World Occult User Guide

Chapter 106 The ghost is coming

Dawn Society’s speech was engaging.

Although the old man didn't say anything bad about the inspection team, he just listed the facts fairly. For some reason, he cleverly brought people's goodwill towards the inspection team to a freezing point.

It turned out that the branch president and the deacon wanted to secretly kill the three people at night, and cooperated with the researchers at the headquarters to put the bodies into the Thunderbird's isolation room, interrupt the transportation, and recall Simon to the headquarters.

With the increase in human lives, the headquarters is bound to vote again on Thunderbird's disposal plan, and the inspection team will not miss this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, Lin An suddenly abandoned the car and ran away. Efron thought that he must have noticed something, and fearing that he would report the news, he quickly informed the branch president, who decided to take action at the same time.

Eventually, the Dawn Society, which had already infiltrated the facility, caught him off guard.

After the meeting, Lin An left with a new plan.

The Dawn Association changed their next route, avoiding the Foundation branch facilities and detouring into the headquarters.

In order to prevent subsequent interference from the inspection team, two other members of the Dawn Association will join Lin An's team. In order to cover up others' eyes, they drove another car behind the RV.

The old man gave the group of people new communication equipment and communicated secretly with the two people.

They share the same codename, "Knight."

Putting aside specious suspicions, at least the concept mentioned by Dawn Association is quite novel.

The old man told them that after the Dawn Association gets the right to speak, it will teach the concept of "mystery" as widely as new technologies.

The initial decision-making of the cabinet was based on the misunderstanding behind the inspection team, so that the concept that "people with super powers are a minority" was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, until the passage of time and data analysis, this theory was shattered.

No matter how we control it, we can't stop the number from rising.

So the government supported the Dawn Association to check and balance the dominant faction.

Dawn Association pays attention to routinizing, popularizing and legalizing the mystery, and is determined to complete the psychological construction of the people as soon as possible.

The old man also popularized many novel concepts, such as legal reform for mystics, information distribution, financial subsidies, etc., which is much more open and transparent than the existing model of the foundation.

In fact, the policy of the inspection team is more like deliberately restricting the acquisition of mysterious knowledge, while using the advanced intelligence of the family to preemptively plunder, check and balance, dominate and control the resources of the "Comoth" world.

Looking into a darker place, maybe the Foundation has discovered a way to reduce the pollution level, but it was misled, destroyed, and restricted by the forces led by the inspection team.

Intelligence is a big trump card of the family.

The Dawn Association may be suspected of trying to take advantage of others, but no matter how bad it is, it cannot be as bad as the inspection team.

In the afternoon, Lin An and his team went to the research department to collect new information on Thunderbird according to the email schedule.

While chatting, a burst of noise came.

"What happened over there?" Mi Xi asked doubtfully.

"Oh, we are doing a physical examination for the newcomers." The researcher replied, "Captain Simon knows them. They are several survivors of Madam Ava's seance headquarters. They have been exposed to the world of 'Comuth' many times, so they need to test the radiation. value."

"Newcomer?" Mi Xi said in surprise.

"The slip of the tongue is just an exercise." The researcher held the tablet and transmitted the data. "Before the Dawn Association's policies are implemented, we must abide by the existing "Employee Handbook" and carry out level three or level four control on them."

Lin An raised his eyebrows.

The headquarters of the Dawn Association is near New York, so the foundation there ignored the inspection team and let the cat Sith start training for newcomers.

In New Mexico, it was a "rehearsal" but not implemented.

Eagle Country is a large country, and each state has political independence. Sometimes ideas at the federal level cannot be fully implemented at the state level.

The Dawn Association's influence is stronger in the east, and becomes weaker toward the southwest as it leaves the capital.

"I also don't think they can be imprisoned or monitored forever," the researcher continued, "and it would cost a lot of money and be ruthless to deal with these people's families. The new policy sounds good."

"Okay, okay..." Mi Xi rubbed her eyebrows, "I went through a thrilling interview before becoming a member of the foundation!"

"Haha, if the Dawn Association implements its policies, the mysterious people may be like ordinary people, abide by the laws suitable for the new era, and continue to live a slightly novel but still familiar life step by step."

"It feels very difficult to achieve." Mi Xi shook her head, "People always have selfish desires."

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. When ancient people saw modern technology, they probably thought modern humans lived among the gods and wondered why the world didn't end. On the contrary, we did pretty well."

Out of curiosity and exploration, Lin An approached the place where the seance believers were tested, listened to the audio from the surveillance video, and got close to the researchers.

He casually mentioned Mrs. Ava's notebook, and the man didn't know anything about it.

Lin An changed a few people, but what he got was the same "unclear" and "never heard of".

The branch president was afraid that he would skip his own research department and submit the bounty hunter's notes to the headquarters.

Lin An asked a few more people without giving up, and suddenly heard the roar of a believer.

"No, Mrs. Ava is not dead! She is obviously immortal!"


Not only the researchers, but Lin An also pricked up his ears.

"That day she foresaw that the stupid God of Death was about to knock on the door, so she found a new body and transferred her soul to it! That was just her last test in this world! Mrs. Ava ascended to the spiritual world and merged with the planets in the universe One body!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The researcher twitched his lips, "I told you she is a ghost story."

"You don't need your affirmation, as long as we believe." The believer mocked, "If that wasn't her, why did she end the party uncharacteristically and guide us to evacuate more tenderly?"

"Huh? There was a third mysterious person at the scene?"

"No, no, no, that is Lady Ava!" the believers said unswervingly, "because she wraps us with great love, and her sacred soul and spirit will always be with us!"

The Lady Ava they call...

It's me!

Lin An did not expect that the believers' brain power was so powerful that they imagined a story about "the omniscient and omnipotent Mrs. Ava coming back from the dead and ascending to heaven", which was full of mythology and religious fanaticism.

The researchers quickly continued to ask questions, but the believers made an agreement to shut up and never continue.

Finally, they suddenly said.

"She will one day return to this world through seance. Before then, we must be prepared to welcome it."

"It feels like this group of people can't adapt to the working life of the foundation." Mi Xi shook his head repeatedly. "Perhaps they should be sent to a community center for treatment first."

Even if they were sane, they couldn't recognize Lin An. The scene was completely destroyed by Efron's final madness, and Lin An's clothes were blown to pieces.

In the end, this group of believers shouted "Ghost, come" while being imprisoned in the third-level control ward - they were suitable for the management style of the inspection team.

"Ghost..." Simon muttered strange words.

"As his name suggests, he is everywhere." Lin An sighed, "I wonder if we have traced the whereabouts of Beta-004."

"[Ghost] was upgraded to Alpha-002."

Lin An's eyelids twitched.

Big brothers and sisters, stop using your brain and use your magical powers!

I'm not even in Ditry City!

"Its soul secret technique is still secretive and cruel, and it also has an additional method of torturing its victims: draining the blood of the corpse." Simon gritted his teeth and said, "Cruel, anti-social, and inhumane! The president prioritizes its control I’ve mentioned it to the highest level, but there’s still no clue.”

I go.

This is not me at all!

Why, the higher the rating, the more blame will be taken? Lin An secretly thought that he understood [Thunderbird]'s original mood.

"The ghost of Ditry City..." Simon sighed, "Lin, let's talk about something lighter. Since yesterday, you haven't been very energetic. It seems that Deacon Ruben has caused you a lot of psychological problems. shadow."


Lin An turned his head. The windows on the left faced square office buildings. Beyond them were low shanties. The ground on both sides sloped downward, forming a wide shelter.

There are grazing areas everywhere, and the irregular green patches have been chewed by cattle, sheep and donkeys until one piece is missing on the left and the other is bald on the right.

Looking farther away, the green gradually turns into blue, and you can see the lines of the road winding up, forming some kind of fine network, similar to the human nervous system.

At the far end, the road disappears into layers of blue hills, showing a vague and soft outline under the calm light gray sky.

The powerful and regular straight lines created by humans are perfectly integrated with the diffuse contours of nature, and the different elements coexist harmoniously with each other, like a complex fusion.

The scenery before us is endlessly vibrant, full of traces of the times, and at the same time heralds endless seasons to come.

Lin An thought, this is what Titan should look like.

There shouldn't be green-glowing data, or energy that is either sacred, evil, twisted, or healing. It's just a fleeting shadow cast by another world.

Just like now, the system will one day completely disappear along with the star path of "Comes".

What remains is eternal loneliness.

Recently traveling with the team, Lin An kept encountering all kinds of mysterious people, which relieved his loneliness.

But the carnival caused by the approaching star orbits will eventually come to an end when the star orbits separate.

He will eventually be alone; 21-year-old Lin An is extremely cautious about his weird thoughts and personality. People around him find that his detachment comes from the heart and make few attempts to get close to him.

Looking at the scenery from near to far, Lin An saw that time was passing and a river was rushing towards the end.

He activated the wand, and a brownish-yellow light enveloped his eyes. In his mind's imagination, the river changed its direction, flowing backwards towards the source, and eventually fell apart, like a split soap bubble.

Lin An smiled bitterly.

My mind still hasn't changed...

"I decided not to leave the RV for the next week."

"The last journey is indeed not as easy and smooth as before." Simon's expression was melancholy, "Be careful, Lin."

After chatting for a while, the two said goodbye to each other.

Using a razor to shave off the stubble, Lin An touched his bare chin and looked at the weathered reflection in the mirror. The cell phone on the washstand suddenly rang.

"Ding, ding——"

It turned out to be news of special concern. Lin An clicked on the green bubble, with red dots hanging on his cute avatar.

A cloud made of rain: Senior Lin An~ I’m here to pay New Year’s greetings!

A cloud made of rain: [Wish you good luck and good luck]

A cloud made of rain: Senior, are you free now? I want to make a video with you [Kitten Probe]

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