World Occult User Guide

Chapter 130 A small collection of information


The angel bathed in holy light dissipated. The man snorted coldly and closed an ancient scripture composed of energy. On both sides of him, an old man and a small woman made similar movements.


Large swaths of blood seeped into the gaps in the floor, and Moon Angel's body fell heavily to the ground. His wings were like two thin quilts, covering his bloody body.

The man didn't seem to be relieved yet. He took a few steps forward. The guardian angel who purified evil floated beside him. He raised his sword as he moved and was about to cut off the man's head.

"That's it, Deacon Nadav. If you kill him, Avia Emmanuel will be unhappy." The thin old man stopped him.

"I know, it's just to remove one of his arms." The man sneered, "This bit of physical torture is not as good as the one-thousandth of that bastard's usual tricks."

After saying that, the guardian angel swung his weapon, aimed at Simon's arm and chopped it off.


The energy sword suddenly fell into the air and hit the floor of the foundation. Even though special materials were used, layers of spiderweb-like cracks appeared in the craziness of the strike, revealing the internal circuits and optical fibers that had lost energy.

The attack failed, and the man couldn't help but be stunned.

Under his eyes, a slippery tentacle wrapped around Simon's trouser leg and dragged him back.


I saw a luminous human figure surrounded by layers of green data in the Virtue area that was supposed to be empty. The energy was shining, and the floating codes were like the special effects of The Matrix, falling on the faces of several people. Moving fish scale-like reflections.

Tentacles stretched out from behind the unknown creature, flexibly wrapped around the unconscious Simon, and slowly dragged it to the corner, leaving a shocking line of blood on the ground.

The face and any physical features of the uninvited guest are hidden behind the code and cannot be captured by the naked eye.

The three deacons were stunned. They did not remember that the Foundation had such an employee, and the files in the isolation room had never recorded such a mysterious person!

Could it be that this person was watching the whole battle just now?

"Who are you?"

the man asked, taking a step back and taking the brunt of it.

This person is of course Lin An. With the help of beavers and moose, he parachuted into the Virtue area like a god and directly caught up with the end of the battle between the inspection team and Simon.

Seeing that the captain was about to turn into Yang Guo, Lin An said hello to the two local gods. In order not to be recognized, he deliberately covered his body with a circle of codes.

At the critical moment, he dragged Simon away with Luska's tentacles that he had recently collected.

Just now, he could only see the light spots of the three deacons. Lin An got closer and looked again with his naked eyes. Except for the arrogant man who hijacked the car before, the other two were all unfamiliar faces.

The system attached the panels to them. The two were the agricultural laws Zeraim and the festival laws Moed.

Isn't Guy Agnimo here?

The information about the deacons has been kept extremely confidential. Except for the top management of the foundation and the inspection team, ordinary employees do not even know the real names and appearances of several deacons and team leaders. They only know that there are a few people who have been "guiding" San Anilo. Husband's operation.

But Guy's mysterious prototype is the best proof of his identity. It was from his words and actions that Lin An learned about the cooperation between the inspection team and the aristocratic family.

Since entering the headquarters, he was eager to see Guy himself and confirm his current status and faceplate in person.

Ignoring the carjacking man's question, Lin An spoke coldly.

"A ghost."


The sweet, calm and indifferent voice flowed into the ears. The three deacons' faces were solemn and their muscles were tense. They were all extremely nervous because they suddenly thought of what happened not long ago.

Guy Agnimo died tragically in the heavily guarded headquarters. The identity and methods of the murderer have not yet been discovered.

Combined with the silent appearance of the mysterious man in front of them, their thoughts continued.

Could it be that after killing Guy, he had been lurking in the St. Annilov headquarters, watching their every move like an eye hidden in the darkness?

More than that, the even scarier guess is that this person may be able to come and go freely within the defense system that they think is perfect.

Otherwise, how could he suddenly appear in the virtue area occupied by the three people and silently save Simon?

Who is this guy who calls himself "ghost" and whose identity is unknown?

What's his purpose?

There was a brief silence for a few seconds, and it was unclear where Lin An was coming from. The old man said cautiously: "Hello, Mr. Ghost. May I ask if you are a passing friend or an indifferent spectator?"

He subconsciously skipped the word "enemy", not wanting to induce the other person's thoughts, but also wanting to express his friendliness.

After all, from Lin An's action of saving Simon, the deacons saw a hint of his personal stance.

If it's an enemy...

The youngest deacon, who didn't speak much, shuddered. She was a repeater of agricultural laws and a mediator of the presiding judge, but she was not as good at killing as her colleagues.

In her wary and slightly frightened gaze, the unknown "ghost" spoke calmly with a voice as sweet as an organ.

"It can be a friend or a bystander. As long as you cooperate with me to complete a small collection of information."

"Collecting materials?" the little deacon asked puzzledly.

The next moment, the mysterious visitor seemed to wave his hand casually, and more codes shot up into the sky, like a tornado of data.

In the eyes of several people, the green glimmer was the only light source in the Virtue area. The characters gradually became clearer, and the deacons were shocked to see the "panel" of all of them.

[Name]: Repeater-Moed, Proverbs of the Sages II

[Rating]: Mythical Class B

[Radiation value]: 23.7%

[Pollution level]: 21.5%

[Media]: Chief Judge

Six different luminous areas display the information of the six deacons of the inspection team.

This made their eyes widen in disbelief. The panel Lin An showed not only included the three of them, but also included the dead Hill Kesheli and Efron Reuben!

The data is even accurate to the decimal point, which is clearer than the files recorded by the research department!

To put it bluntly, Lin An's understanding of their mysterious state almost exceeded that of them themselves!

Several people instantly felt the fear of being exposed, as if every part of their body was exposed in front of the ghost.

To be able to investigate the Myth level in detail, break into the foundation headquarters single-handedly, and show them the data nonchalantly, the "ghost" is at least the Source level - and above!

Is it really a legendary statue?

Why is he here at this sensitive time?

What on earth does he want to do?

Guy Agnimo's strange, uncanny and extremely painful corpse came to mind.

The little deacon was so frightened that his face turned pale, and his calves were shaking; the proud man clenched his fists, and the most stable and experienced old man was also hesitant.

Thinking of their dead colleagues, the three people's eyes fell on the panel that read "Replyer - Nazheqin". The unexpectedly discovered radiation value and pollution level were two square garbled characters, with no specific numbers written on them.

Doesn’t this mysterious person know Guy’s data?

The panic dissipated a little, and another guess emerged in the minds of the deacons.

Perhaps the ghost relied on an ancient force and a huge database to learn the intelligence of the inspection team, and now showed it to them as a deterrent.

Before the deacon could think more, Lin An's emotionless voice continued.

"As you can see, I still have one step left to complete the information."

With just one word of "source", the secrets of five mythical mystics were completely revealed...

The deacon was highly concentrated and could not calm down for a long time.

In any case, whether it is a messenger from a big force, or as the person himself said, he is using materials for experiments "out of interest", the guy who calls himself a ghost is definitely not a good person!

"We probably understand what you mean, Your Excellency." The old man said tactfully. "We are sorry for the disappointment of having to go to such trouble to break into the headquarters of the St. Annilov Foundation, but now is not a good opportunity to chat. Unless you I also want to take a dip in the muddy water tonight.”

He turned to the unconscious Simon pointedly.

"If you are a curious seeker, we are always willing to receive you with the highest courtesy, but the premise is that your words and deeds are consistent and you just want to 'obtain information'."

Lin An ignored his hint and put away all the data. The light dimmed again and only the sound echoed.

"The complete Mishnah has six chapters, and I don't want to read a boring book in my spare time."

Not sure who the "ghost" was and how much he knew about the inspection team and the foundation, the old man continued to talk to him in a tentative tone.

"Five chapters alone are extremely wonderful and full of wisdom given to Moses by God. You have already mastered many of the philosophies of the Hebrew nation."

"As a perfectionist, I don't like your answer." Lin An's eyes emerged from the gap in the code that covered his face, and slowly passed over several people. The little deacon was trembling with fear, "Could it be said that the inspection team actually Isn’t there a collection of ‘property laws’?”

The three of them were all shocked.

Did the ghost already know what happened to Guy Agnimo?

In order to protect the deterrence and reputation of the inspection team, the top management blocked information about Guy's death, and there were very few internal insiders.

Who is this guy?

Fear comes from the unknown. At this moment, the inspection team's fear is completely ignited by Lin An's mysterious appearance and ambiguous words, making it difficult to maintain their usual composure.

Observing their micro-expressions, Lin An became more and more convinced that Guy Agnimo was really dead.

Obviously the "God of Truth" cannot affect the timeline...

Forcibly stopping his thoughts, Lin An listened carefully to the natural sounds blowing from all directions. Fortunately, the beaver did not react to it.

"Your Excellency, your behavior has crossed the line!" The arrogant man Su Lai couldn't bear the shame of being suppressed by Lin An and rushed to speak out, "Being able to hide one's secrets while also inquiring deeply into the secrets of other organizations, I can only Say you have no comment!”

The old man who had no time to stop him was stunned, swallowed his words helplessly, and glanced at Lin An opposite him with his peripheral vision.

During the conversation, "Ghost" never showed its true strength.

If they were at the statue level, why bother arguing with them? Wouldn't it be faster to just come up and suppress them with force? Wouldn't it be faster to obtain information?

Although the man is impulsive, it is also a good opportunity to test the details of this mysterious man.

No respectable person could remain indifferent to being so offended.

"Huh?" Lin An narrowed his eyes slightly, "That's why you won't cooperate with me in this little 'recruitment'."

"I'm sorry, Ghost, we are very busy at work." The man said bravely, word by word.

"Then, I can only ask you to cooperate with another experiment."

"What experiment?"

Under the surprised gazes of the inspection team, the "ghost" raised his arm and the codes spread out. They saw his slender middle finger and thumb coming together in a "snap" gesture.


Costa São Francisco, the seaside town closest to the foundation's headquarters facilities.

In an inconspicuous corner cafe, tourists and locals were coming and going. In the corner that the busy clerk didn't notice, a young man with black hair walked out of the bathroom as if he appeared out of thin air. He looked around, Frown slightly.

"Dang, Dang, Dang..."

The antique floor clock announced the time, and Lin An looked in the direction of the sound.

November 4, 2036, 11:30 am.

Thanks to Cuckoo Bell, A Boat in the Book, Chang Jue_, Charlin, Yu Luo Meng Hai, shrmu, Dongfang Feixiang Tianze, luiye Liu Ye, psychedelic, Ye Ye Bin, Book Friends 2021071021395923, Thirty-Eight Years Cicada, Book Friends 20191214192233556, Deputy Director Chen of the Psychiatric Department of QD Sanatorium, Yuemingzhiyu, Shanzhen Linjing, Xia Yufeng, Book Friends 20190921160605169, Fengxuejuan, Nian Pingshuiyu, Hui Yuanzi’s monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions

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