World Occult User Guide

Chapter 164 Conditions that inspire mystery

Lin An takes back the Philosopher's Stone.

[Prayer for Candlelight Day] was still flickering. De Waal maintained a half-kneeling posture, staring at Lin An with a pair of ferocious blue eyes, and spat a mouthful of phlegm mixed with blood on the ground.

"It was in the early morning of January 9th. I accompanied Sancher to the university museum to do homework. I didn't notice it before, but recently I became a Christian, and suddenly I noticed a statue in the corner that looked very much like the Way of the Saints."

"While the security guard wasn't paying attention, I wanted to touch the statue to feel happy, but who knew the staff had placed it so unstablely! I just touched it casually, and the statue fell down and broke into pieces! Damn, it's so unlucky!"

"The university asked me to pay, but where did I get the money? A bunch of sick-brained guys! Fortunately, Sancher was willing to pool money with me and work part-time to pay off the debt." De Waal clenched his fists. "As a result, he had to go back and forth to the construction site that day. There was a car accident!”

"The statue in the museum..." Lin An pondered for a moment, "Do you still remember who donated it?"

"How the hell did I know! You don't know how to surf the Internet?"

"Brush it!"

The Philosopher's Stone was activated again, and Derval's rebelliousness turned back into crying for mercy.

"It was donated by an Isbanian noble! It seems to be some rare medieval item..."

"Did the statue have some kind of bond with you at that time?" Lin An then asked.

"I can't remember." De Waal scratched the remaining hair. "Anyway, I had an urge to touch it, so I did it."

"Did this awaken the mystery in you?"

"After smashing the statue, I didn't stop doing anything. I just took a piece of the head. Anyway, I had to pay for it! I saw Sanchere on the hospital bed that day..."

Deval bit his tongue and swallowed his words.

"Anyway, I just wanted him to open his eyes and never die. I kept praying to the fragment of the statue at night, and I fell asleep unknowingly. In my dream, I felt some kind of energy flowing to me... The next day, I suddenly could Use mystical magic."

"Energy..." Lin An said casually, "You are quite skilled in controlling the mystery. Didn't you receive any guidance from anyone?"

"I am a believer in the way of the saints! How could I not know the beliefs of my own religion!" De Waal argued fiercely.

Your acting skills are so bad, thanks to you being an art college student.

Too lazy to continue questioning De Waal, Lin An knew for sure that the person who taught him behind the scenes was basically Doris Wood.

Excluding the foundations of the other two major mystic factions in Dietrich City, if Deval seeks refuge with the witch on the other side, when he is in a life-and-death crisis, the witch who will never abandon her companions has already used the "Dreamer" space to shuttle over. Rescued.

No matter what plan Doris had, Lin An fell into a thinking storm.

De Waal's statement was the final piece of the information puzzle, and the question about the conditions for the mystic's awakening was finally explained.

First, the lowest level of weird stories.

This only needs to correspond to the bloodline of folklore legends - mixed blood is also acceptable - and the character that roughly matches the corresponding medium of each god. When "Comes" arrives, the corresponding prototype can be generated.

This prototype meets two conditions. One is that the person has known this mystery before, and the other is that the prototype medium corresponds to the person's personality.

After satisfying them, only three more special conditions need to be satisfied.

The first is that the individual feels empty inside and is dissatisfied with the status quo; the second is that the individual has been more or less radiated by the energy of other mystical beings; the third is that the individual is experiencing intense emotional fluctuations.

Next is the second-level disaster-level mystic.

In addition to the above conditions, they have a deeper understanding of the field of occultism, have a sufficiently comprehensive and detailed understanding of a certain archetype, and the mystery they learn must match their own medium.

For example, Carmen, Cat Sith, Evancia-senpai...

A typical counterexample is Mrs. Ava. Although she has been obsessed with the field of occultism for many years and has been exposed to other mysterious archetypes, it does not match her personality medium, and she learned that the highest-level "prophet" is the Zongzong Demon.

The legendary level above cannot awaken naturally, which is also the key point Lin An figured out this time.

De Waal's words basically confirmed his guess. The legendary mysterious stimulation requires the help of some "basic radiation value".

Joshua mentioned in the information that "Comes" has overlapped with the orbit of Titan four times so far. In addition to the "global radiation" four thousand years ago and this decade, there are two less obvious small ones. range projection.

During this period, the mystics made many mysterious items, similar to Lin An's magic wand, Doris' Canaanite magic tablet, or Lu Zige's pipe gift.

When "Comes" leaves, these items will lose energy along with their owners and become antiques with empty legends and no real use.

They may be collected by aristocratic families, wealthy people, museums and other professional institutions, or they may be damaged due to the changes of the times, or they may be wandering in the wilderness, waiting for the arrival of the destined person.

Mystics above the legendary level must use the basic radiation of these items to glimpse a corner of the true law of "Comoth", thereby stimulating the mystery.

The legendary level also needs to meet the prerequisites of bloodline and cognition, otherwise the "sub-class" derivative prototype of the item will be awakened, causing the time rating to decline.

The basis for this inference is right before our eyes.

Unit 2 is the "Yemaya" that was only born in the 19th century. Considering the average time of the four star orbits overlapping, Lin An suspected that the statue he saw in the museum should be similar to the "Saint" of the Savior or the Yoruba The "gods" are related to one of the two.

It's just that his lack of knowledge stops there.

According to Lin An's knowledge in the inspection team, if they want to reach the mythical level, they must not only complete all the above conditions, but they must also go through a special "ritual".

Unfortunately, the process of the ceremony is basically monopolized by aristocratic families, and ordinary people do not have access to this knowledge.

Further up are the source level and the statue level. These two represent the top of the mystics of Titan, full of unknowns.

Lin An's initial speculation is that the source level is closely related to the pollution level of a person's "ancestors".

Pollution will completely transform the human body, and it may even penetrate into genes. Even if "Comes" leaves, Lin An feels that this impact is likely to exist.

Sister Shuzi said that many local gods have disappeared forever. I am afraid that all individuals who did not possess the genes died in the colonial war, and all related antiquities were destroyed.

This is only Lin An's temporary idea, and more practice and exploration are needed.

As for the statue level...

The closest person he has come into contact with so far is Adam Kadmon. According to Jericho's Tree of Life plan, the statue level requires "blood sacrifices" to a large number of mystics and the fusion of an ancient artifact containing the medium of the "Lamp Goddess".

As for the ritual process, blood sacrifice is not necessary, and what the "Lamp Goddess" represents, Lin An has no idea.

Exhaling a breath, he felt the pleasure of clearing the clouds and seeing the sun, but as clues emerged, Lin An had a new problem.

How did Simon become the mythical "Lord of Dreams"?

Who performed the ceremony for him?

Why did Mixi, who had an ordinary origin, become the legendary "God of Farming"?

Before becoming a real mystic, Mi Xi mentioned that she met a strange young man with beeswax skin and white hair in the exchange warehouse. He said "Dharma" to Mi Xi.

Dharma, the free translation in Hindi is "Dharma".

The term is all-encompassing and permeates all aspects of Brahmanical beliefs such as Vedic worship rituals.

What is the origin of that boy?

His words alone turned Mi Xi into the Fairy Queen?

What was he doing in the Foundation's warehouse?

"Dong dong, dong dong!"

The drum beat interrupted his thoughts, Lin An raised his head, and the whole sky darkened at some point.

A group of distorted creatures like human-faced birds wander around. Their bodies are short and thick, and their eyes only have bloodthirsty killing. They keep squirming around, like caterpillars eating the blue sky, casting abnormal and illusory shadows. .

Are these the remaining mental portraits of Unit 2?

A total of 7, which is exactly the number of minors who died in his hands according to the records of the Foundation.

The saint's aura can be radiated through song, dance, and drumming, so when the spiritual portraits are about to perform a witchcraft, a special musical sound spreads as they swim.

"Dong-dong-dong! Dang-dong-dong!"

The drum beat gradually accelerated, and the dance of the spiritual portraits in the sky was like the waves of a hurricane. The breath of Yemaya filled the air, and De Waal, who was trapped in the center of the five-pointed star, looked up to the sky and laughed crazily.

"Hahaha, do you think you can sever the relationship between me and the spiritual portraits? Humph, that's just to make you believe that I can act in a show! Let me go quickly, otherwise these portraits will go on a killing spree! Let the whole college be buried with me !”

It turned out that he had just pretended to give in and was secretly mobilizing portraits from various places in Ditli City.

They were originally ensuring the performance of witchcraft next to his target. At this moment, they were recalled by De Waal with the intention of threatening Lin An with the lives of everyone in the Art Academy.

De Waal stared at Lin An in front of him secretly and licked his lips with his tongue.

The spiritual portrait will continue to execute the instructions after his death, but Lin An, who knows nothing about blocking souls, can only watch this place turn into a sea of ​​blood!

The foundation could only launch rescue operations, but it could not stop the killing of spiritual portraits!

Until they exhaust their aura and dissipate on their own!

"Why do you have so much malice towards your classmates?" Lin An said expressionlessly.

Hearing this, De Waal became angry.

"Those people claim to be equal on the surface, but secretly call me a 'freak', and will always exclude me from integrating! I can't be a member of any group! Except for Sangsang... Damn, even the guitar in two directions The hands and drummers are laughing at me!”

"The self-pity of the rainbow flag has become your oxygen. Is there a possibility that no matter what gender you change, it won't change the fact, because people simply don't like hippies."

"Shut up!"

De Waal was stabbed in pain and yelled loudly.

"I don't need your evaluation in my life! Before long, you will be the sinner who caused the fall of Ditli City! Idiot!"

"Actually, I'm just waiting for you to take the initiative to gather your own portraits."

Derval, whose face was covered in blood, was stunned.

Putting aside the meaning of these words, Lin An's behavior was too calm when he learned that this college was about to become a hell on earth.

It was as if how the situation developed was under his control.

Is it possible that he has a way to resolve my witchcraft?

A terrible suspicion came to mind, and De Waal quickly put it behind him.

impossible! Mysteries related to the soul are definitely not something ordinary people can decipher casually!

This is also the reason why that adult values ​​him!

Moreover, he has seen the list of employees in the direct-to-face department of the St. Annilov Foundation, and none of them has mystical skills related to the soul!

There was nothing they could do about de Waal's spiritual portrait!

But according to common sense, no one can spot him with an ordinary aura from the huge crowd...

Did I prejudge it?

Doesn't he belong to the Foundation at all?

The ominous premonition became clearer and clearer, and De Waal's Adam's apple was already trembling, and he couldn't help shouting sharply.

"So, so what? Do you fucking understand the mysteries related to the soul?"

"Of course."

The young man leaned down, his smiling face dilated in Deval's pupils, and he spoke in a ghostly voice that only the two of them could hear.

"——Because I am the [ghost]."

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