World Occult User Guide

Chapter 113 Wrestling with Mount Sinai

Today is a really good day.

Lin An thought.

Not only them, the Dawn Association also happens to be preparing to snatch the Thunderbird.

Hill is not the only member of the inspection team. In addition to the self-destructive Efron Reuben, at least four people remain at the headquarters. They may also have launched operations during this time.

The Dawn Association has not joined the headquarters of the St. Annilov Foundation. Without the secret support of the cabinet, they would not even have the position to intervene in the work of the foundation.

If Thunderbird is allowed to stay in Las Medos City, the situation will become increasingly unfavorable for the Dawn Association.

"That's..." Lin An pointed at the members of the Dawn Association who were using lock picking tools, "Warlock, are we going to break through their interception all the way and enter the secret room?"

"I only have one job left." Evancia replied calmly, "And this incident is not included in the period."

"Which one?"

"Collect payment." Evancia walked back to the elevator with an indifferent attitude, "See you in five minutes."

Their voices attracted the attention of the Dawn Association. Several people turned around suddenly and saw a young man with black hair appearing at the end of the elevator.

"The lackey of the inspection team..."

This is one of the two association "knights" following Lin An's motorcade.

"Knight, do you still recognize me?"


The knight was stunned. He didn't expect Lin An to reveal his identity directly. Without waiting for everyone to negotiate, the young man suddenly rushed towards them.

Because "White Pigeon" does not need to be activated actively, it has been forcibly connected by Hill, and a soft and provocative voice came.

"Honey, you have successfully arrived at your destination. Leave the rest to me. You just need to follow my instructions step by step." Her laughter was pleasant, "Otherwise, your life may be in danger."

"What to do now?"

"Rush over."

Lin An rushed towards the people of the Dawn Association. At his side, the sharp weapon was unsheathed and swept in all directions with a low hissing sound, disappearing with blood splashing.


It is clearly the energy that belongs to Hill.

A member of the Dawn Association fell on his back, and the blood spurting from his chest seeped into the soft carpet of the casino, dyeing the carved fabric red and purple.

“These are the duties that a wife must perform for her husband, help him with his work, support his career, take care of his household... Even if she brings him a hundred servants, she must force herself to do labor, because laziness will Leads to immorality.”

On the "white dove" side, Lin An heard Hill repeating in a soft voice, and thoughts were swirling in his heart.

After marrying her, I became a rabbi, so she lent her power to me and "helped" me all the time in my cause of eradicating heretics.

In other words, no matter where I am, Hill can use me as the central medium to perform mystical magic remotely.

It turns out that this is how marriage laws are used!

If the holder is a male, might the power of the law be changed?

Not only that, although she couldn't see MGM's surveillance, those words that she had anticipated all proved that Hill was sharing his senses with me in some way.

There should only be vision, otherwise...

"Traitor, you have hidden your own power!"

Before Lin An could think about it, the knight who reacted took action. His figure was like an arrow from the string, holding weapons condensed with energy in his hands, the tips pointed directly at Lin An's vitals.

"Leave them alone!"

As soon as Hill finished speaking, Lin An raised his arms. Invisible power stretched out from behind and collided with the knight's weapon. Invisible sparks flew and energy spread around like ripples.


The knight's strength was deflected, and a sharp chill passed over Lin An's face, arousing goosebumps.

It feels like a long sword.

Good guys, you are really medieval knights!

Without system assistance, Lin An had no vision of "Comes". At most, he could only feel the energy dancing around him. The Dawn Association and Mount Sinai used him as the platform to start a fierce battle.

More energies collided, overturning the secretive silence beneath the MGM Grand Hotel.

"Whoa, whoa-!"

Ocean-like power radiated around Lin An. Except for the two knights, no one else could get close at all. They had to avoid the aftermath of the battlefield as much as possible while continuing to pick the lock.

Although he couldn't see the specific situation, since he experienced the life-and-death battle with Efron, even if it was just an invisible thing, Lin An could see a lot of clues.

Hill's attacks were not as bloody as Efron's, nor as efficient and powerful as his. I wonder if Lin An had dropped a lot due to the transmission. Although the two knights of the Dawn Association were chased by her all the way, they were beaten into a mess. In a short time There is no way to be killed instantly.

If it were Efron, these people would have been lying dead on the spot.

Lin An felt their every movement, every breath, and the changes in the wind around them, and calculated their abilities and approximate radiation values.

Hill's energy seemed to stretch out countless pairs of hands holding cold weapons from Lin An's back, creating killings with him as the core. These hands sometimes threw the weapons, but the overall direction could not be separated from Lin An's main body, and it was free. The range of activities is very limited.

If the system was still there, Lin An would probably see himself like the Thousand-Armed Guanyin.


After another confrontation, a knight flew backwards and hit the solid wall of the MGM Grand Hotel, with a bloody gash on his shoulder.

Hill smiled slightly after "White Dove" and ordered Lin An.

"Catch up."

Lin An took a deep breath and looked in all directions to determine the route forward.

"Don't even think about it!"

Another knight rushed over, seemingly using a mysterious technique. His face suddenly turned pale, but his aura increased several levels, and the sharp and slanted blade struck Lin An in the back.

"No need to hide, he can't catch up."

The wind howled past, and a harsh noise sounded in Hill's ears.

"Communications equipment! - Damn it, you piece of shit!"

When she saw the knight approaching, Lin An, who couldn't bear the fear, subconsciously paused on the spot and tried to dodge to the left, which played into the knight's plan.

A storm of attacks came.

Hill's radiation level was not that high and he was unable to block this enhanced blow. Two of his "supporting hands" were cut off, and the blade deviated from the direction, cutting off half of Lin An's ear.

"Buzz buzz-"

Before the pain of being minced meat could reach his brain, a bee-like noise penetrated into Lin An's burning left ear. His whole body suddenly lost his balance, as if he was on a bumpy sailing ship, swaying.

As the flesh and blood fell off, the dark communication equipment also fell out.

Turning the wand, the healing energy slowly healed the flesh and blood, and they squirmed back to normal. Lin An took the opportunity to take off the only remaining communication device beside his ear, held it in his palm, and whispered a secret word to the knight passing by.

"Abyssus abyssum invocat."

The knight was stunned. In the blink of an eye, Lin An put on the device again and listened calmly to Hill's next instructions.

"Turn left."

Hill didn't notice the strangeness just now, and continued to give orders like a queen. Unfortunately, the injured knight dragged his seriously injured body to stand up again, so she lost the chance to make a last hit.

Sure enough, the "presiding judge" couldn't hear me.

Otherwise, there is no need for Hill to specifically activate "White Dove". On the surface, it is to guide my actions, but in fact, it is an alternative way of monitoring and controlling intelligence. Lin An thought.

The first time I saw the Dawn Association, the "White Dove" had not yet been connected. Lin An's first words were to test Hill's "hearing". If she heard this ambiguous words, she would definitely have something in the communication. reaction.

For example, he taught Lin An not to reveal his identity and prevent the Dawn Association from catching any clues about the involvement of the inspection team.

Confirming that she was only a clairvoyant, not a clairvoyant, Lin An destroyed one ear, then quickly picked off the "white dove" on the other side to convey the message to the knight.

This Latin phrase comes from Psalms, a prayer text.

Pagans doubted that the gods of believers did not exist, so they knelt down and prayed, claiming that no matter how much oppression they suffered from their enemies, their faith would always be rock solid.

"The sea calls to the sea at the sound of your tornado, and your presence is known to all the creatures of the world; the great waves of the Kingdom of God drown me. Show me your love by day; your song by night is with me."

The main idea of ​​the scripture is - the road ahead is difficult, but I have never betrayed my faith.

As a member of the Dawn Association, this knight had already memorized the poem by heart. After some thought, he somewhat understood the logic of Lin An's strange actions.

After figuring it out, the knight used his own communication device to communicate in a low voice. Gradually, everyone was observing Lin An, trying to cooperate with his unreasonable actions, and finally found the right rhythm.

On the other side of "White Dove", Hill couldn't help but frown.

"How is the Foundation's equipment doing?"

"I almost lost an ear just now. Those people probably noticed that I was communicating with you, and aimed at the side of my ear and hit me, trying to destroy our communication." Lin An gasped.

"Don't tell me to move forward. Men who don't listen to advice will lower their image in my mind, husband."

"Deacon Kai Xili, please rest assured, I promise to complete the task and get the approval of the inspection team!"

Listening to the other party's innocent words, Hill shook his head. The gentleness in his tone became less and less, and the elements of perfunctory and command became more and more.

Little did he know that Lin An was shaking his head too.

Half of that knight's ribs were shattered by you, and he couldn't regain his mobility so quickly.

Since Hill can only see what is in my eyes...

Touching the wand on his waist without leaving any trace, Lin An's brown energy crawled into Lin An's eyes, and desire and delusion slowly invaded this cold, smoke-filled corridor.

The corners of his mouth curved.

I seem to have mastered the secret of this marriage, wife.


In the elevator, Evancia was leaning against the wall. She held the scraps of the notebook against her wrist in a covert, cheating gesture, and looked at the back of the note with the faint light.

It says "Is this information enough to exchange for a few stacks of chips?"


Evancia sneered, and the broken page slid along her skin and into an unknown pocket on her body.

When she heard the noise outside came to an end, she opened the elevator door, and a faint smell of blood came. Evancia unexpectedly glanced at the scattered people of the Dawn Association.

"Knock knock."

Lin An urged her to quickly walk into Thunderbird's room, and Evancia walked around the limbs on the ground and followed.


The door is closed.

Hanging crystal lamps are distributed in an oval shape around the ceiling, and the bright light stings the eyes. The floor is covered with gorgeous and luxurious carpets, which are extremely soft to step on.

The round table in the center was temporarily moved to one side, and was filled with soft chairs where dignitaries usually sat. Instead, there was a huge wooden sculpture painted with bright colors, standing majestically in place, full of meticulous carvings and decorations. It has the unique style of another civilization.

The wind brought by the two people entering and exiting made the beautiful eagle feathers on both sides of the wooden sculpture tremble slightly.

Source level mystic...

Evancia felt itchy, wishing that she was the owner of the Thunderbird.

"Phew, we're finally here."

Hearing Lin An's voice, Evancia turned her head and saw him walking towards Thunderbird while chatting with her without looking back.

"As a neutral place throughout the ages, this room is the only place where MGM can take a breath. At present, except for my eyes, there are no surveillance cameras. How about we take a gamble, senior sister?"

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