World Occult User Guide

Chapter 132 The Beginning of the Foundation (Part 1)

Lin An was sitting in the "basic" area of ​​the headquarters facility, waiting for the staff to receive him.

About five or six hours ago, he met the glowing Zhenni at the same place.

The battle between the out-of-control mystics and Foundation employees left the area strewn with broken lamps and shards of glass, broken cables, and the remains of furniture and electronic equipment.

Broken limbs, bloodstains and unknown liquids were interspersed among them, making it difficult to see clearly in the darkness.

Now Lin An once again looked at the lobby at the ground entrance of the foundation. It was not as cold and spacious as it was two years ago, but instead looked like a model of a modern hotel.

The spacious space is surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows, and ample light fills every corner, giving people a bright and open feeling.

The ceiling is inlaid with spiral lights, spreading out clockwise like a vast galaxy in the universe. The floor is made of smooth marble, reflecting the colorful colors of the lights.

A series of contemporary photography hangs on the white walls, injecting an artistic atmosphere into the hall.

On one side of the hall is an open bar, which provides drinks and snacks. On the other side is a huge floor-to-ceiling bookshelf, filled with various books related to mysticism, superpowers, and extraterrestrial civilizations.

There is a huge oval-shaped reception desk on the central bookshelf. The receptionist is chatting with customers. Behind it are more than a dozen large-screen TVs, playing original documentaries that are surprising and seeming to explore the integration of mysticism into human culture.

“Mysticism is the belief that union or assimilation with ‘God’, or spiritual understanding of knowledge inaccessible to the intellect, can be achieved through contemplation and self-surrender. As the next iteration of civilization unfolds, technology needs mystics. "

“Technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence are inherently mysterious. They are sentient, self-regulating and interconnected software that merges with hardware to create entirely new systems in the physical and virtual worlds.”

"The virtual world is separated from the material world. It has its own rules, laws and components that control its dynamics. Because mankind's endless pursuit of divine power has created a reality, the Tower of Babel is being built in the future. This is Novus ordo seclorum. (New Era)"

Lin An just went through the procedures of "becoming a member of St. Annelov" at the front desk.

Ordinary members cost 150 dollars a month, and are eligible to enter the "basic" area. They can use public facilities such as books and the Internet, and drinks are additional.

However, since the pistol was issued by the foundation anyway, it can be regarded as the wool coming from the sheep.

Without making a reservation in advance, the front desk told him that he would have to wait at least two to three hours for a seat to be available for the "meditation guided course."

Leaning on the sofa in the rest area, Lin An looked at the two green-lighting panels.

"Tame the Goblin IV: Banshee of the Wasteland".

"Tame the Goblin IV: Gnome Demon".

[Wasteland Banshee] is Lin An's new entry on the "Kingdom" floor. Like his first entry [Dwarf Demon], it also belongs to [Tame the Fairy].

Goblins are the name given to mysterious creatures that coexist with humans in the northern part of Western Asia.

Due to translation reasons, various nicknames for goblins have been uniformly translated as "goblins". Just like Zhenni and elves, they are often confused due to different languages.

Lin An specifically asked the system to switch to English and looked at the translation of Banshee of the Badlands. It turned out that this entry was called Banshee of the Badlands.

Bansi, Irish Bean Sidhe, Gaelic Ban Sith, is a fairy in Celtic folklore who screams or wails at night. Its cry is called "caoine", which means "eager". ".

Banshee's cries do not cause death; they only serve as a warning.

In the early Middle Ages, there was a local tradition in Ireland for women to sing a song to mourn the death.

These women were called "enthusiasts," and in this atmosphere of death, the word gradually took on the meaning of "banshee."

It is believed that only a man of pure Ellan blood can hear the Banshee's warning, giving him enough time to prepare for the inevitable.

The Banshee of the Wasteland is a modern legend created after the Banshee crossed the sea and came to the New World with the colonists. It was painfully integrated with the stories and traditions of the native people.

The Banshee haunted the hills of South Dakota, always wandering the desert, making chilling calls that unsettled those who heard them, and summoning bears and wolves to drive away settlers and their cattle and sheep. .

Cowboys who have seen her claim that she is a woman with hair flying in the wind and her arms swinging in strange postures. She is usually very quiet; once she detects someone approaching, her screams will echo in the wilderness and her figure disappears.

Similar to Banshee, the banshee named "Banshee" will not directly kill humans.

People in the hilly areas also believe that her cry is a warning that predators are passing by and it is time to let the cattle and sheep back into the pen.

Unlike Bansi, the Wasteland Banshee has a companion.

He is a disembodied skeleton holding a harp and playing to the screams of the wasteland banshees.

If the listener finds that its playing sound is louder than the scream of the wasteland banshee and has the idea of ​​​​listening to it, he will slowly fall into a state of intoxication and madness, and finally come to him to seek death.

Lin An remembered that when the Wasteland Banshee attacked the control team, she did have a companion, probably the skeleton musician mentioned in the story.

The Banshee of the Wasteland disturbs the voices of the mind, and the Skeleton Musician takes the opportunity to kill them.

The banshee's rating is Kaitan E-level, and her medium is "God of Farming". One of her two abilities is to scream to disturb the opponent's mind, and the other is to scream to convey a warning message.

Why is it like "one is a jujube tree, and the other is still a jujube tree".

Both screams were of no use, but Lin An got this entry by stealing the captain's head for free, just to get the medium, but the entry for "Taming the Goblin" made his eyes light up.

It and [Dwarf Demon] can generate new entries through "source tracing".

There is a problem with "tracing back to the source". When the two entries are merged, the new entry can still only retain two mysteries.

The two abilities of the new entry have about a 50% probability of choosing one from the old four abilities, and a 50% probability of generating a new ability.

The previous traceable entry "King Solomon's 72 Pillars of the Demon II: Storb" retains [Stars Are in Me], and also adds an ability related to the Demon Storb - [Introduction to Herbalism].

Stori is the 36th among the 72 demon gods. He is one of the royal family of hell. He often appears in the form of a crow. He teaches humans the art of astronomy, the efficacy of herbs, and the uses of various gemstones. He leads 26 demon legions. .

Unfortunately, Lin An did not include Storb's combat ability. [Introduction to Herbalism] is a healing spell, which has similar functions to the emerald of the wand and consumes media, so this entry was basically dusted by Lin An.

Although he got the star gold, he lost the very useful multiplier of [Always Hit] and the "tracing to the source" function - it is better to say that the entire "seeker" medium has a bit of luck.

Among the two items for taming fairies, the more useful one is [Little Helper]. It would be nice if it could be retained after being synthesized.

After thinking for a long time, Lin An ordered the system.

"Brother Tongzi, trace back to the entries "Taming the Goblin IV: Banshee of the Wasteland" and "Taming the Goblin IV: The Gnome Demon"."

"The traceback has been completed. With your witness, the entry "Taming the Goblin III: Phantom" has been included."


This kind of goblin is also called a changeling. Before Lin An could study it carefully, an enthusiastic staff member tapped him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Lin, one of the guests who had an appointment could not come, and the meditation position is vacant. We have arranged your time. Please follow me."


Lin An only went back in time, not traveled to another world. He used his mobile phone to retrieve his electronic student ID card and used it as a certificate to pass the identity verification of the foundation member.

Following the staff, Lin An came to the northern part of the "Basic" area. The staff inserted the employee ID card into the card reader. After a few beeps, a masculine electronic synthesized voice said "verification passed."

The artificial intelligence used by the Foundation at this time is not X...

It seems that the synthesized sound he heard in the Holy Mountain helicopter is the real predecessor of X.

Without the technical support of supercomputers and the Wood Group, the foundation's headquarters facilities are simply relatively novel, shiny and beautiful rooms and floors. To use a metaphor, they are a bit like the headquarters of a fruit company.

Just after three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin An entered a single room on the "temperance" floor, which was below the "virtue" area.

He gave the last 5-dollar note in his pocket to the staff as a tip, and the latter left with a happy face.

The smiling meditation instructor sits in front of a white desk. There are large floor-to-ceiling windows behind her, and outside is the blue artificial lake. The mountains in the distance of San Francisco are looming, and the mountains gradually get lower, and finally connect to the bay. As one body.

"Like it?"

"What a beautiful scenery." Lin An said casually.

The instructor smiled softly, picked up a stack of materials on the table, and gave them to Lin An to read.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, before starting today's meditation treatment, I would like to confirm whether you have the following diseases..."

After chatting with her for a while, the instructor took Lin An to the next room.

The dim meditation room is lit with incense and flickering colored night lights. The bright light like oil paint splashes on the dark walls, like a vast universe adsorbing a small galaxy.

Soft, gentle, and slightly ethereal music flows, and a touch of citrus sweetness fills the air.

The instructor sat cross-legged on a yoga mat, and Lin An sat opposite her. She took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. She guided Lin An's thinking with a motherly voice.

"First, find a comfortable position, but don't fall asleep. Close your eyes and relax your muscles..."

"Observe your breathing. Don't try to change your breathing in any way. Just notice how your body breathes... When thoughts come in, ignore them and turn your attention to your breathing."

“Be aware of the stages of a complete breath…from the inhale…to the subsequent pause…the exhale…imagine yourself floating above your thoughts.”

When Lin An's breathing almost stabilized, the instructor opened his eyes and observed his situation.

"Hoo, ho, ho... haah..."

In an instant, her breathing suddenly became disordered.

Because the instructor was horrified to find that Lin An's entire body was completely suspended on the yoga mat, floating half a meter above the ground.

Noticing her emotional changes, Lin An looked at the pale instructor and asked pretending to be confused.

"Teacher, why did you stop? Is it my floating posture that's wrong?"

Thanks to float_tea, Extreme Withering, Director Shangshensi, Nano, wscer, Shuyizhai, Bilibili Qiuba, Suhua 203, Book Friends 20211115145552200, Legend of Helver, Swinging Swords Like Bone Rain, thank you all for your monthly votes. of recommendation votes and subscriptions

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