World Destroying Demonic Emperor

Chapter 985: 1987: Ertian Tu Shenjian! Ling Ao's death!

Chapter 985 1987 Ertian Tu Shenjian! Ling Ao's death!

Lan Ling picked up the book!

This is a book made of spar energy rolls, but after opening it, there is no word inside, and there is no pattern energy symbol or the like.

This is a book without words.

Lan Ling tries to input his own energy, just like learning space.

However, there is nothing inside, nothing.

Lan Ling tried it over and over again, completely a blank book.

Then, Lan Ling picked up the sword again.

He has a sword of the Great Emperor, and now the demon star is still inside the black skull.

The sword in front of you is a transparent spar sword.

Again, there is no energy inside, and there is no power.

Lan Ling was completely puzzled. Why did the Emperor Ertian leave these two things? But I can't see this sword. There is nothing special about a book.

Lanling Road: "When the Great Emperor gave you these things, can you say something?"

A witch thought for a while: "He said that there are two roads in front of him. He doesn't know which road is a way of life, and which road is a dead end. So he chooses one first. If it fails, it proves that it is a dead end. Then his successor will take another route, perhaps a way of life."

Lan Ling asked: "Is this before or after he wiped out the Temple of the Sky?"

"After." The witch said: "After destroying the Temple of the Sky, the master of the day is thinking, thinking about how to attack the temple of the moon, thinking and sighing. Then using countless manpower, built this in the lonely snow mountain. The ancient city of Tianmo, as his tomb."

Lanling was shocked. This beautiful ancient city of Tianmo is not a city. It is just a tomb made by the Emperor of Heaven. It seems that the city is more than enough to be the capital of the Ertian Empire.

"And the entire Tianmo Ancient City is to bury this book, a sword?" Lan Ling asked.

"Yes." The witch said.

Lanling Road: "There are countless people in the city? Are all fossils?"

The witch said: "Those who are originally stone-carved, but the people below are carved out by the craftsmen of the Ertian Empire. And these witches were created by the great Emperor."

Lanling couldn't help but marvel at the terracotta warriors and horses of Qin Shihuang. It really has the same effect. However, these fossils in this ancient city are much more realistic than the terracotta warriors, and the number is much more. This tomb of the Emperor of Heaven is also magnificent and mysterious and mysterious than the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang.

Lanling Road: "But I can't understand anything in this book? Can't I realize any energy in this sword?"

The witch said: "This sword is named as the **** of the gods! It was built by a long time."

Lanling was shocked, this name is really domineering. And the Emperor of Heaven is definitely not the kind of exaggerated person. He named this sword as the demon destroyer, then it really has such power.

But now that Lanling holds it, it doesn't really feel any powerful energy, it is like an ordinary glass sword.

There is also this wordless book, which is hard to read.

"Right, the owner of Ertian also let us tell you that after you get this book and the sword of the gods, you must take us out together." The witches excitedly said: "But we are very good, but we are very good, but The Emperor of Heaven does not allow us to participate in any battle. It is said that we can use it at a critical moment, so our strength cannot be wasted at all, because we are not normal life, we are the energy life created by the great Emperor."

“What is the key moment?” Lan Ling asked.

The witch shook her head. "We don't know. He said that the key moment is coming, and you naturally know."

Then, the witch excitedly said: "Let's go, let's go, let's go out, stay here for too long, I can't wait."

This group of witches can't wait to hold Lanling to fly away from the ancient city of Tianmo, they can't wait to feel the world outside.


Baiyun County City!

Proud to return home, the gentle and beautiful wife came forward, kneeling on the ground to change shoes for him, and gently patted the dust on his body.

"Is it back? How about talking to Lili?" asked the wife.

"A lot of complaints." Proudly said: "The Turing dust is too deceiving. It is clear that the family is my own, and they are desperately squeezing them to provide a lot of material, and they are so unspeakable. The coffin is completely unscrupulous, and one day I will let him taste the bitter fruit."

The wife said softly: "I don't know the general feelings of this little man. Now that the war is just around the corner, he holds the sword of the holy dragon temple. When the war is over, it is not too late to clean up after the emperor is destroyed."


In the evening, the two men linger once again.

Early the next morning, Haoao once again went to the 100,000 Dashan defense line.

Because, there is a grand ceremony to be held next.

The Tianshen Dragon Tower has been almost completed, and the final cap is left.

As the regent prince of the Wrath Kingdom, each of the Tongtian Shenlong Towers in the territory was capped by him.

Moreover, and the completion of each of the towers of the Dragon Tower is undergoing a grand celebration.

This time is no exception!

The tower of the Heavenly Dragon is over 900 meters and is processed on a mountain at an altitude of 5,000 kilometers.

The entire mountaintop was flattened and a huge square was built.

Banquet led all the priests of the temple, all the presiding judges, to participate in this grand ceremony.

After the arrogance of the cap, the dragon will be handed over to the temple of the banquet.

In the entire square, there are not only all the high-level temples of the temple, but also all the nobles, princes, celebrities and generals of the entire wrath kingdom.

There are also hundreds of thousands of soldiers!

There are countless workers on the construction site around the square.

It is completely crowded and witnessing this magnificent ceremony.

The proud wife stood by his side, the handsome man, the beautiful woman, really like a pair of monks. Only the VIPs of the VIP table can't help but scratch their eggs, as if to recall the madness of this woman.

Proud to wear a bright yellow regent robes.

The solemn and elegant dragon music sounded, and the proud arrogance represented the wrath of the royal family to worship the heavens and pay homage to the dragon.

After the memorial was over, he shouted loudly.

"Capping!" shouted the feast.

Then, wearing a golden crown, wearing a golden robe, the wrath of the Kingdom of the Regent, the prince of the reign, entered the hall.

Following him, there were dozens of guardian warriors with clear armor.

The regent prince held a piece of gold tile in his hands. This is the last tile of the tower of the Heavenly Dragon, and the capping ceremony was completed.

Proud to step up and climb up step by step.

Every time he climbs a step, his mind will emerge from the past people and things, and it will appear in Soren, and it will come to the throne, and it will appear as Turings.

"My father, I will make you proud of me."

"Oh, I will make you proud of me."

"Yes, I will make you proud of me."

After a quarter of an hour, the Regent Prince proudly walked to the top of the tower of the Heavenly Dragon.

From the top of the tower, overlook the crowds below.

The tops of the Wrath Kingdom have come together, and the top of the Temple of the Dragon has come together, and there are hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of people.

Proudly holding the gold tile, I look to countless crowds below.

The following hundreds of thousands of people also looked up and looked proud.

Really eye-catching!

"Before the cap, I have a few words to say." Pride injects the dragon force, and the sound is heard in everyone's ear.

“This should be considered a public speech? The final speech?”

"What are you talking about? I really didn't make a draft!"

"Talk about Sauron. He is the enemy of my life. He took my wife and made me a prisoner of the ranks. I interrupted my hands and feet. I have never hated a person like this in my life. However, He turned out to be the emperor!"

When the words came out, there was a burst of laughter below.

Turing dust was stunned, and the speech as a regent prince was too unprofessional.

"Today we should talk about the Temple of the Dragon, the glorious temple of human civilization. So what is the Temple of the Dragon?"

"Do you know the Hell Knight? It is the running dog of the Emperor, and there is a Hell Knight called Astro. Do you know why he became a Hell Knight? Because his sister A Shi is a chilly person, he wants to save. Sister, so I entered the Huizhou, the affiliated power of the Shenlong Temple. I went to the monster, what did he encounter?"

"He was sleeping by the demon sect and became a male pet. After every VIP of the Dragon Temple went to the demon, he let Astro stay with him. Astro is a man, and he has slept Aschro There are many high-rises in the temple. There are sacred priests who used to worship the temple, and there are also sky priests, and so on! So Astro complained that he could not die after a few suicides. The followers of the emperor became the Hell Knights, so the Temple of the Dragon is a dirty old man who can only engage in a man's court!"

When this is the case, the crowd below will burst!

Turing dust, feast, and arrogant wife can hardly believe their eyes.

crazy? Are you crazy?

Suddenly, the feast was ordered, so that the master of the Dragon Temple immediately rushed to stop the arrogance, and even directly smashed him.

Then, countless Shenlong Temple masters rushed into the Tongtian Giant Tower.

"Drawing a sword..." Ginger blood slammed down, and dozens of his masters from the kingdom slammed the sword and smashed it with the dragon temple master.

Pride continues to speak, and is completely super-white.

"Wu Lingling everyone knows that the alternate sky priest of the Sky Temple, the alternate sky referee, is also the patron of our Duke of Turing Dust. But he still has an identity. Everyone does not know, he is the mother of the Emperor Soren. , the mother, and the mother, personally put his own son to death, personally killing his father, the Marquis de la Vie. She is not for the sake of justice, her own body is filled with the blood of the devil, and at that time When he lurked around Ashlow, he even sold his body. So what is the Temple of the Dragon? It is a group of animals that have put their own sons and grandsons to death in order to benefit the people. It is a betrayal for the sake of profit. The 婊/子 of your own chrysanthemum."

"My wife, Fang Qingqing, everyone knows! How beautiful and dignified, how is the mother of the world! She is from the hidden continent, and is also a subsidiary of the Dragon Temple. She was the best trader since she was a child. She also used to be at Yanjing Shenlong College. Learning. "Proud to point to your wife.

Suddenly, his wife's face changed dramatically, eclipsed, revealing a terrible expression.

"After one day, I met four people, the Duke of Lili, the Duke of Turing, the Qing Dynasty emperor Fang Qingshu, and the temple of the priests of the temple. I know how clever? The four people I met. Inside, there are three people who have slept my wife! How clever! So what is the Temple of the Dragon? It is a group of ignorance and shame, people are as good as the public toilets, oh no! Oh, the sister of the brothel Sisters, many of you are very cute and very amazing. I compare my wife with you. It’s really tarnishing you. It’s a great sin!”

The following people have completely blown up.

Turing dust is going crazy, and the feast is going crazy.

The master of the Shenlong Temple madly rushed, but it was still blocked by the master of the **** blood.

And the proud wife Fang Qingqing is directly fainted to the ground.

Banquet, Turing dust and other people can no longer wait, flying directly to the top of the tower of the towering arrogance, to kill him.

"Hey..." Ginger blood lightning is usually shot out, and the feast is flat, and the Turing dust fights together to make an enemy.

Pride continues to speak on it!

"Next talk about me this person? Who am I?"

"I am a stupid person, one for his own future, he will not hesitate to sell his personality, betray the dignity of dignity. Because of jealousy, he will not surrender to Lanling. What are you guys? Everyone below, whether you are a worker or not Soldiers? What are you?"

"You are also a group of stupid people, a group of incompetent and brainwashed fools. The Dragon Temple is riding on your head to make a fortune, let you be a cow, the **** dragon temple sleeps your wife, sleeps your daughter, grabs your Food, grab your land, but you still stupidly hate the Emperor Lanling? You are also a group of fools."

"Who is the Emperor Lanling? I don't know, I don't know if he is just or evil?"

At this time, more and more people are besieging the **** blood, and the master she brought is dying.

Dozens of people, hundreds of people besieged **** blood, she was bathed in blood.

"Proud, I can't stop it!" Jiang blood shouted.

"The sinner is proud, willing to be loyal to the Emperor, long live forever! Please come to the human kingdom, save human civilization, and completely overthrow the dark rule of the Dragon Temple!"

"The sinner is proud, and he bows down to Sauron, and asks to save the human kingdom. Long live the long live..."

Proud to squat in the direction of the southern empire empire, beheading.


This tower of the dragon is exploding!

The thundering flame instantly swallows the entire tower!

The entire giant tower is turned into a powder!

Wang Wang, the regent of the Wrath Kingdom, has not finished his speech. He hastily smashed his bones and died completely!


Note: Once again insomnia, completely unable to sleep, tired, extremely strong code words, so the update is late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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