World Occult User Guide

Chapter 135 People of the Past

Efron seemed normal at this point.

Lin An remembered his mysterious name, Repeater - Kedashim.

There is no panel attached to the system, but Efron's atmosphere is incompatible with other people. Lin An has seen this situation with one person before - April, who is about to awaken.

Not surprisingly, he soon became Deacon Ruben.

Apart from this former enemy, Lin An didn't know any other faces. Guy, Hill and others were not here.

Upon hearing the greeting, Efron replied in confusion: "What is 'Euler'?"

"that is……"

Lin An walked to his side, raised his wand and tapped his shoulder. Efron couldn't dodge and frowned.

"The way of greeting in the Isbanian Kingdom."

After making random remarks, Lin An picked up the uniform from the back of the chair, casually draped it over his shoulders, and sat down.


Efron touched the wound. Fortunately, it didn't hurt very much. He secretly vowed to learn Spanish if he had the chance to confirm whether this sentence was nonsense or popular science.

This was an experiment by Lin An. He had just hit Efron with [Worm Curtain] and waited for 72 hours to pass.

However, Efron in the real timeline is dead, and he is just an afterimage of time, so Lin An wants to know if he can still include entries in this way.

Everyone carefully observed the new young people. The silence lasted for a few seconds before a slender young man spoke.

"Did you come to the wrong group?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I haven't seen you at all in previous training." The young man said with a friendly smile, "Are you a transfer student? You also have to pass the last level of 'Compassion and Choice', the 'White Pigeon Certification'?"

"what is this?"

Realizing that Lin An didn't seem to be faking his doubts, the young man explained kindly.

"Compassion and Choice" is a superpower development program launched by a company and several charitable organizations. Participants will arrive in the maple leaf country of Domundo and start a closed life in a training camp for three months.

Organizations that recommend these people receive generous referral fees.

The company promises that after the program ends, participants will be offered a high-paying job overseas.

I'm afraid this company is not Wood Group. Lin An thought.

No wonder when something happened at Doris' party, a bunch of reports repeatedly mentioned "human experiments." It seems that this is not the first time that the Wood Group has abducted people.

The reason why the impact has not expanded is because all those participating in the project are "marginal people in society", and the experimental location is not within the territory of Eagle Country.

From Efron Reuben's voice, Lin An learned that he was born in an orphanage and had no relatives. The origins of the other deacons were unknown, and they were probably similar.

At first, Lin An thought his painting style was incompatible. After thinking about it, he felt that there was no difference between him and these people - he was not a citizen of the Eagle Kingdom, and he was completely unaccompanied in this strange country.

After a background check, he was assigned to the inspection team.

Since Lin An was suspected of awakening, Joshua thought that it would be more suitable to accommodate the "Comes" spiritual medium without bothering to teach him the introduction to mysticism or to train his spirit.

The young man told Lin An not to panic. He had previously thought that he had been abducted into a land outside the law and would have to work illegally for the rest of his life. Unexpectedly, the company was really just developing their "superpower potential."

For three months, they spent every day in three courses.

The first is introduction to occultism. Under the guidance of artificial intelligence, they read various Canaanite magic books, such as "The Root of the Tree of Life", "The Agreement with God on Mount Sinai", etc., and regularly read Courses similar to university lectures.

The second is immersive mental training. They put on VR glasses and experience various immersive scenes to continuously strengthen their memory, willpower, reaction, etc.

The third type is "Mishnah" study. Based on their results in the first month, they are divided into six different groups without seeing each other. Each group focuses on studying a Mishnah commandment.

A few days ago, the person in charge of the organization told them that the training was over. As long as they pass a test called "White Pigeon Certification", they can officially get a high-paying job and start a new life.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

There was a strange noise from the ceiling, interrupting the young man's words.

It turned out that there was a projection screen above. At this moment, it was activated, showing golden clouds, lilies and the holy scene of the church. A white dove flew over, cutting through the clouds, and then the bust of Joshua appeared.

"Hello everyone, I am happy to inform you that someone has touched the edge of the mystery of awakening."

"Who are you?" someone asked tremblingly.

"Don't interrupt, listen to me."

Joshua's eyes traveled across the confused faces, their brown eyes dotted with the light of interest and idealist enthusiasm.

"Not everyone is attracted to the projection of 'Comes', and there are even fewer individuals who are suitable for high ratings. After three months of hard training, I have only found the only outstanding person among you who is worthy of investment—— Efron Reuben.”

Everyone focused their attention on Efron, who pointed at himself in disbelief.

"Yes, it's you." Joshua said, "It won't be long before a disaster is about to strike, and I need the power to control the situation. In order to set foot on the right path, you must learn to obey my will and know how to execute it." The command."

"What order?" Efron couldn't help but ask.

"You still have the last step, a crucial step, to become my follower. You need blood, killing, and the supreme belief of the 'Judge' to overcome weakness and sentimentality."

The next moment, the side door of the room opened wide, and the sound of clanging metal joints was heard.

From the passage, two fully armed robots about two meters tall walked out. Their skins were shiny and they looked extremely hard.

After hearing "Gada" a few more times, several mechanisms suddenly emerged from the chairs where the others were sitting, locking people's ankles, calves, waists, arms, wrists and other joints with lightning speed, locking them firmly Confined, completely unable to move.

Only Lin An and Efron's chairs remained unchanged.

"What do you want to do!" The tied man shouted immediately.

"Efron, I'm going to give you a pistol, and you use it to kill these people; Lin, look at what's happening here, and if you don't want to die, pledge your loyalty to me. I need more manpower to send to branches across the country. .”

Efron was shocked by Joshua's words and had no time to take the gun given to him by the robot, while Lin An pondered for a moment and asked questions.

"Killing is one of the conditions for awakening?"

"Almost, with the previous preparation, Efron just needs to meet the mentality of the medium and my approval." Joshua answered briefly, "The fastest way to control it."

After some doubts were answered, Lin An put away his thoughts and asked: "What is the medium?"

The corner of Joshua's mouth curled up, satisfied with his reaction.

During the conversation between the two, the others reacted and realized the disparity in strength between the two sides. Hoarse, shrill, and unorganized begging for mercy came and went, distracting Joshua's voice.

The noise lasted for less than a second and suddenly stopped.

A slight smell of burning gas and urine filled the air, and white smoke rose from the body of the person sitting on the seat, who was electrocuted and fainted.

Joshua turned to the pale Efron and taught him earnestly.

"See? Disobedience, chaos will come! Think of that pitiful Athens, think of how Athens was captured by Sparta. Sensibility made Athens weak and her citizens betrayed them Alcibiades, the most illustrious general.”

The robot forced the gun to Efron, but he threw it away in fear. Seeing this, Joshua shook his head helplessly and said admonishingly.

"You have the seeds of 'Judge' in your heart. Among so many people, you are the only one who resonates with 'Kodahim', which proves that your talent, bloodline, understanding and subconscious identification are very suitable for it! Now I want to let It sprouted.”

As he finished speaking, one robot grabbed Efron's arm and dragged him from his seat, while another punched him in the stomach.


Efron retched, then a second punch came, then a third and a fourth before the robots threw him to the ground and waited for him to vomit all the contents of his stomach.

The vomit made him feel suffocated, and he struggled to catch his breath. He coughed, rushed around, and struggled to go somewhere else.

The high-performance robot moved swiftly, grabbed Efron's hair, and threw him against the wall.


A huge muffled sound was heard, blood flowed from Efron's forehead, and his body collapsed to the ground.

The robot once again picked up the gun from the ground and pointed it at those who were unconscious from the electric shock.

"If we can't do anything to humans..." Joshua's voice echoed like a ghost, "it's better to imagine them as animals, such as pigs, cows, sheep and other livestock."

This guy is starting to guide.

The fifth reviewer, Kodashim, is the Mishna law governing the sacrifice and slaughter of animals. Lin An thought.

Despite being hit hard, Efron could not cross the threshold of morality. He tremblingly raised his gun and took aim for a long time, but was unable to pull the final trigger.

It is not difficult to understand that after spending three months living with these people day and night, no matter how hard his heart is, there are emotional cracks.

So Joshua forced Efron to kill his former roommate and classmate. Once he became interested in killing, he would be able to control the Mishnah without any scruples.

After becoming the "Judge", if he still retains wavering and pity in his heart, the level of pollution will inevitably increase, so Joshua simply and crudely reshaped Efron's character and cognition.

Rather than letting the mystery serve the individual, it is better to simply let a person live solely to master the mystery.

Lin An glanced at Joshua who was in high spirits.

Cast a net and screen in society, and through observation and research, tendentious training and education, find people who fit the mysterious prototype, and finally use bloody thunder methods to stimulate them and get the chess pieces you want.

Is this how the family controls mysterious species?

In this case, why can't we mass-produce the mythical class?

And what does Joshua mean by “my approval”?

Lin An did not have the elegance of the Romans. Since there was no point in watching them any longer, he pretended to be frightened and declared his loyalty to the team leader on the video screen. The latter was very satisfied and operated the robot to get out of the way, signaling Lin An to enter the passage they came from.

Before leaving, gunfire suddenly rang out.


Lin An looked back.

Efron was seen rushing towards the boy who was shot, covering the streams of blood coming out of his chest with his hand.

The future deacon Reuben fell to the ground, rocking his first victim like a baby, tears rolling down his cheeks, and calling the dead man's name.

Thank you for your monthly votes for Demon Sword Crying Vampire, HAL2000, Beyond the Illusion, Meng Xiaoxiao, Sunset AA, and Zhixing 233. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

I was tortured by my friends yesterday and thought that there were too many invalid plots about to unfold, so I revised the plot direction of Chapter 132, deleted the twists, and went straight to the main plot to continue progressing.

I'm sorry for bringing you a bad reading experience. The new author has many shortcomings. Thank you readers for your tolerance and understanding (T▽T)

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