energy, so he can't feel strong or not.

Unless he returns to the real world, he will never feel this power.

Once back to the real world, the Emperor Lanling, the world's first!


After receiving the inheritance of the Emperor, Lan Ling’s inner feelings are infinite, and even the entire energy heart is in the aftershocks.

A little bit, he became a sacrificed tool.

Fortunately, the nobleness of the Doom, fortunately, his heart has long been exhausted, otherwise Lanling's life has become a complete joke.

When the Doom is dying, the faceless person around him disappeared completely.

The faceless person around Lanling is still there. He looked at Lanling for a long time.

"Your Majesty, I know what you are thinking."

Lanling Road: "I shouldn't think so?"

The faceless person said: "You are thinking, the reason why you will enter the underworld is the conspiracy of the demon star. The demon star has used you as a tool from beginning to end, and it has never regarded you as a master."

Lanling Road: "Is it not?"

The faceless person said: "More than 10,000 years ago, the demon star must have thought this way in the moment of leaving the doom. So it will leave such an energy reflection in the depths of the soul of the Doom, so this will be the case. A faceless person who asks you to sacrifice to become a great doom. Isn't this unexpected? In the eyes of the demon star at the time, the Doom is a better master, a better demon, isn't it?"

Lan Ling admits this.

The moment when the demon star left the Great Emperor, it was unwilling, because the Great Emperor was almost a bit to destroy the Temple of the Dragon. Therefore, at that time he was hoping to let the heirs become the medium of the doomsday to leave the underworld. It must be hoped that the demon star will come to the underworld with his heirs to help the Emperor of the Doom return to the world.

The no-faced person said: "But, it has been going through more than 10,000 years. The demon star has experienced several hosts, its memory, the will has been subverted many times. Even the gray smoke to enter the underworld is from you. My own decision, not the manipulation of the demon star. So, the demon star at that time loyal to the doom, the current demon star loyal to you, this is what it should be."

Lan Ling did not speak.

The no-faced person said: "At least in the eyes of the demon star, you are more successful than the Doom, and you can go to the end. I have a say in this point, so let the Doom the Great engulf you, this is definitely not the intention of the demon star at this time."

Lan Ling exhaled a long breath and said: "It's all too important. I just want to ask, how do we return to the world?"

Yeah, the most important thing is how to go back. If you can’t go back, Lanling’s strength will not help.

Entering the underworld means death. In addition to the reincarnation, there is no way to leave. The reincarnation of the wheel is also completely incapable of Lanling, because he does not belong to this world.

No one says: "Do you know the Hell Knight?"

Lanling Road: "Of course I know."

The faceless person said: "You have inherited the inheritance of the Emperor, and when you return to the world, you can activate their soul contract immediately, they can become very powerful in an instant. Because the energy of the ancient demon will be instantly projected onto them. And the energy of this ancient demon is also in the underworld."

Lanling Road: "What do you mean, I am also an energy now, let me project into the real world?"

The faceless person said: "This is the easiest way. This is equivalent to dividing a person's soul into two halves, half in the underworld, and half in the world. Then use a kind of contract to make the energy of the underworld Projected into this half of the world. This is the energy contract created by the Emperor of Heaven, which can cross the plane between the human world and the underworld."

Lanling Road: "The demon star broke away from my soul before I entered the underworld. But it also took away part of my soul mark and became the part that I kept in the world."

The faceless person said: "Before entering the underworld, the demon star took your soul mark and entered the black scorpion sword. So according to the soul contract of the Doom, your power can be directly projected into the world, because your soul has Some are still in the world, and you are a whole, the same life."

"I understand." Lan Lingdao: "And what is the principle of all this?"

The faceless person was silent for a while and said: "Because ancient dragons and demons have gone together, tearing up the gap between many planes, making the underworld, the real world, the void plane, etc. all have gaps. So, just find and use these gaps. These energies can be freely transformed between the various planes. Therefore, the power of the underworld can also be projected into the human world. This is the root of the powerful Hell Knight."

Lanling Road: "That is, as long as I am willing, I can now project to the world."

"Yes." No one said.

Lanling Road: "So, what are the consequences?"

The faceless person said: "You have lost your body forever. You will always be just a group of soul light and shadow, just like the Hell Knight. The reason why they are in the light and shadow state is not to be cool, but really no body."

Without the body, Lanling could not continue to have children, nor could it be intimate with Di Nie, A Shi and others.

"No, I don't agree!" Lanling smashed the railroad.

The faceless person fell into a speechless voice: "But...but..."

"Nothing..." Lan Ling screamed: "I am the master? Or are you the master? Is it that I listen to the demon star, or is the demon star listening to me?"

Lan Ling vented his inner hatred.

The scene that happened just now, he will never forget.

If it is not noble for the Doom, if it is not the fate of the Doom, if not the Doom lost confidence in the future, Lanling will not have a future, the key to his life has become a complete joke.

"I decided!" Lan Ling said in one sentence: "I have to leave the underworld completely and return to the world. I want to have a complete body, not a ghost of the soul. I want to be intimate with my wife, bumps. I will pluck the phoenix, not to play with any ghosts. I will catch the beautiful female enemies and live a hundred times. I want to really use the whole body to go to the world and let everyone be on my soles. Under the strategy. What is the meaning of using a ghost to go to the world? Without the body, when you defeat the enemy, can you punch the meat? When you blast your enemy's wife, can you see the gun?"

The no-facer shouted: "But..."

"Nothing..." Lanling said: "This is the case. You are not saying that the ancient dragons and the ancient gods have died together, so that the barrier between several planes has been torn apart? Is there a gap? We went to the gap in the underworld and returned to the world from there."

The no-faced person said: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, but there is a land of depravity. Any restricted area of ​​life, if you pass through it, will be completely smouldering, and all energy and soul imprint cannot be left behind."

Lanling Road: "I am now a demon emperor. I have half of the golden blood, half of the bloodless, can't I still cross the fallen land?"

The no-facer shook his head and said: "I really don't know, but I don't recommend you to take such an adventure. If it fails, it will be eternal disappearance!"

Lan Ling sneered: "If it wasn't for the nobleness of the Doom, I will disappear forever."

The no-faced person said: "You have already reached this step. Even if you don't have a body, you are still a demon emperor. Why do you have a body?"

"If a man doesn't even have eggs and birds, he is boring, not to mention that the whole body is gone. What is it called a shit?" Lanling said: "I don't want to talk anymore, go, go to the underworld and The gap in the world, go to the fallen land."

The no-facer is hoarse and hoarse: "Follow, follow the instructions..."

At the same time, a clear image appeared in Lanling's brain.

This image is his own, and the demon star is calling it.

Lan Ling knows that this is the soul mark of his stay in the world, and the demon star tries to summon the self in the underworld. As long as he responds, his powerful energy can be instantly projected into the world and become the demon of the ghost state.

However, Lan Ling completely ignored this call.

The faceless obey the will of Lanling, driving a small boat, drifting in one direction, drifting toward the only coordinates of the underworld.

The underworld is a sea of ​​no-time concept, no space concept, and endless energy information. Then, the ripped opening of it is the only coordinate that can be referenced throughout the sea of ​​the underworld.

The soul boat of Lanling continues to move toward the fallen land.

Suddenly one day, Lan Ling asked: "After I returned to the world, I was the world's strongest."

"Yes, it should be!"


at the same time!

The 20 million army of the Motuo Empire has been continually landing in the south.

The entire landing lasted for forty-five days.

At the same time, both of them convinced Ning Wushang and the Temple of the Sky. She personally led the army of 1.5 million demon corps, and continually crossed the Aurora Gate in the north and entered the southern wilderness.

Two forces, one south and one north, rushed toward the empire.

The demon field, the final decisive battle, is about to erupt!


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(End of this chapter)

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