World Occult User Guide

Chapter 158 The Hughes Family

Lin An stepped into the transparent world, and countless light spots flickered with each breath.

Looking around, he saw that there were no mystics in this classroom, or even in the entire teaching building. Even though the time was in 2038, the influence of Joshua's previous policies had not faded, and the awakened people were still in the minority.

Quickly turning his attention to his mother, Lin An saw her light clearly.

Compared with the college students, she showed a dazzling brilliance, like a flying meteor, almost as strong as the mysterious person's aura.

There is no [New] label next to her light spot...


Appeared again?

Lin An tentatively touched it with her consciousness, and her mother's mysterious tree diagram spread out like a spider web. As a professor of folklore, she had the possibility of awakening various archetypes.

The data was just delayed for a few seconds.

Is it an illusion caused by my mood swings?

Lin An encountered this situation for the first time. Before, there were only two different light points in his world, one was an ordinary person who could trigger the tree diagram, and the other was a mysterious person, either black or white.

Even Jericho and the four local gods could not hide the identity of the mysterious person from Lin An's perspective.

Since there is a tree diagram, the mother must ordinary person, right?

With doubts and uneasiness, Lin An returned to reality and continued to listen.

Regardless of prejudices, my mother is a respectable folklore professor. Without her putting links to papers in Lin An's mailbox day after day for more than ten years, he would not be where he is today.

When the class was over, Adelia answered several students' after-class questions while packing up her computer and handouts and neatly putting them into the mezzanine of her briefcase.

"Professor Hughes, can we take a photo with you?" a student asked.

"If this were Disneyland, you could."

Adelia picked up her briefcase and paid no attention to the student who was asking for trouble. She followed a young man in a hoodie and walked side by side before disappearing around the corner.

"Xiao An, have you had lunch?"


"Let me invite you. In front of you is the university's staff lounge."

Twenty minutes later, Lin An was sitting in the university cafeteria with clear windows. Sitting across from her was Adelia, who was cutting the bolognese noodles into sections with a knife and fork.

She has a dignified appearance, fair skin, and delicate and well-proportioned facial features. She is clearly over forty years old, but there are no wrinkles on her face, and everything she wears appears harmonious and restrained.

"I didn't know you had returned to Ditri City." Adelia said to Lin An, "You shouldn't have chosen to listen to today's class. It is too basic and is only suitable for beginners... Forget it, let's not talk about this. Do you have any contact with Lin Hainan? How is he?"

"We're married for the second time, and our children can play a role." Lin An drank the bitter black coffee.

"Ah." There was no shock or grief on Adelia's face. She was lost in thought, her tone was calm and calm, "Don't pay attention to the nonsense of those relatives. Your father cannot betray a happy family."

"The words happiness and family have nothing to do with us."

Adelia stopped her knife and fork and stared at Lin An, her eyes showing no emotion in her heart, or perhaps no emotion at all.

"You don't look like Lin Hainan. In fact, you are more like me, except for the color of your eyes. This makes me feel honored."

"I don't think so." Lin An said.

After a brief silence, Adelia smiled faintly and said, "Are you disgusted with me because I never had an emotional connection with you when you were growing up?"

"Disgusted? I don't know you at all."

"When people establish interpersonal relationships in the first few years of life; psychologists have repeatedly confirmed this. Only children who have been cared for since childhood can adapt to society. But I let you live alone after you were weaned. You must have complained. of."

"I don't care." Lin An felt a burst of fear.

Every time they meet, Aideli will take the initiative to find topics to talk about, but these conversations are based on mysticism and academic papers, rather than sensitive old things.

This time my mother was different from before.

Sure enough, Adelia said in a beautiful voice: "There is such a thing as it has been in the past and will continue to be in the future. Although for me, career comes first, it has always been like this. But Xiao An, I am very happy that we are reunited again. Now maybe I can help you."

Lin An's movements froze and he raised his head.

The slanting light outside the window shone on Adelia's black hair, and her blue eyes were indescribably beautiful. He just looked at her, not daring to make a sound, for fear that any movement would disturb this perfect and comfortable moment.

It was a pity that Aidelia was unaware, so she continued.

"I am very happy now, happier than I ever expected. Not long ago, an organization called the St. Annelov Foundation contacted me, hoping to use my connections and social influence to help their logistics department carry out promotion and science education. "

Five thunders struck, and Lin An understood the whole story.

It turns out that my mother is one of the collaborators recently contacted by the foundation’s logistics department!

She found out about my work at the foundation from those people!

"Confront the captain of the department, the advisor of 'Comes', the mysterious one! Lin An of the Dragon Kingdom, is this you? I admit that you make me proud. Your achievements make me so happy, as if you are mine. Something the same.”

When Adelia spoke, her entire face suddenly fell down and turned into a pile of fragments.

Of course, this was just Lin An's fantasy. In fact, Adelia had no unnecessary expression and ate the divided bolognese noodles.

"Are you okay, Xiaoan?"

"If you can continue to think of me as a transmission assistant who forwards emails," Lin An said expressionlessly, "I might feel better."

More people sat down in the restaurant one after another. They whispered and looked at Lin An with envy, wondering how he could share the same table with the aloof Professor Hughes.

They didn't know that at this moment, Lin An wanted to stab this woman's face with a fork.

"Indeed, apart from physical matters, we cannot be considered mother and son." Adelia said with a smile, "The past is in the past, and it is no longer relevant. Here and now, we are finally on the same level. This is the real relationship. important."

Taking a deep breath, Lin An understood that Adelia didn't care from the bottom of her heart and didn't want to deliberately anger him.

Compared to the magnificent adventure of "Comes" and the endless unknowns of another planet, my small personal emotions are nothing.

He thought silently and calmed down.

After all, Lin An had long since stopped expecting normal family affection from her.

For 21 years, the mother and son had not spoken as much as Lin An and the three companions in the team during the journey. The emotional feedback she gave Lin An was almost all negative, and even combined it was not as gentle as the kiss from Thunderbird.

The memories dispelled Lin An's panic, and he interrupted Adelia's talk to herself.

"Mother, I look forward to our future cooperation. I want to ask you a few questions today."


"I checked the history of the Chasius family on the Internet. It is said that his ancestor was the son of Radu, the brother of the Grand Duke of Wallachia. He later defected to the Ottoman Empire and then disappeared in the following centuries."

"When it emerged again, the family had established networks with nobles in various countries, especially the Holy Roman Empire and later the Austro-Hungarian Empire, playing the role of mercenaries in the Balkans."

"They seemed to have gained a lot of wealth. After World War I, they inherited their ancestral territory in Romania and lived a life without disputes with the world. No matter what changes occurred in the country's political system, they never left that town again."

"This is all the information on the market." Lin An said, "They are not necessarily accurate, and there are traces of deliberate tampering or erasure. So I want to ask you if you know more inside information."

Adelia continued to roll the spaghetti bolognese.

"I don't know, because I have never met anyone in the Hughes family. Not long after I was born, they sent me to the home of my adoptive parents with the same surname in Pigeon Country, and gave me a large lump sum of support. ——It’s very similar to your upbringing experience.”

She said happily, as if expecting Lin An to feel the same way.

"At this point, they cut off contact with me. It wasn't until half a year ago that a litigant found me and said that the heirs of the Hughes family had died unexpectedly in the past few decades, so that I became the last legal heir."

"After arriving in that isolated town, the litigator took me to the castle of the Hughes family and counted the properties I could inherit. He said that the family was already sitting on nothing, and most of the land and property would be sold to the banks. take away."

"If you are interested, I heard a lot of rumors about the Hughes family from the townspeople. Ah, I also wrote them down as material for the paper." Adelia clicked on the screen of her phone and said, "Send Arrived in your mailbox."

"What kind of person was my great-grandfather?" Lin An asked while checking emails.

"A humorous and charitable nobleman - more like a country squire than a duke in this era. He is knowledgeable. He has a strong interest in astronomy, archeology and theology, and loves to collect antiques and ancient books."

Adelia fell into memories.

"Even so, the locals nicknamed your great-grandfather, 'The Last Vampire'; he lived to be a full 147 years old."

"Then when did he die?"

"three years ago."

"Will you die of old age naturally?"

"Yes. I visited his grave at the local church."

Lin An frowned slightly. As the author of "Encyclopedia of Magic", this member of a suspected aristocratic family would actually die a year before the arrival of "Comes"?

Wasn't he really murdered?

"Mother, I still have a question." Lin An expressed his doubts, "Why did you send me your great-grandfather's inheritance in advance? And just those "Encyclopedia of Magic"?"

"Because you will be very interested." Adelia smiled, "Isn't this what I have been doing all along? Keep sharing my interests with you until we stand on the same level of knowledge."

Lin An became more and more puzzled as he stared at his mother's expression that didn't seem to be fake.

After talking, he found out that his mother was an ordinary person who knew nothing about her family, and even needed the foundation to tell her information about "Comes".

In the past few decades, the Hughes family has been wiped out due to accidents...

Could it be that my great-grandfather sent his mother abroad specifically to preserve his bloodline?

A game between aristocratic families, or a simple secular dispute?

"Professor Hughes!"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice interrupted their conversation.

"Oh, Miss Wood." Adelia stood up, "Nice to meet you."

Thank you to HAL2000, おyou20200823065651411, and Daziba for your monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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